
I download the Excel report app from the Marketplace but when I try to create a Section Report for the sections that I created or for the sections of  Contacts and Accounts it doesn't show the button that allows me to generate the report for the section. If I try with other sections like Activities I don't have this problem. 

Can someone help me please? 

Thanks you. 

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I'm trying to create a new Application throught Application management - Application Hub.

But every time have an error:

"25P02: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block"

What's wrong?

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Hello Svitlana!


Hope you're doing well.


Please make sure that your development procedure is organized correctly. For that you can check the next articles: 

Also, we suggest to check this Marketplace application. It can help you to generate packages from the file system.

had the same issue, problem is that update from file system is deleting a schema with id = 1, but not deleting schema with parentId = 1. you can delete temporary contrain in sysschema to update from sile system and thne when trying to recreate you will find the schema and will be able to react to fix this and recreate constraint

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Hi All,


How to debug the code of source code which is there in cloud instance of creatio


Option 1 : Tried to downlod the source code package of Creatio, in configuration tab but "Download packages to file system" is disabled to download packages in to local machine


Please help and advice




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those instructions do not apply to cloud sites. In order to debug C# code, you'll need a local copy of the site. You can request a copy of the cloud site's database from support and also get the installation files. Then you can set up your own local copy of the cloud system to debug there. There's no option for debugging the server-side code of a cloud system.

Thanks for response 

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Is there a way to initiate a business process from a Freedom UI page?

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Hello Raoul,

There are no-code ways to start a process from buttons, etc in a Freedom UI page. I do have a article that outlines how to start a process via code on a Freedom UI page here: https://customerfx.com/article/starting-a-process-from-client-side-code…


Hello Raoul,

There are no-code ways to start a process from buttons, etc in a Freedom UI page. I do have a article that outlines how to start a process via code on a Freedom UI page here: https://customerfx.com/article/starting-a-process-from-client-side-code…


Ryan Farley,

Thank you Ryan.  That's awesome!

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When I do an approval using the BPM tool it doesn't show in the panel of notifications so i can't select any option or continue with the process. Can someone help me please? 


Thanks you. 

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Can you tell us in which object are you trying to get the approvals?

Hello Laura, Please contact our support directly, as then they will be able to gain external access to your website and provide needed support

Hello Goparna Nasina,

I try to get the approvals with objects that I created and also with Accounts and Contacts  object 

Hello Karol

Thank you, I will contact support 

Hello Laura Jurado,

Can you check if the  "Enable approval in section" button in the particular sections is checked or not.

To receive approvals for a particular section you have to enable the approval button.

Thanks & regards

Goparna Nasina

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I have install the Excel reports builder from the Marketplace (https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/excel-reports-builder-creatio) and I have the following problem, when I want to generate a new section report for one of the new sections that I created it doesn't show the button that allows me to download the report. I have this problem with the sections that I created using the Application Hub and with the Accounts and Contacts section because I try with other sections like Activity and it shows the button to generate the report. 

Any help greatly appreciated here. 

Thanks you. 

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Hi Laura!

The app does not support report download in Freedom UI sections. I have sent your feedback to the responsible team.

As a workaround, you can set up reports that have "Custom report" report type. That way you can generate a report in the Excel reports section.

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Hi all.

I'm tying to manually save in silent mode an active record.

When we open a records from the section page, the record (the edit page) is opened in a combined view so if I have a (custom) button on the action bar (on the top, near the "Actions" button) and when clicking on it >> trigger a function.. the function is located in the "xxxSection" JS module.


The problem is that on the section's JS methods, there is no "this.save(config)" method (like we have on an edit page js module) .


So, how can we programmatically save the active record in the "section" module code?

* We need this because we want to force "save record" before doing the actual logic after clicking the button.

(Regular UI ... NOT freedom UI)




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You can try using the this.executeCardMethod("save") method upon clicking your button (as it's developed for the "Qualify" button in leads (see the onLeadManagementSectionButtonClick method from the LeadManagementUtilities module)). This will automatically save a page record even if the button was declared in the section code.

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Hi Creatio academy,

We have a Creatio Instance which is running in the Cloud with version:


We have developed a custom package (with the 'Compile into a separate assembly' checkbox true). 


As a result we can not access the Newtonsoft.Json package from UserTask.


The normal solution is to import the dll in our custom pacakge as a reference assembly.

Question: Wich is the correct version of the dll to import ?


I have the binary files of '' and in the root/bin folder i can see the NewtonSoft.Json dll. Is this the correct one to import ?


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Hi Sasori,


Yes, you can use the existing lib and upload it to your assembly package. This should do the same as the lib from the main workspace.

Hi Team,

Any update regarding this question ?

Hi Sasori,


Yes, you can use the existing lib and upload it to your assembly package. This should do the same as the lib from the main workspace.

Thanks for the confirmation Oleg!

Hi all, 
I would like to use an external library called csvHelper in a SourceCode file. 

I managed to download the .dll file of that library but I want to import that to my package. Can you please help me with that ?

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Hi Team Creatio,


I have an excel file when I want to import the file it doesn't work or 0%.


Following file attch, is lookup the cause of this?


Please Feedback




File attachments
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Hello community,


I have noticed that when the opportunity is passing through the stages set on the DCM bar, these do not appear (some do not appear at all, some appear, but never the full flow from start to finish; New -> ... -> Satisfied)

Do you know how can I solve this? Or at least, where and how data is added in the Stages detail?

Thank you.

Here are missing stages.

Here there is no stage at all.

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