

We have created two sections: "Deliveries" and "Vessel Requets", we have added Deliveries as detail (Based on existing object) in Vessel Requests section . We will need to add existing records with multiple selection option using "+" button without creating new record (Please refer to the screenshot below). When added the selected Delivery records must be updated with the current Vessel Request ID. 



Please help and advice,

Best Regards.

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To add multi-select records, you can refer to the post in the Creatio community: 



The post provides valuable insights and guidance on implementing the multi-lookup value.


Regarding updating fields in the section, utilizing a business process is a suitable approach. You can configure a business process that triggers when a record is added to the detail and modify the necessary column values in the section. The business process can be designed to perform the required actions based on your specific requirements.

For detailed instructions on setting up a business process in Creatio, I recommend visiting the Creatio Academy. They offer comprehensive documentation and resources covering various aspects of the platform, including business processes. The following links will provide you with more information on the necessary process elements:




These resources will guide you through the process setup and help you leverage the full potential of Creatio's business process automation capabilities.


Best regards,



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We have created two sections : "Deliveries" and "Vessel Requests".  We have added Deliveries as Detail in Vessel Request section. we will to add existing records from + button without creating new objects. when added, the selected delivery records should be updated with the current vessel request. Please refer to the screenshot below.


Please help and advice.



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Hi Community,


My instance was developed on Customer Package

I want to create another package. Let's call it A package. To continue our development.

But after I set up the dependencies for A Package, I was unable to config Object from Custom Package

Should I move all elements from Custom Package to my A Package?

Or what else should I do?

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If you are developing in order to later transfer these changes to a production website (or any other website), it is essential to transfer these elements from the Custom package, as you have different bindings and data, as well as changes made to the objects. If you do not transfer them, the integrity of the development will be compromised, and the package is unlikely to be successfully installed on the target website.

Also, please note that the package must include all the necessary dependencies for these elements to be transferred. If, at the moment you want to move an element, you are missing a dependency, for example, the website will display a message indicating what is specifically missing.


Additionally, please familiarize yourself with the documentation:

Packages basics

Delivery in Creatio IDE

Move the functionality between packages

Kalymbet Anastasia,

I understood

I just have a further question.

If, I move all the elements from the Custom Package to my A package on the Development website. Then, I install that package on the Production website. The Production already had a Custom Package with all the same elements as the Development website.


Is there any possible error when I install my A Package on the Production site?

Bao Phan,


If they are the same elements with the same UId and name, then yes, there may be a conflict during installation.

Kalymbet Anastasia,

So if I create another package (B package) and move all elements from Custom Package to the B package on Production Site.

Then, I continue to develop A Package on the Development site and install it later on the Production Site

Is it possible doing it? Any conflict or error may happen?

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Transferring data through a package with objects. Where can I find out which object transfers which data?

For example, which object is used to transfer the "Organisatorische rollen" data?

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Good day,


Transferring an object does not move its data, but only the structure of the table itself.


To transfer data as part of a package from one environment to another, you need to create [data] bindings.

In the case of roles, currently, the method described above for quick transfer of rights will not work, and also since this functionality is closely related to the table of system users (SysAdminUnit).


It's not recommended to bind users, organizational structure, roles, licenses, and other administrative things to a package. It will be very hard to handle that if you decide to install that package after the moment when the client adjusts administrative things according to his or her needs directly on the production. 

Consider setting up the administrative structure directly on the required website. 


As a direct answer - the organizational roles are stored in the "SysAdminUnit" and "SysAdminUnitInRole" tables. Theoretically, it's possible to bind them to the package via SQL scripts. But it's strongly not recommended.



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Hello community!

I'm diving into the webhook functionality in Creatio with the goal of being able to define certain webhooks for a 3rd party app to integrate with Creatio. In other versions we develop anonymous and/or authenticated services for this but the idea is to use this "new" functionality.

I've been doing tests and in general it works very well using the OOTB funcionallity receiving a specific body for example including the EntityName paramter

As I commented, the objective is for third-party applications to send us information to be able to integrate into Creatio, and they would be sending their own Payload.

Based on what I was reviewing each call to

https://webhooks.creatio.com/webhooks/[API_KEY] saves a record to WebHooks and actually any kind of JSON could be sent. 

My question is: would it be a good approach to go this way and change the way requests are processed or would it be better to use ad-hoc services for this.

On the other hand, it is assumed that the process that is executed with a scehduler to process is: Create object records based on incoming webhooks but I do not see that there are logs of this process. Am I correct that this is the process? Why are the logs not displayed even the webhooks are processed?


Appreciate your comments.


