Dear colleagues,


I'm facing an issue with filtering records in a ListPage. I need to implement a cascading lookup relationship between two Quick Filters:

  1. Quick Filter 1 (QF1): Category
  2. Quick Filter 2 (QF2): Subcategory

My goal is to dynamically update the options in QF2 based on the selected value in QF1. For instance, if the user chooses "Category A" in QF1, QF2 should only display the subcategories associated with "Category A.", 


If user in QF1 selects Category A & C, in QF2, just see SubCategories associated with "Category A & C"


Is this functionality possible?


Thank you for your help.


Julio Falcón

Like 2





We have consulted with the product owners of this feature, and we are sure that this task can only be achieved using development.

Also, we have created a request for our developers to bring this functionality in future releases.

Thank you for this suggestion; it helps make our product better!

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Hi Community,

Can you provide a snippet on how we can achieve the following?

For example in the 'Contacts' editable list

We want the field 'Full Job title' to be editable and the field 'Email' to be NOT editable (its values are populated via Business processes) so we dont want manual insertion from the user. How can this be achieved?


Like 3



You could add a business rule at the object level to disable editing of the email, but then it would also be disabled at the page level (unless that is also what you want). Other than that, the only option is to turn off the editable list property (since, currently, you can't make certain fields editable and others not)

@sasori Great idea !

Try add a readonly flag to your column in crt.DataGrid for Contacts
After that try to restore default settings on the page for this detail if you added more columns to this grid. This functionality is kinda buggy.

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Maybe someone has already implemented highlighting of rows in a list according to conditions at Freedom UI?

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I don't believe it's possible with the Freedom UI list. It doesn't fire the necessary requests for each row. Only option for now, as far as I am aware, is to add color to a lookup value as in…

Hello Grygorii,
Thank you for your question.

Unfortunately, in current version of Creatio there is no built-in option to highlight a record in list page in Freedom UI.

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Hi Everyone,

I need to add button in the standard list (say Contacts). On click of this button, I want to call custom web service function. Is there a way I can do that. Is there any alternative available for the same.


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Hello Manoj,
Thank you for your question.

There is an article available on the Academy that covers this topic with an example.

Regarding following question: "Is there any alternative available for the same". 

It depends on what you mean here. You can call a web service from different parts of an application. For example, you can make a business process that makes a call to a web service (link).

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any question left.

Yevhenii Grytsiuk,

Hi Yevhenii,

Apologies if my previous message was unclear. I want to add a button to each row in the native list, specifically as a column, and trigger a web service call when this button is clicked to sync data from another system.


For example, I need to add a sync icon as a column in the Project List. When the sync button for Project 1 is clicked, it should call the web service to sync data related to Project 1 from another system. Similarly, clicking the sync button for Project 2 should sync data related to Project 2, and so on.

I hope this clarifies my request. Thank you!

Manoj Patil,

You can add the following to the diff of the section: 

	"operation": "insert",
	"name": "DataGridActiveRowSyncButton",
	"parentName": "DataGrid",
	"propertyName": "activeRowActions",
	"values": {
		"className": "Terrasoft.Button",
		"style": "green",
		"tag": "sync",
		"caption": "Sync"


This will add the button. Then for handling the click, add this to the methods:

onActiveRowAction: function(buttonTag, primaryColumnValue) {
	if (buttonTag === "sync") {
		// do your stuff here
		// primaryColumnValue is the row's Id value
		// you can get other values from the row using
		var row = this.getActiveRow()
		var val = row.get("UsrSomeColumn");


Ryan Farley,

Hi Ryan,

Thank you for the details. 

This section is created via Section Wizard and it correctly appears in Application Hub. However, I do not a find a place where this code needs to be added. Please guide me on the same as I am unsure if I am missing anything here.

The Section wizard creates two client schema files. One ending in "Page" and one ending in "Schema". The one ending in "Schema" is the one you want to add this code to. To see these files you need to look at the contents of the package containing your customizations, either by opening Advanced Settings from your application in App Hub or using the Advanced Settings link in the System designer.


Ryan Farley,

I am unable to locate the System Designer icon on the Project List Page. See below screengrab.

I went to Advanced Settings and didn't find the schema files ending with "Page" and others ending with "Schema". See below screengrab.

Therefore, I navigated to Application Hub, Navigation Sections, and Selected Project which opened Projects: Section. 


In the Section Pages, I selected Edit Page which opened the Section Wizard screen with Tabs Pages, Business Rules, and Source Code at the top of the screen. 


I clicked on the Source Code tab and pasted the code at this place but it didn't reflect the new button in the list. 



I am unsure why the System Designer icon does not appear on the Project List screen. (Could it be a Creatio Version Issue? I am using Version
Why schema files ending with "Page" and "Schema" are not available in the Advanced Settings. (Could it be a Creatio Version Issue? I am using Version 
I assume I am placing the code on the Project Detail page and not on the Project List Page.

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I have some questions about lists in Creatio Freedom UI.

