Hi everyone,


We have 3 different objects that sends data to one single object(which is referred to as a report for us). When we are deleting something from one of our 3 objects, the data isn't getting deleted from the report and it asks for permission due to which we are unable to delete data through a process. How do I bypass this? So that any data deleted from one of the 3 objects also automatically deletes data from our report object. Thanks!

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Good day,

Unfortunately, we don't have enough initial information to understand the cause of this error. Please provide a screenshot of the error.


Despite the error, is a record from one of these 3 objects deleted?


You also mention that you suspect a permission issue. This may indicate that the user doesn't have sufficient rights for records or operations with one of these objects.


Please check if the user has permissions for deletion or editing of the object from which you are trying to delete, and also within the "report" object.

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Can we use Field name or Element code in Freedom UI code?

Or can we give normal name to attributes in designer ?


Otherwise code is totaly unreadable 

Thank you!

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I agree. It is the #1 most frustrating thing about using Freedom UI. I spend way too much time trying to figure out the attribute names for columns - I already know the column name, I should be able to use that. I don't know why it doesn't just create the attribute name to match the bound column name (at least for the Primary datasource). 

Here's a scenario I find myself in often: I customize an existing Freedom UI page, such as Cases_FormPage. I need to know the attribute for a column that exists on the base Cases page, such as account. This attribute name cannot be found in my custom version of Cases_FormPage since I didn't add that column to the page, it exists on the base Cases page (since the attribute will only exist in the viewModelConfig of the version of the page that added the field). So now I have to go open the code for the base Cases_FormPage to find what the column's attribute is named there (since it won't exist in my custom Cases_FormPage). All this takes way too much time since I have to do all of this for any column I need to reference in the code. It's aggravating - it was the very first issue I reported about Freedom UI. This will only become more complicated as there becomes more layers to the page in the dependencies. You'll have to search through all the layers to find the one that added the column so you can get what the attribute name is.

I've started using a module that determines the attribute name for a column at runtime, which has been working for most cases so far. See how to get the attribute name for a column here:  https://customerfx.com/article/programmatically-determining-the-bound-a…

I'd at least like to see something built-in that allows you to get/set column values based on the column name (and it figures out the attribute name for you) and allows for stuff like request.$context.setValue("ColumnName", "some value") etc


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is it possible to make some Approvals (set for exact user) available for his manager? For example, when user is on vacation, his manager can approve


Thank you!

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Hi Vladimir,


All managers in your organization will automatically have full access to the user rights of their subordinates in Creatio.

So it's not necessary to configure delegation.

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Hello all,


I have need for a client to build a way to upload a file to Sharepoint from Creatio. I found a potential method using Python but I am unclear on if I can execute the code with Creatio.


Is this something that can be done? I haven't been able to find confirmation either way in the documentation.

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Hello Kevin,


You won't be able to use Python inside Creatio app and a possible implementation should use a custom webservice that will send requests from the app.


Alternatively there is this marketplace app that was designed to implement SharePoint integration - https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/sharepoint-integration-creatio

Since Creatio's server-side code is all C#, It would be a better route to use C#.  There's likely far more examples online of using C# with Sharepoint - plus Microsoft has a C# client library to use for doing this sort of thing which makes the job easier.


Are you trying to upload a file to an object using the API With Python?  I c created a Python script the downloads a Printable, sends it to a Mail Service that prints and mails it. Once it is delivered, it grabs the Signature file  and Uploads it to the object using the API.  Python is run on a local server not in Creatio.

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I would like to know if it is possible and how in Freedom UI

1. Filter lookup-fields in editable detail (we have set filters for Modal page of the detail, but in editable detail they don't work)

2. Hide adding new values in lookup in editable detail (it is easy to do for the single field on the page, but cannot find this for field of detail)

3. Make field required (or filtered) based on condition (on other fields in the record. For example, if you select 'Other' in one field, Notes is required)


Thank you very much!

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Unfortunately, there is no opportunity as of now to filter lookup-fields in editable detail. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Regarding your second question, could you please provide a screenshot for a better understanding of the issue?


Regarding the third question, unfortunately, there is also no possibility to set up. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

Mariia Sorochan,

Thank you for the answer. Do you know when it is planned to be released? 

Kind regards,




Unfortunately, as for now, we don`t have any ETA for it, but the R&D team is planning it for future application  releases.

Mariia Sorochan,

I would like to second Vladimirs first request. Please bring filtering to editable details lookups again. Makes no sense to remove such a useful feature from the classic UI, and our team needs this feature for a current clients project. 

