

Is there a way to log the merge while using the 'find and merge duplicates' function? If I merge 2 Contacts, will I be able to see the merge in the Change log or somewhere else in the system?


Thank you!

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Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, it is not possible to set up logging for the "Merge duplicates" action at the moment. However, we have registered this idea for our R&D team and they will review the possibility of adding such functionality in future releases.

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Has someone figured out how to merge duplicate contacts in the contacts section in freedom UI ? The documentation only shows classic UI contact page https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/creatio-apps/creatio_basics/busine…




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Unfortunately, it is not possible to check the deduplication for a contact record while it is being created. You can do it through a mass search for duplicates, which can be launched on the page with rule settings. As a temporary solution, you can display the Contacts section in Classic UI, where you can perform deduplication check on this page.

At the moment this is the only solution. The responsible team is already working on adding this feature in the next releases.




Hope it comes soon, that was a highly appreciated "hygiene" function and highly demanded by our new prospects.



Hi, Any news about a component to manage duplicate customers or accounts or whatever and be able to merge them into Freedom UI pages?

Thanks, but this didn't solves the problem of existing duplicated contacts/accounts, just to advice when try to add a new one.


What I'm asking for is the ability to merge contacts or accounts or whatever like in Classic UI


1.- In Classic UI when you list contacts, select some (duplicated) and have an action to merge them


2.- Also in Classic UI, when open a contact, for example, if have some duplicated you have the choice to merge them


My question is, when this functionality will be enabled in Freedom UI







are there any news on this "lost" feature?




Definitely needed in Freedom UI. I hate that I have to add the classic sections to a workplace to have users go there to use the functionality to merge records. 


Ditto 1 million times, this is a major missing function from freedom at this point.

Ryan Farley,



I've only seen information about deduplication on save in recent roadmap update, but not full proper deduplication functionalities, which is one of the crucial functionalities in maintaining a healthy CRM database.

Definitely need this functionality to return. It doesn't make sense how Freedom UI has been out for so long and we're still waiting on such an important feature.

Any updates on this? 

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Hi community,


I want to merge duplicated records under the section Cases. I have a ton of cases that have common information and in my situation, there is a key field created by me which stores an external identifier of the record, which is different from the default Case autogenerated number field. If I filter cases by the value of that field I find more than one record, which means that there is redundancy that I need to fix.se


I can't do a excel file upload trying to overwrite the information as it will fail when it encounters duplicates. I think the only way to approach this is with a business process, but in the available operations there is one called Find and merge duplicates

But it only lets me search for records from the sections Contacts and Accounts, so I can't access Cases as I want.


Could you please help me implement this or suggest a possible solution?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Please check the article below. There you will find detailed instructions regarding your question.



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I have active duplitace rule 

Contact duplicates. Full name but still i can create new contact with the same name...

i shouldn't have option to save becouse this contact already exist but i can... and system do not show me similar contact at all


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Hi i want to make new duplicate search rule

I created a new workplace and added a new section. I wish it would look for duplicates for the records in this section. Which has the same order date, account and Opportunity

- created new order (object - zamowenia, add new order)

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Please ensure that the duplicate search rules were added to the custom section according to the instruction.

The bulk duplicate search service works by Global Search service. Global Search can index only strings and lookup columns.

As a result, adding the deduplication rule to a DateTime column is not possible.

I don't have any attributes to add but I have got list page and form page


Arkadiusz Polus,

Please check the "Indexing for full-text search" parameter for the custom section in the Section wizard.

I created it in the application hub and I don't see such a checkbox anywhere

Arkadiusz Polus,


Unfortunately, Duplicate search rules cannot be added to a new section that was created in the Application Hub.

This functionality will be implemented in the 8.0.6 version.

thank you!

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When searching duplicates, we have no clue how many duplicates there are when the results are shown, there is no total number showcasing this.

Is there anyway to find it out ?



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Hello Damien,


There is no such a metric that can show the total amount of duplicates found by the process. But I will create a query to our R&D department to check the possibility of adding it into the future releases of Creatio platform.

Thank you for the idea!


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

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Where can I find Accounts and Contacts, excluded from duplicates search as 'Not duplicate'?