1. Is there any way to make a field read-only on a list while allowing it to be edited from the form page? I tried to use object-level business rules, but I couldn't disable the field only on the list. Fields are not available in the page-level business object on the list view.
2. Is it possible to add a custom validation for some fields on the list?
3. Is it possible to handle every field change, like on a form page? Some of my fields are being calculated live on the form page, using `crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest`. I'd like to do the same on the list page or at least make those fields read-only on the list page.
4. I found a crt.SaveRecordsRequest request during debugging that allows me to review user changes before saving. But when I try to open a mini page using request.$context.executeRequest, nothing happens.
5/ Do you know of any more helpful requests related to lists? I found some more, like `crt.SaveDataRequest`, but it seems to have a restricted scope, so I can't add my own handler for it.

Like 1



1.Yes you can deselect the inline editing of records option in the designer page for the detail.
2.Yes it is possible through code - but can you pls elaborate on what you mean by custom?
3.No you can't do the live calculation on the list page

Hello Eryk,
Thank you for your question!

Regarding your forth question. The following code should work
handler implementation code
Note that you also need to add @creatio-devkit/common library to your module dependencies as well as pass parameter it's function.
import deps and pass parameter to function
You can find some examples of how to open a page in custom handler here.

Regarding you fifth question. Could you please clarify and provide example on how you are implementing your logic? 

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Hi there. 

The goal is to adjust visibility of row toolbar Item depending on the value of the field of corresponding record. I added necessary column (ClvSaleStatus) to the list in Freedom UI designer, so all the changes to viewConfigDiff, viewModelConfigDiff and modelConfigDiff look to be present. But nevertheless, If i hide that column manually in the list page then corresponding attribute has undefined value and toolbar item is not visible

viewConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
		"operation": "merge",
		"name": "DataTable",
		"values": {
			"columns": [
					"id": "791d9bca-eac2-a585-0b1f-8ebacf4e2fa4",
					"code": "PDS_ClvSaleStatus",
					"path": "ClvSaleStatus",
					"caption": "#ResourceString(PDS_ClvSaleStatus)#",
					"dataValueType": 10,
					"referenceSchemaName": "ClvSaleStatus"
			"rowToolbarItems": [
					"type": "crt.MenuItem",
					"caption": "#ResourceString(ReserveObjectMenuItemCaption)#",
					"icon": "open-button-icon",
					"disabled": "$Items.PrimaryModelMode | crt.IsEqual : 'create'",
					"visible": "$Items.PDS_ClvSaleStatus | clv.IsObjectForSaleConverter",
					"clicked": {
						"request": "crt.ClvReserveObjectRequest",
						"params": {
							"itemsAttributeName": "Items",
							"recordId": "$Items.PDS_Id"
viewModelConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_MODEL_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
		"operation": "merge",
		"path": [
		"values": {
			"PDS_ClvSaleStatus": {
				"modelConfig": {
					"path": "PDS.ClvSaleStatus"
modelConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_MODEL_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
		"operation": "merge",
		"path": [
		"values": {
			"entitySchemaName": "ClvObject",
			"attributes": {
				"ClvSaleStatus": {
					"path": "ClvSaleStatus"
converters: /**SCHEMA_CONVERTERS*/{
	"clv.IsObjectForSaleConverter": function(value) {
		const result = value?.value == ClvJsConsts.ClvSaleStatus.ForSale;
		return result;
Like 0



Hi, here is an example of how to get the column value:

viewConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "DataGrid_3c1xo0k",
				"values": {
					"columns": [
							"id": "a68e978a-790d-9af6-974e-c102ee0bd00e",
							"code": "DataGrid_3c1xo0kDS_Stage",
							"path": "Stage",
							"caption": "#ResourceString(DataGrid_3c1xo0kDS_Stage)#",
							"dataValueType": 10,
							"referenceSchemaName": "OpportunityStage"
					"rowToolbarItems": [
							"type": "crt.MenuItem",
							"caption": "Test",
							"icon": "open-button-icon",
							"disabled": false,
							"visible": "$DataGrid_3c1xo0k.DataGrid_3c1xo0kDS_Stage | clv.IsObjectForSaleConverter",
		viewModelConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_MODEL_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "merge",
				"path": [
				"values": {
					"DataGrid_3c1xo0k": {
						"isCollection": true,
						"modelConfig": {
							"path": "DataGrid_3c1xo0kDS"
						"viewModelConfig": {
							"attributes": {
								"DataGrid_3c1xo0kDS_Title": {
									"modelConfig": {
										"path": "DataGrid_3c1xo0kDS.Title"
								"DataGrid_3c1xo0kDS_Stage": {
									"modelConfig": {
										"path": "DataGrid_3c1xo0kDS.Stage"
		modelConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_MODEL_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
		converters: /**SCHEMA_CONVERTERS*/{
			"clv.IsObjectForSaleConverter": function(value) {
				const result = value?.value == "test";
				return result;

Dmytro Vovchenko,

Well I didn't see any difference to mine code except that you are probably making it for detail and thus inserting new collection attribute "DataGrid_3c1xo0k" while my code is for section and thus merges new attribute to some collection attribute called "Items" which is added in BaseGridSectionTemplate schema.

