
Is there a way to only allow certain users the ability to import data by section/object? It seems to me that it is a 'all or nothing', but I want to grant permissions just for one section/object but keep restrictions in for all the others.

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To follow up on this. There is an option on the specific object (under advanced permissions) to allow Export but no option to allow Import. 

To follow up on this. There is an option on the specific object (under advanced permissions) to allow Export but no option to allow Import. 

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We are facing one issue specifically related to displaying images in the word document. We have a use case where we want to print rows of data which includes images as well to the word document, which is working fine.


But we do have some exceptions where for a particular row image is not there, but rest of the column data is present. In this specific case, the data is printed correctly but in the image column we are getting a blank canvas. Instead of blank canvas we want to display a default image is no image data is present in the DB for the rows.



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Thank you for reaching out to us about this.

Upon reviewing your request, we have identified that the current underlying logic of our program is configured to operate in the way you described. That is, if there is no image, a macro is displayed (a gray square) instead of an empty field. However, we understand that this is not ideal for your specific needs.

We want to assure you that we have submitted a request to our development team to implement this feature in upcoming versions of our program. We understand the importance of providing the best service to our customers and will diligently work towards implementing the changes you have suggested.

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention.

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     I input the Chinese address in the address of Account, but the map below can't reflect the actual location(please see attachment),

Is it because that Creatio don't support Chinese character right now? please kindly help. 

    I use the instance of Japan, which is the version of 8.11.3635.

File attachments
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For a more detailed analysis of this issue, please email Creatio Support: support@creatio.com.

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when adding a CSS module in Creatio it is deleted when refresh, i cannot show the effective colors after refresh

 in first pic i add CSS file and it work 

After refresh it return to original

Can any one help?

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Hello, ElSayed!

Such problem can appear when you've opened the app in a few tabs and logged out+ loged in on one of the tabs. For example: the tab with the configuration page is open and you're writing code there. Then you press the save button, click on the nearest tab to check the result, and relogging to the second tab. After this, your changes in the first settings tab will not be saved. Or it can happen if you have two settings tabs for one object.

I would recommend you to close all tabs and try to add the CSS again, save it and check the result by reloading the page button.

Hello, ElSayed!

Such problem can appear when you've opened the app in a few tabs and logged out+ loged in on one of the tabs. For example: the tab with the configuration page is open and you're writing code there. Then you press the save button, click on the nearest tab to check the result, and relogging to the second tab. After this, your changes in the first settings tab will not be saved. Or it can happen if you have two settings tabs for one object.

I would recommend you to close all tabs and try to add the CSS again, save it and check the result by reloading the page button.

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We're trying to set it up so that one of our mini pages used for record creation (wherever the record creation is started from, as there are several screens with a button to create the record) always has a default value set. We can't set the default on the entity, as records coming in from the integrations shouldn't have these fields set to any default, only set to whatever comes in through the interface. Is there any configuration that can be done to set default values for pages themselves?


We know about setting defaults when calling the crt.CreateRecordRequest request which is done from the calling page, but would ideally like to be able to set it one time for the creation mini page itself to avoid code duplication. We are on 8.1.0

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You can setup a business rule if the attribute is not filled in then you set a static value. This will work only on the interface.

Thanks for the suggestion Franck, and interesting/concerning that the entity-level business rules only apply when creating records through the UI and not for all data!


Unfortunately the business rule value setting is much too limited in Creatio for what we need, only being able to set to a constant/static value which is defined when setting up the business rule. We need to be setting the value based on some logic through code, but would ideally be doing so with declarative code rather than imperative code which modifies the fields manually.

