

I'm calculating the response and resolution date in the case through a business process using the "Add Business Days" user task but is not working, it appears the error:

I think this happen because is not compatible with postgress sql.  Do you know if there is another user task or feature I can use to perform this calculation?


This is my process:


Thank you,  



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If the end result you're after is to add days to a date, you can use a formula such as:


Note, the [#Case.TheDateField#] would be the date fields read in the process. the important part is the .AddDays(3) which would add 3 days.




The problem here is that this user task is written for MSSQL, and there is a query that looks like this:

var selectQuery = new Select(_userConnection) .Column("dow", "Code").As("Code") .From("DayOfWeek").As("dow") .InnerJoin("DayInCalendar").As("dic").On("dow", "Id").IsEqual("dic", "DayOfWeekId") .InnerJoin("DayType").As("dt").On("dic", "DayTypeId").IsEqual("dt", "Id") .Where("dt", "IsWeekend").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(1)) .And("dic", "CalendarId").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(calendarId)) as Select;


We are interested in this line: .Where("dt", "IsWeekend").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(1))


In MSSQL, boolean columns are represented as 0 and 1 (false and true, respectively), whereas in PostgreSQL, they are represented as true and false. To address this issue, there are a few options:

- Avoid using this line of code and find an alternative way to filter the data without relying on the boolean comparison directly.

- Reach out to the addon developer and ask them to make the necessary adjustments to handle the PostgreSQL boolean representation.

- Try searching for a PostgreSQL-specific cast or conversion function that can convert an integer (1 or 0) to a boolean (true or false). 

Ryan Farley,

Thank you, but I need to add only working days.  The user task named  

"Add Business Days" is what I need but the problem is that it only works for MSSQL and not for PostgreSQL. 



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Hello Creatio Community,

Can a Creatio user (lets assume a sales agent) provide any user under the Creatio administrator role access to impersonate him/her (to troubleshoot certain issues) just like we do with support support using 'external access'- as documented in this link: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/7-17/user/setup_and_administration/sec…

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Unfortunately, users without the "System Administrator" role cannot grant permissions under the "Supervisor" user - which is the "System Administrator". 



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Hi Everyone,


I want to know how does Creatio use Negative values? In Integers and Decimals.


In our system, we have loads for our employees and sometimes employees complete more loads & less loads (Negative loads) then what they are allotted. So I just wanted to know if I can just use a single variable and store both values? as + and - ?

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Hello Hassan,


The logic of recognizing boolean values during the import is hardcoded and can't be changed with user tools. 

Currently, the following values are recognized:






I will create an idea for our R&D team to add localized values to this list in future Creatio releases. 

As for now please use the proposed values during the import. 


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Hi Creatio Community,

The documentation says we can add up to 3 custom sections on the Creatio Portal. Does this refer to only the new objects that I setup (as sections) from scratch or in other words objects that are not available as Out of the Box section, or does it refer to even from the Base set of Sections (For example: Product, Contracts & Invoices) that I might choose to add to the portal?

Additionally, if I create a custom object from scratch and define it as a detail (instead of creating it as a standalone section) within a portal section can I bypass this limitation of the portal license?

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Yes, this is what I was told by support, and also confirmed by attempting to add other base sections in the portal (they didn't show up at all). 

For customer portal, you can only expose the base sections: Applications (only applies to FinServ Creatio), Documents, KB, Cases, and 3 custom sections.

Yes, you can expose these as details on a section that is exposed in the portal. They just can't be "sections" - meaning cannot be on the nav workspace and have list page etc.


A custom section is a section you've made from scratch using the section wizard. Not an existing section that you've exposed as a section in the portal (such as Product, Contracts, Invoices, etc). Additionally, many ootb sections are not allowed to be exposed in the portal. See the table in this academy article, if it's not listed in the list of allowed sections it can't be exposed in the portal https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/more_apps/portal/overview/portal_…

However, a lot of this changes with the switch to "external users" from "portal users" with the new composable pricing/model.