Anyway, I solved my task by jsut making "clv.IsObjectForSaleConverter" async and requesting column value from db if it's hidden from the list

converters: /**SCHEMA_CONVERTERS*/{
	"clv.IsObjectForSaleConverter": async function(value, scope) {
		let result = value?.value == ClvJsConsts.ClvSaleStatus.ForSale;
		if (!result && !value) {
			const currentRecId = await scope.PDS_Id;
			if(sdk.isGuid(currentRecId)) {
					  const dataModel = await sdk.Model.create("ClvObject");
					  const filters = new sdk.FilterGroup();
					  filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "Id", currentRecId);
					  const records = await dataModel.load({
						  attributes: ["Id", "ClvSaleStatus"],
						  parameters: [{
							  type: sdk.ModelParameterType.Filter,
							  value: filters
					  const firstRecord = records[0];
					  const recSaleStatusId = firstRecord?.ClvSaleStatus?.value;
					  result = recSaleStatusId == ClvJsConsts.ClvSaleStatus.ForSale;
		return result;


Dmytro Vovchenko,

Ok, I rewrote viewModelConfigDiff to exactly match yours

	"operation": "merge",
	"path": [
	"values": {
		"Items": {
			"viewModelConfig": {
				"attributes": {
					"PDS_ClvSaleStatus": {
						"modelConfig": {
							"path": "PDS.ClvSaleStatus"

And it didn't help. If I hide column from the list => I get value argument of converter clv.IsObjectForSaleConverter as undefined. 


I looked into data saved to profile when hiding column from the list and it appears that it also modifies  viewModelConfigDiff and contains next snippet.

"viewModelConfigDiff": [


The main point I experimented with is how to apply a converter in this line:

"visible": "$DataGrid_3c1xo0k.DataGrid_3c1xo0kDS_Stage | clv.IsObjectForSaleConverter"

When it was filled incorrectly, I saw the same problem behavior that you described. The example I provided should tell you how it needs to be filled. Please check this part in your code.

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Is there a way to make a LookUp column the display value of the list. In this case I have the brand and display value to jump into the Record Form, I want that behavior in the ID Fleet which is a LookUp. Is it possible?

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Thank you for being a part of Creatio Community!


From the screenshot, it seems that your ID Fleet is a text field. In this article, you can find more information about setting up lists:…


We hope this helps!

ID Fleet is a LookUp



To create this kind of solution, you can use this…

as an example.

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Hi everyone,


Is there a way to display the "add next steps" button/functionality for each record in the list view, so that you can add a task to that record with the pre-filled values without opening that record? 


Thanks, Timea

Like 2


Best reply


I have discussed this request with the Product Owner.

As for now, there is no such functionality.

We have already registered the idea for our R&D team to implement this functionality in further releases.

Thank you for this suggestion, this helps to make our product better!

Love the idea


I have discussed this request with the Product Owner.

As for now, there is no such functionality.

We have already registered the idea for our R&D team to implement this functionality in further releases.

Thank you for this suggestion, this helps to make our product better!

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Hi everyone,


is it possible to sort the list by two values? For example I want to sort my list first by the Account and the by the Opportunity Name, because I have multiple opportunities for one Account, and I would like to see which are these. 


Thanks, Timea

Like 3





Unfortunately, such a feature is not available.

However, you can set a filter to display records only for a specific Account and then set a filter for opportunities.


We have also registered your request with our development team to explore the mechanisms of implementing such a feature.


Thank you for reaching out!

Hello, we create a field that is calculated as Account name + Opportunity name. So, if user filters by it, they get needed sorting (hardcoded one). Besides, this field can be set as primary displayed field

Kind regards,


Pavlo Sokil,

Hello Pavlo,


You know if and when this feature will be available in Freedom UI? It's a very important and critical feature in the project we are working on and the proposed workarounds (create a filter and/or create a concatenate field) don't match our needs.


Best Regards



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I want to include contacts from my opportunity in the opportunity list view. As i can add multiple contacts into an opportunity team, I checked for the right detail and found the object "Contact in opportunity" which has a contact column/field.

When trying to add this into my opportunity view, I'm only presented with a few fields (see screenshot). How to add all the opportunity team into my opportunity view (or at least the main contact)?

Thanks for your help

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Best reply


Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to display such a column on the page. Because you are trying to display a one-to-many relationship, which is not currently supported in the list.

Since you want to display a value from a detail, and there may be many records stored on the detail, the system will not be able to display the names of all records from the "Contact in opportunity" field in the list.

However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases. In case you would like to check  what stage this task is at, I am sending you the task number: PR-882. Feel free to share this number with us at any time and ask your questions.


Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to display such a column on the page. Because you are trying to display a one-to-many relationship, which is not currently supported in the list.

Since you want to display a value from a detail, and there may be many records stored on the detail, the system will not be able to display the names of all records from the "Contact in opportunity" field in the list.

However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases. In case you would like to check  what stage this task is at, I am sending you the task number: PR-882. Feel free to share this number with us at any time and ask your questions.

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