Hello Harvey,

The most general way to set the default values for a mini-page is to transfer them in ModelInitConfigs via crt.OpenPageRequest:

modelInitConfigs: [{defaultValues: [{AttributeName: 'AttributeValue'}]}]

But if you want to avoid transferring the values in every place you open the mini-page, consider the following implementation in the mini-page view model:

  1. Set the attribute value in the "crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest":
    request.$context.AttributeName = “AttributeValue”;
  2. Provide it not to be overridden to default null value in "crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest":
    if (request.attributeName === "AttributeName" && request.value === null) {
          request.$context.AttributeName = “AttributeValue”;


Best regards, Natalia

Hi Natalia,


Thanks for the reply, those will definitely be useful - for example I didn't know you could set default values when calling the crt.OpenPageRequest, I thought it was only possible to do so using the crt.CreateRecordRequest, so thanks for that!


I believe the workaround for putting the logic in the mini-page would mostly work, but with the following caveats:

1. You would not be able to clear the value of the field manually, which is unfortunate

2. This would make a change to the page that would cause the confirmation dialog to appear if closing the mini-page without the user making any modifications to data - not the end of the world, but it would be nice to avoid that


A quick question - what is the difference between simply assigning a request.$context.AttributeName using 

request.$context.AttributeName = "value"

Vs using the _setAttributeValue method in your reply? Is there any functional difference between the two, or is it just preference?


Many thanks,


Harvey Adcock,



Sure, setting the mini page default values via HandleViewModel InitRequest and HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest has some disadvantages. That’s why we recommend using ModelInitConfigs in OpenPageRequest.


However, it may still be used if the user doesn’t need to set the field value to null. Especially considering the facts that:

- removing the string field means setting a value to an empty string (not null);

- the numeric field value might be set to 0 instead of removing it.


The question of silent saving has already been discussed in the separate feed - https://community.creatio.com/questions/it-possible-make-changes-attributes-code-freedom-ui-silently .


Regarding your question about setting the attribute value – I clarified it with our R&D department. There is no functional difference between the two approaches, but only the direct assigning is recommended to use as the most stable method:

request.$context.AttributeName = "value"

Thank you for such an important question. I have already changed my examples accordingly.


Best regards,


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Is there a way to hide a lookup value within a specific page if that value has already been used on another record? I want to to ensure that a lookup value is not selected more than once. Alternative solution could be stopping the user from selecting it again.



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I have resolved this by creating a column on Look up which gets updated when a record gets added/updated and that lookup values selected/removed. Then used filter to only display values in lookup accordingly.

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I have a task to create a filter on a specific text field, how can I do it ?

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Hello Vadym,

Could you please elaborate on your business task? 


i have text column 'Title' and i want have static filter for this column in register interface but in freedom i can do quicke filter only for column with type lookup, date and chekbox

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How can I decide which values from the Interval of notifications lookup can be visible in the postpone option for reminders?

Is it controllable?



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This article shows how to add values to the list of intervals, you can use this to determine how to also remove values from the list: 



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Dear colleagues,


If have a couple of process calls in a client module, very similar, one works and the another ones fails before to call the process getting a "400 (Bad Request)" error


Here is the code, the first one fails:

OnGeneraDetalleContratoBtnClick: function() { 
	// Guarda el registro, por si hubo cambios
	const RunProcessRequest = Ext.create( "Terrasoft.RunProcessRequest", { 
		// El nombre del Proceso
		"schemaName": "NdosCreaDetalleContrato", 
		// Parámetros de entrada
		"parameterValues": { 
			"NdosGrupoEconomicoID": this.get( "NdosGrupoEconomico" ),
			"NdosContratoID": this.get( "Id")
		// Parámetros de Salida - True => Hay sucursales
		"resultParameterNames": [ 
	} ); 
	// Ejecuta el proceso
console.log( RunProcessRequest );
// THIS gets error "400 (Bad Request)" here in the execute	//ERROR ERROR HERE HERE			
	RunProcessRequest.execute(function(response) { 
		// Si OK, actualiza el valor en funcion de la salida
		if (response.isSuccess()) { 
			// Actualiza la cantidad de meses que dura el contrato
			if ( response.resultParameterValues[ "NdosReturn" ] === true ) {
				// Tiene sucursales, inhablitita el boton...
				this.set( "NdosDetalleContratoGenerado", true );		
	}, this ); 


This another wroks fine and are (as I saw identical!!)

