The "Feild Group" doesn't have the property "visible" so it cannot be hidden. In your case, it would be better to delete it and then change the position of the needed elements manually in the RecordPageSettings schema.
I want to remove the prefix number (example 950040011 to 50040011) from the telephone number that comes from PABX system. I want to do it inside the CRM. When we use telephony connector (Ex TAPI) the incoming call arrives with a prefix number 9. I want remove it within the CRM.
The phone number prefix settings are configured on the PBX side.
We receive data from the PBX and display phone numbers in our system according to the following logic:
When we make a call or receive an incoming call to the number 1234567890, we "reverse" this number and get 0987654321. We then start comparing this number with existing numbers in the system, starting from the end.
For example, we have the number 1114567890 in our system. We begin comparing it from the end and see that this number partially matches because 1114567890 and 1234567890 have the common ending "4567890"
However, with the number 1234567891, this won't work because we start the comparison from the end, and we'll immediately skip this number in the list of similar ones.
We have a system setting called SearchNumberLength, and this setting determines how many digits from the reversed number we will compare with the number set in the contact/account.
So, if we set this value to 7 when you call the number 1234567890, it will match the number 1114567890 because, from the end, the first 7 digits will be identical - 0987654.
do you know where to find the results from the system setting "Enable gathering mobile application usage statistics" (CollectMobileAppUsageStatistics)? I have not been able to find a lookup or something similar.
Greetings everyone! I have started diving into the calendar located in the "Activities" section within the Marketing Module.
I was wondering if anyone has used this to implement an email marketing calendar and if so, what would be the best approach? Thanks for any guidance provided.
Unfortunately, as of now, there is no possibility to do it using the OOTB functionality.
Thank you so much for your idea. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product.
What does the "ProcessElementId" under an Activity-record in the database refer to? I will attach a picture from our database.
In essence, we are trying to create tasks through Odata-API that are tied to a specific case stage. But all tasks we create show up on all stages of the opportunity which we dont want. The only difference between tasks we create from Odata and tasks created through the case stage setup seems to be that the ProcessElementId-value is filled in.
Can anyone tell what purpose this value serves and how we could case stage-dependent tasks?
The field ProcessElementId refers to a record in the SysProcessElementData table. This table contains information about all the running elements in business processes. The value ProcessElementId represents the ID of the element that created this specific activity.
Regarding data import, how does the system recognize and track data imports into specific objects?
For instance, when I click on the link ("Open imported records") provided in the data import notification, I wanted to know how the system knows which object it's associated with and in which object/table is that information being stored?
It tags the records. Each record imported has a tag added of the date time of the import. When you click that link from the notification it opens the section and sets a filter for that specific tag.
It tags the records. Each record imported has a tag added of the date time of the import. When you click that link from the notification it opens the section and sets a filter for that specific tag.
I wanted to send a notification when data is imported in a particular object. As you stated above "when we click on notification it opens the section", how can I get that section details or which table in database is the section id stored for that particular import?
Is it possible to set certain business requirements on Dynamic Case Management, for example to require that certain fields are populated or that a lookup field is one of a selection of values?
To be clear, as I think I might not have been initially, is it possible to have manual transitions with transition requirements, as opposed to automatic transitions when certain conditions are met.
"Manually" you can go both to the previous and subsequent stages from the current one, except when there is a mandatory task, in which case you can only go back (to the previous stages) without completing the task. More detailed information is provided at our academy in the block "Dynamic case setup (DCM)":
Hi Malika, thanks for your reply. I think the options for mandatory tasks is quite limited though right? As it doesn't enable transition requirements like I put in my original question - requiring that certain data requirements are met, such as certain fields being populated or lookup fields contain certain values etc. Unless I'm missing something in the academy documentation you linked to me?
I have a problem with direct editing tiles in business processes.
Let's say I need that when someone creates a business process, the relevant tiles display a description of what is in them, e.g. the content of an email, sms or other template.
Is this possible using native Creatio elements? Or does it have to be done using developer tools? Or is it not possible at all?
Currently this cannot be achieved using standard tools (and cannot tell which approach in customizations theoretically can help). The only way to add elements description is to specify them in the process description itself (make a list of all elements and a brief clarification on each of these elements). But I will ask our R&D team to add an additional column to each element to make it possible to leave comments on elements there. Thank you for this idea and helping us in making the app better!
We are trying to set up a default case in DCM for our Leads, but I cannot see a way to achieve this with the GUI editor - we can either specify some other set of values for the "Which column determines which case to use with a record?" column, or can specify that that column is not filled in, but our use case is such that it should choose this default case when either the column is not populated or the column is populated by any values not specified in other Cases' filters. Can this be done in some way I'm missing?
Unfortunately, the desired behavior cannot be configured in such a way out of the box. You can only use a set of values for the "Which column determines which case to use with a record?" column or can specify that that column is not filled in separately on standard DCM tools.
We believe that default case managing can be achieved by means of development.
Hi Serhii, do you know what sort of development this would entail? I tried modifying the case's metadata in a trial environment using a filter generated by adding a static filter to a data list, but the case management designer failed to load properly when I'd done that and the Lead that would match the modified query didn't have any DCM bar against it when I loaded it, so it didn't seem to work.
The only other thing I can think of would be to have an additional redundant field that's based on the column(s) that are wanted (and automatically gets updated as they do) that stores the Case required, but it's not the most elegant solution. Would be nice to hear if there is some method I've not thought of?