

We calculate Total of sales for each month per customer. And we want to compare it to the Total of sales for the same month previous year.

Now we do this calculation in VIEW and display numers in pivot table.


But how can we display % of changes between current and previous year for totals?

This is how Excel does this. Can Creatio do that somehow as well? 


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  Hi, Vladimir,


Sorry, but we don't know if it can even be achieved using additional front-end development. The only solution we can think of is adding a column to the view you already use where the calculation will be performed automatically and displayed in the pivot table.

Sergii Zhmurko,

Thank you. A column with % will be summarized in totals, so it will show incorrect value.

Hope to see calculated fields in Creatio pivot tables (similar to Excel functionality) in future versions

Kind regards,


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is it possible to collapse pivot table groups in analytics when user open it?

First user wants to see totals, and only then go to details if necessary

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In the basic configuration, there is no option to display all rows as collapsed by default in the pivot table functionality. 
We have noted this idea to our R&D team.
You might consider implementing a fixed style for lists using development tools.

Alona Dolya,

Thank you for the reply. Could you please give a hint, what should be changed using development tools? Where is style of pivot table defined?

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We need to add Pivot to the Account page.

As there is no widget with pivot available in page wizard, is there another option to do that?

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I do wish we could add dashboard list elements on pages. It would make things easy to display unrelated data on a page and things like pivot tables. However, I don't believe there is anyway to add it to the page that I know of. We usually just create a view, then display the results in a detail on the page instead. For creating a pivot table, Postgresql does have the crosstab function which does this easily - However, that is part of the tablefunc extension, which isn't installed in Creatio postgresql databases - I've never tried to see if it allows you to install extensions like that. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3002499/postgresql-crosstab-query/1…


Ryan Farley,

We have added widget with list to the page, but it is still displayed like flat list, not pivot... 

That's why I would like to find out if it is possible to make this last step :)

Hello Vladimir,

Did you find a solution ?

Vladimir Sokolov,

Could you please add the steps for adding the list element to a page?



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I setup Pivot table on Portal main page. And in setup it is displayed like Pivot. But when I login as portal user, I see this data like simple list. Is it possible to display Pivot on Portal?

Thank you!


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Hello Vladimir!


Thank you for bringing this question to us. By default portal users can't see Pivot tables for several reasons. First of all - they should have a feature PivotTable active (this can be done on https://YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN/0/Features page).

The second reason can not be overcome in the actual version, I am afraid. It will be solved in the 8.0.7 release. Pivot tables have a different directory from other dashboards. Their path is not available for Portal users as of now.


Best Regards,


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As in the embedded screenshot, the Achieved Rate column (using the "Average" method to calculate totals) does not reflect the correct value of Opportunity amount column / Budget column. In this case, the row of month 8 contains 2 records of opportunities, but its Achieved Rate column value 0.83 is not 249,600/306,798; instead, 0.83 is the average of the 2 ratios of Opportunity amount/Budget of those 2 opportunities.

How can I do to display the value of 249,600/306,798 ?

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Hello Andrew,


Hope you're doing well.


Could you please provide us with the setup of the "Month" column and "Achieved Rate" column as well (with a description from which object you add it)?


Thank you in advance.


Best regards,


Hello Andrew,


Thank you for your reply.

At first, you can try to change the type of calculation from the "Average" to others for the 'Achieved Rate' column (for example set "Amount" to see how the calculations will be changed). Also you can compare the accuracy of the formula you use if you check the report of the needed records in excel. For that you will need to find the needed section (Opportunity), open the needed records/details for the 8th month, and export those records to excel. After that you will be able to re-check the value you received in the pivot table with the value you got in the excel report for the same period.


Also in the article below you can find more information about the formulas that are being used in the system:

Best regards,


Roman Rak,

Hi Roman,


Thank you for your reply. But it didn't answer my question.

As the screenshot below, you can see there is obviously no appropriate item to calculate what I need, and of course I had tried every item and no result was right. 


On the other hand, I found that in the Forecast section, the (pivot) table shown there is correct! I added a new forecast "FORECAST BY OPPORTUNITY" as shown below, and you can see the three Achieved Rates of the last 3 rows are correct respectively under the 3rd quarter of 2021.

So, what do you think?


Hello Andrew,


Could you please specify where is located the needed pivot table ('Quarter Achievement)?


Thank you in advance.

Hello.  I'm facing a similar issue.  Did you manage to solve it?

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Is there a way to force all drilldown rows to be shown as rolled up (collapsed) when first opening a dashboard pivot table ?

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Hi Ricardo,


Do you mean that you what to display all the records in the list without having to scroll down or right?

Can you please show any screenshot with example of what you need to see?


Thank you.



Dean Parrett,

When opening the dashboard, the user would like to see



instead of


... then he would drill down or not, as needed.

(the user does not want to see all the detail at once, only the totals. Every time the dashboard is opened he has to roll everything up (collapse), in order to focus only on the big numbers)



Hi Ricardo Bigio,


The pivot tables are created as Angular components that cannot be changed through the base functionality in the configuration section. However, such a request is already registered and will be implemented in the nearest releases. 




Anastasiia Markina,

Was this feature ever implemented or are we still unable to default the pivot tables to display a certain way?

George Smith,


Thank you for your question!


We have just checked this information with our PO and as of now - no changes were made to this functionality.


The improvement ticket is indeed registered in our system, but currently there is no ETA on implementing this functionality.


Thank you!





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