// Jalcon - NoCode-Services - 20240110 - 
// Cambia alguna de las fechas del Contrato, debe ajustar la duración en meses del mismo
updateDuracionContratoMeses: function() { 
	const runProcessRequest = Ext.create("Terrasoft.RunProcessRequest", { 
		// El nombre del Proceso
		"schemaName": "Jfl_MesesEntreDosFechas", 
		// Parámetros de entrada
		"parameterValues": { 
			"NdosFechaInicial": this.get( "NdosFechaInicio" ), 
			"NdosFechaFinal": this.get( "NdosFechaFinContrato" )
		// Parámetros de Salida
		"resultParameterNames": [ 
	// Ejecuta el proceso
	runProcessRequest.execute(function(response) { 
		// Si OK, actualiza el valor en funcion de la salida
		if (response.isSuccess()) { 
			// Actualiza la cantidad de meses que dura el contrato
			this.set( "NdosMesesDuracionContrato", response.resultParameterValues[ "NdosCantidadDeMeses" ] ); 
			// Si el contrato ya tiene importe, cctualiza el importe del Contrato
			if( this.get( "NdosImporteMensualContrato" ) > 0 ) {
				this.set( "NdosMontoContrato", this.get( "NdosImporteMensualContrato" ) * this.get( "NdosMesesDuracionContrato" ) );
	}, this); 


This is part of the error, console log

       POST https://XXXXXX.creatio.com/0/ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/RunProcess 400 (Bad Request)
all-combined.js?v= Error al enviar solicitud 
	estado de respuesta: 400 (Bad Request)
	url de solicitud: ../ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/RunProcess

Some ideas? please help




Julio Falcón

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Hi Julio,


Just guessing, is "NdosGrupoEconomico" a lookup? The parameter is named with an Id, so assuming it is. If that is the case, you need to get it's value, right now it's sending the entire object from the lookup. 

For example (note, the .value at the end): 

"NdosGrupoEconomicoID": this.get("NdosGrupoEconomico").value

However, if it's possible that the lookup can be blank, might be a good idea to check for that as well.


Hi Julio,


Just guessing, is "NdosGrupoEconomico" a lookup? The parameter is named with an Id, so assuming it is. If that is the case, you need to get it's value, right now it's sending the entire object from the lookup. 

For example (note, the .value at the end): 

"NdosGrupoEconomicoID": this.get("NdosGrupoEconomico").value

However, if it's possible that the lookup can be blank, might be a good idea to check for that as well.


Hello Julio,


Can you please share the RunProcess request body (from the network tab in the console)? We can compare it to the successful calls and see the difference. Additionally you need to check if both retrieved values (using this.get getters) are strings.

Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, you are right. Fortunately I had already found my mistake... almost a beginner's mistake :-(

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We've got a requirement to run some async entity event listener code, but when following the academy article for that ( https://academy.creatio.com/docs/7-18/developer/back_end_development/ob… ) and trying to use the arguments.OldEntityColumnValues property of the EntityEventAsyncOperationArgs arguments parameter passed in, we get the following compilation error which we cannot seem to resolve:


From looking online for general resolutions, it looks like we maybe need to add this assembly to the web.config file, but we're on a cloud instance so presume this isn't a feasible resolution.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Reduced version of the code (without usings etc shown) that throws the error below:

public class UsrAsyncSendLeadAssociation: IEntityEventAsyncOperation
    public void Execute(UserConnection userConnection, EntityEventAsyncOperationArgs arguments) {
        var oldModVal = arguments.OldEntityColumnValues;


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As a quick solution, you should disable the option "Compile into a separate assembly" in the package where the schema is located.

After this, the problem should be resolved.

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