Ryan Farley,


This is very helpful Ryan, however in the link you pasted, I can only find one table (and not the list the possible sections?) and it says the Customer Portal only offers the following:


"Customer portal[ Portal cases ],

[ Portal knowledge base ],

[ Applications ] (for Financial Services Creatio, Customer Journey edition),

[ Documents ] (if available in the main Creatio application)"


Does this mean I cannot add the any more Base Sections to the Customer portal and additionally, if I these 'custom' objects were set up as sections, can I overcome the portal limitation by just listing them as details?



Yes, this is what I was told by support, and also confirmed by attempting to add other base sections in the portal (they didn't show up at all). 

For customer portal, you can only expose the base sections: Applications (only applies to FinServ Creatio), Documents, KB, Cases, and 3 custom sections.

Yes, you can expose these as details on a section that is exposed in the portal. They just can't be "sections" - meaning cannot be on the nav workspace and have list page etc.


This is what I thought as well. Thanks Ryan! 

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We just started using Creatio and are trying to get set up without using too many billable hours. What is creatio onboarding and how do I use it?

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You can upgrade your skills in development on Creatio platform, system administration, and configuration with Academy training courses.






You can upgrade your skills in development on Creatio platform, system administration, and configuration with Academy training courses.




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Hello all,


I am trying to configure an instance in 8.0.10 using Changes, Problems, and Configuration Items however the sections are not appearing either in Freedom or Classic UI. Have they been removed? I can see the objects still in the Configuration screen but they are not appearing in Workplace Setup.

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At the moment we are carrying out preparatory work to move the product line from large products to composable applications and to comply with the upcoming release of the new pricing.

As part of this work, ITIL sections (including the Configurations section) have been removed from the builds for the new sites. For backwards compatibility when upgrading, the ITIL functionality packages remain on the existing sites.

Best regards,



You can see in this post that the ITIL sections are back when installing the component. Please follow this thread: https://community.creatio.com/ideas/itil-objects-configuration-items-pr…

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Creatio 8.0.10


There are two bugs.


The error in the screenshot below occurs when adding and saving a product to the quote.  Clicking past the error, clicking cancel and refreshing the Quotes record Products detail shows that the product has actually saved.

The other bug is when clicking a quote in a Quotes tab which I have added to the Opportunities section and when viewing a quote, the screen becomes unresponsive while in the quote, it takes a page refresh using the browser to be able to close the quote and return to the opportunity.  Also just accessing the quotes tab of the Opportunities section and then trying to access another section the page hangs with the loading spinner, requiring a page refresh again.


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Another bug, Selecting New quote from the RUN PROCESS menu of an Opportunities record results in the following error:


Gareth Osler,


Hello Gareth,


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. 

After a thorough analysis, we have identified that the cause of the problem is the discrepancy between the add-on logic and the logic of the Opportunity product object.


The Quotes add-on section uses the same Opportunity product detail as the Opportunity out-of-the-box section. When a detail record is created from the Opportunity section, Creatio populates the Opportunity field in the detail automatically.

However, when a detail record is created from the Quotes section or via a business process, the Opportunity field in the detail remains empty.

The detail attempts to retrieve the OpportunityId value after the detail record is saved. If this value is missing, an error occurs.


We have decided to unpublish the add-on from the marketplace until the fix is implemented. 


In the meantime, you can implement a workaround. You can extend the add-on logic so that the Opportunity field in the detail is populated automatically when a detail record is created from the Quotes section or via a business process.

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Hi folks! How are you?

I've creted a section in Freedom and I want to show a custom page instead the default list page.

default url is: http://uriel:100/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#Section/UsrTest_ListPage

Custom url is :http://uriel:100/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#Section/UsrPage_ebkv9e8

I tried a redirect inside the method crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest for the list page it works but it has a strange behavior in some cases (window.location). I tried something similar than this.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", {hash: "ProcessCardModuleV2/AutoGeneratedPageV2/377caef9-d9ed-48ee-8458-3106e61dfdc6"}); but I didn't find the equivalent.