There are doubts and some of same mistakenly were marked as 'Not duplicate' in global duplicates search and it is necessary to remove this mark


Thank you!

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Can you please specify what Creatio version you have and also your Deduplication service version?

Hi Mira Dmitruk,

Sales Team. Version (Cloud)

How can I found Deduplication service version?



For the mechanism of Bulk duplicates search using the deduplication service, in order to reset the "Not duplicates" flags of all marked packs of duplicates on the deduplication service, it is necessary to clean the UniqueEntity table in mongodb.

In future releases, it should be possible to change the logic of the "not a duplicate" mark so that this action can be canceled by basic tools.


In case you use the deduplication service in cloud, and you get the situation when you need to clean the table with "not a duplicate" in mongo, please don't hesitate to contact us and we will help you to clean it.

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Hello! When merging duplicates when the data has different values, the system allows you to choose which one is correct. In my case, the data differs in several fields, but the system only offers one field.


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Best reply



Adding it once again, should be visible now:

Best regards,


Hello Roman, 


The column will be displayed in the "Merge duplicates" window,  as soon as there is a conflict between values of this column in the records you are about to merge. However, there are a few exceptions:

- column is included in the list of ignored columns;

- it's empty;

- it's a system column. 

As we see the column from your screenshot is included in list of ignored columns (base logic of the system):

More detailed information can be found on our Academy:


Best regards, 



Anastasiia Zhuravel,


Thanks for your reply. Where can I see the list of ignored columns?





As mentioned in the article I have shared in a previous message - "Creatio will not duplicate identical communication options, addresses, and noteworthy events."

It's a base logic of a system which is specified in system's code. The screenshot I've shared in a previous message displays the part of the code with a list of ignored columns.

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Sorry, but the image is not displayed



Adding it once again, should be visible now:

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

I have a requirement that in details once you created a record with a record number(for Ex:-800009),  you can't create another record with same record number. I have to restrict the duplicate creation of record number.

Can anyone help me to achieve this?


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Hello Jagan,


Unfortunately, at the moment, deduplication functionality can only be used for the main columns of the object, i.e. You cannot set up rules for searching for duplicates for details.


Details pull information from another section. It is necessary to search and merge duplicates in the section itself. 

We have already registered the idea for our R&D team to implement this functionality in further releases. I will assign your case to this project in order to increase its priority.


Best regards,


Hi Bogdan,

Can I get the script code for How to achieve the deduplication functionality for the  main columns of the object?



Jagan Nayak,




Unfortunately, as of now we do not have any ready to use examples of such implementation done by code. 


Best regards,


+ 1 for this functionality

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Hi Team,

How does this merge records will work?

There are dplicate record in a section and this "Merge Record" menu option is disabled. Bulk duplicate search service installed.

If "Show duplicate Account" duplicate rule is ran, it shows the list and the merge works and generally if a duplicate record is searched in filter and if there are multiple entries, after selecting all duplicate entries, this merge record menu option is disabled.



Besr regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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"Merge records" on the actions menu should become enabled when you select more than one record in the list (as long as the user also has the "Duplicates processing" (CanMergeDuplicates) operation permission). Could it be that the user account doesn't have this permission?


Ryan Farley,

Thanks for the note!

1. Here more than one duplicated record is selected

2. The logged-in user is the supervisor and has the "Duplicates processing" (CanMergeDuplicates) operation permission). 



If a record is filtered and multiple entries (i.e., duplicates) are selected this merge record is disabled. If multiple records in a section are selected without applying any filters in the section filter (OOTB filter option --: "Merge Record" option is enabled).



Best regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

I looked at the code for the merge button, it looks like it sets visible based on if the user has the permission or not, not the enabled property. For the menu item to be enabled, it looks like it just uses the "isAnySelected" to determine if any records are selected in the list (isAnySelected is implemented in GridUtilitiesV2 mixin). 

Apparently, that is returning false for your section. Do you have any console errors showing when using that section?


Ryan Farley,

No console errors for the section.

Now it works. But haven't changed any operation permission or configuration.

Thanks for the insight !

It seems the property enabled/disabled is based on  "isAnySelected"  attribute and the operation permission read from "SysAdminOperation" which defines the access right.

could you please help with the module that has this Merge menu code? 



Best regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.


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