Please bring it up with the R&D team as soon as possible and let us know. Is there any reason it was removed? Is there any way to achieve the same result in other ways?

Per Näsström,

I think, this is not removed, but just not implemented in Freedom UI yet

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Hi all,


Is there a way to use tags in Freedom UI? It was available in Classic UI above the lists.


Thanks in advance!

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In version 8.1.0 tags will be implemented in Freedom UI, the approximate ETA for it is the end of September.

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У мене є невеличке недорозуміння пов'язане з обніном інофрмації самого creatio і сторонніми сервісами. Наразі мені потрібно зробити вивантаження даних про лідів  та партнерів в іншу бд, для цього я вирішив використати odata. Зараз я тестую запити через postman і виникає питання, яким методом відбувається авторизація через постмен оскільки при тестуванні самої url адреси в браузері мені надається інформація і помилок не виникає, а коли в postman ввести той самий url скидається типу розмітки, як я розумію на логінацію. Підскажіть можливо вже існуючі сервіси або якісь методи якими можна передати на сторонній сервіс інформацію з creatio, а також на рахунок методів авторизації які є доступними, і якщо там використовуються токени - то де саме їх можна отримати

p.s. сервіс реалізовується на пайтоні

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Best reply

Доброго дня,

якщо ви робите запит в postman відразу на odata скоріше за все вам приходить відповідь що ви не авторизовані. Спочатку треба виконати request  на аутентифікацію як описано тут https://academy.terrasoft.ua/docs/developer/integratsiya_i_vneshnij_api…

запит як описаний тут, наприклад https://academy.terrasoft.ua/docs/developer/integratsiya_i_vneshnij_api…

і отримані cookie BPMLOADER додати в headers наступних запитів, як описано в прикладах тут https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/10204500/SztHX5Qb?version=latest


Доброго дня,

якщо ви робите запит в postman відразу на odata скоріше за все вам приходить відповідь що ви не авторизовані. Спочатку треба виконати request  на аутентифікацію як описано тут https://academy.terrasoft.ua/docs/developer/integratsiya_i_vneshnij_api…

запит як описаний тут, наприклад https://academy.terrasoft.ua/docs/developer/integratsiya_i_vneshnij_api…

і отримані cookie BPMLOADER додати в headers наступних запитів, як описано в прикладах тут https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/10204500/SztHX5Qb?version=latest


Анастасия Шумейко,

Величезне дякую, дуже сильно допомогли, до цього я не вставляв усі куки

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Dear All . In new instalation on server Windows 2022 Creatio version 8.08 I cant login on cratio . On login page doesnt hapen any . In browser console I saw error "Error while sending request 

    response status: 404 (Not Found)

    request url: http://localhost:90/ServiceModel/AuthService.svc/Login

    method: undefined

    request data:" 

Please tell me wher is error seting . I any times see instraction in installation and dont find some inforamtion . 

Thanks a lot .

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The issue lies within the components. It's necessary to recheck if everything is correctly installed following the article:


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Hello Community, 


Is it possible to change the default filter column when using Search Filter? 


I wanted to filter a list page by text in a specific column all the time. But in Search Filter, It changes to Everything on reloading the page. 

How can we set default column for a search filter. 


Any suggestions are really helpful.






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Your business task can be only achieved with the help of a separate development process. 

You can use 'entity schema query' filters in particular. Here is the guide on this topic


You can also use this community post with the example of such logic https://community.creatio.com/questions/default-filter-section

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In Calendar Synchronization settings it's now possible only to set the Synchronization period to 1 month, 1 week or 2 weeks:

How is it possible to synchronize the calendar for a wider period (for example 6 months)?


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Hello Massimiliano,

Unfortunately, 1 month is the maximum period that can be selected. Selecting a longer period affects mailbox synchronization performance, which is why we do not have such an option for synchronization.

Also, according to our usage statistics, old emails (more than 1-month-old) mostly have no business value, so we don't sync them. 

As a workaround, you can either re-forward them to the mailbox and synchronize your mailbox or create an excel file and import the related data to emails using file import.

However, we have already registered the idea for our R&D team to review this logic in future releases.

Mira Dmitruk,

We are using the Creatio calendar sync, but we are not getting notifications for meetings created more than 1 month in the future. Can you please increase the amount of time that the calendar syncs to the future?

Esther M,

Unfortunately, you can select no more than 1 month of synchronization, and it is not possible to increase this period. At the moment, we also have no workarounds to increase the given limit. 

However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases. 

Best regards,

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