Appreciate your ideas.



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You can try another approach: the column that is responsible for the section list page that will be opened when going to the section is SectionSchemaUId (in the SysModule table). This column represents data from the UId column of the SysSchema table. What can be done to force custom page to be opened when opening the section is modifying the current SectionSchemaUId column value for the proper SysModule table record to the desired value. So you need to find the SysModule record responsible for your current section (for example using the query like:


select * from "SysModule" where "SectionSchemaUId" in (select "UId" from "SysSchema" where "Name" = 'UsrTest_ListPage')

), use an Id of the record found and then use it in the query like:


update "SysModule" set "SectionSchemaUId" = 'desired UId of the UsrPage_ebkv9e8 schema' where "Id" = 'Id found previously'


and relogin to the app after that. I recently tested it and the Services_ListPage was opened for my custom Freedom UI section:




You can try another approach: the column that is responsible for the section list page that will be opened when going to the section is SectionSchemaUId (in the SysModule table). This column represents data from the UId column of the SysSchema table. What can be done to force custom page to be opened when opening the section is modifying the current SectionSchemaUId column value for the proper SysModule table record to the desired value. So you need to find the SysModule record responsible for your current section (for example using the query like:


select * from "SysModule" where "SectionSchemaUId" in (select "UId" from "SysSchema" where "Name" = 'UsrTest_ListPage')

), use an Id of the record found and then use it in the query like:


update "SysModule" set "SectionSchemaUId" = 'desired UId of the UsrPage_ebkv9e8 schema' where "Id" = 'Id found previously'


and relogin to the app after that. I recently tested it and the Services_ListPage was opened for my custom Freedom UI section:


Oleg Drobina, thank you so much! I tried this approach before and it doesn't work probably because I had a mistake with the IDs. Now it is working. Appreciate your help. Regards

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I am looking for a classic lead score based on the completeness of the lead data. I know there is a predictive scoring feature, but it's not what I'm looking for because it requires historical data for scoring.   It is a new project and I need to assign the qualification to the leads as the lead data is completed and without having historical data.


For example, when the email if filled the score is 1, if the phone is also filled the score is 2, and so on. 


I know there was an old version of lead scoring with this functionality but I don't see it in the newest versions. Is there a way to activate this classic lead score functionality?






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Hi Claudia,


The logic you have described can be implemented with the help of business process. You can set up a start of the event to be modification of data in leads. When the business process is triggered you can set the read data element, then you can use gateway element, and set up branches. You can condition the process to go to branch 1 for example when there is no data/no useful data and so on. These branches can then modify the numeric value of some object you have added to the page, therefore creating a lead scoring without ML. You can build this process to be any complexity you would like.

For more information about setting up business processes, you can get at Creatio Academy: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/bpm_tools/business_process_setup

Best regards,


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What is the correct way to add custom field to System user page? Currently it is necessary to modify VwSysAdminUnit view, but it seems to be bad idea (as this view is overwritten with new versions of Creatio)

Do other options exist?

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Hello Vladimir,


Unfortunately, as for now, there is no possibility to change the system user page layout with the help of out-of-the-box tools of the application and we do have a correspondent problem registered on our side.

As for now theoretically, the only way to change the layout (or to add existing columns to the user page) is with the help of the replacing object (replace the "SysAdminUnit" object from the "Base" package) and replace the "UserPageV2" schema from "UIv2" package, but we should warn you that it is risky to do because it can break base application logic and provoke critically errors.

Actually, we don't recommend performing changes to this object and schema, but if you want to try - please use the dev-instance or local instance first so to test this possibility and then, if it was successful, perform the same steps on prod.

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