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Currently, the webhooks service only works when JSON is sent in the correct format. We don't recommend changing this logic because It is a bad idea to change the way requests are processed it can lead to unknown consequences, it would be better to use ad-hoc services for this. 

You can read more about the webhook service here - https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/setup_and_administration/base_int…

Also, it looks like you have the correct process in your screenshot. To investigate the log issue in more detail, we recommend you contact our support team. You can send us an email at support@creatio.com.


Best regards, 


Anton Starikov,

could you please provide the community with the correct format of JSON that should be sent to webhook for correct processing.

cause uncertainty about "the way requests are processed can lead to unknown consequences, it would be better to use ad-hoc services for this" ... and webhook functionality became hardly appliable to the real tasks

Oleksandr Lisovyi,


View an example of the webhook that the [ Create object records based on incoming webhook ] business process can parse below:



"Contact": "Testing1",

"PhoneNumber": "+38077777887",

"Email": "test@testting.com",

"EntityName": "Contact",

"Name": "Testing1"


You can read more here - https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/setup_and_administration/base_int…


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Hi Everyone,


Please help me to find a way to add a custom date range filter option on the Home page. 

The exact requirement is to have a filter which is similar to the quick filters in the section dashboards.

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As of now the quick filter functionality (or ability to apply a separate filter) is not yet available for the Home pages. We've registered a corresponding query for our responsible R&D team to consider implementing this functionality in future releases. 

Best regards,


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I have bind column setup and object permission to the package and

I have exported the package from my on-site deployed Creatio.


Now I want to export it to my trial instance. I installed the package to the application hub but cannot see the content of that package on the instance where I have imported the package. I have successfully compiled the Creatio configuration too and also logged out of Creatio and logged back in.

Please  suggest me a solution for this problem.

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Apparently, the system does not look at the "Current Package" setting and will save administrative changes as a copy of an object in the custom package.

Hence why currently there are no OOTB tools to transfer administration settings and this task can be only achieved by means of development.

Information relating to the tables is given below:

- SysAdminUnit (Administration object: users and roles)

- SysUserInRole (Users in roles)

- SysFuncRoleInOrgRole (Functional role into organizational role)

- SysAdminOperation (System operations)

- SysAdminOperationGrantee (Access to system operations)

- SysEntitySchemaOperationRight (Access to objects)

- SysEntitySchemaRecordDefRight (Access to default records)

- SysEntitySchemaColumnRight - (Access to object columns)

- SysAdminUnitGrantedRight - (Delegated)

- SysWorkplace - (User Workplace)

- SysAdminUnitInWorkplace - (Users in the workplace)

- SysModuleInWorkplace - (Section in workplace)

I tried to bind these tables but was unable to do so

Satyam Kumar,


Please note that you must have at least basic developer skills to perform this procedure.

To generate queries, you can use tools like Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard. The resulting SQL script should be attached to the package (tab - "SQL Scripts").



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since an update to 8.08 (from 8.06), one of our processes has an unwanted behaviour :

a [Open edit page] element, linked to an existing email activity, seems to create an extra activity with [ Recommendations for filling in the page ] as title.

Is it a known behaviour ? how to avoid this ?


best regards


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Please contact our support team via support@creatio.com so we could proceed with further analizys as it's hard to determine the root cause of this behavior with no access to business process and site itself. 

Thank you for understanding!

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

ok, thanks !

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I'm trying to debug an email lister for a client.

But in the Email Listener Service Diagnostics, within the Checking mailbox health section.

When I select a mailbox, send a test email and run diagnostics it returns an error "One or more errors occured".

How do I check what these errors are?

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What checks can be performed in such a case:

  1. Verify the mailbox parameters in MailboxSyncSettings table to ensure that the tokens are correct.

    Select * from "MailboxSyncSettings"

  2. 1Try reauthorizing the mailbox. If basic authorization is used, provide the mailbox credentials again.

    2.2 If OAuth authorization is used, execute the script:

    update "MailboxSyncSettings" set "ErrorCodeId" = '5f906e1c-9521-45df-8e43-82b5109e0e4d' where "Id" = '*mailbox_id*'

    This will trigger an error message in CTI Panel . Then click "Connect mailbox again" in the error message that appears in the communication panel.


  3. Check the application logs and microservice logs for errors after reconnecting the mailbox.

  4. Ensure that the Email Listener settings are correct and that you are using the new version 1.0.17, which is available in the article.

  5. It is also important to verify that the settings on the provider side are correct.

If you encounter any other errors, please contact the support service. support@creatio.com

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Can someone help me to know, how I add a detail in a page that I am editing in the application Hub? 

I been searching how to do it but I can't find it. 

Thanks you. 


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Please refer to this article for the detailed information. 

Best regards,


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