Hello Everyone,


How to convert input text value to ***** in Freedom UI.



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You can try using the password input which will mask the entire text as ****. This control doesn't appear in the toolbox, so to add it, you could add an input, then in the code change "type": "crt.Input" to "type": "crt.PasswordInput". You can see an example of this control in the page SysUserProfilePage (user profile page)


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I would like to set an upper limit on the size of an image that gets sent in an email. The image being sent is a variable in a form using the [#ImageName#] syntax. 


I have tried styling the element in div and img tags, but I think that this variable syntax does not respect styles.  


How can I style an image in an email template? 



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Unfortunately, the logic of inserting an image through a macro into a letter template is not implemented in Creatio.

I am broadcasting your wish to the development team to consider the possibility of adding similar logic in future versions.

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I tried loading a detail in a modal, but it is not firing any detail method.

Is it not possible to implement such?

I know lookuputilities exist, but it shows a list as a expanded lookup.

We are more trying to show a detail in modal.

Let me know any updates.

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Could you please provide more details regarding your request and step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue?

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I've noticed a problem when users try to import data. For example, they select the Case object  to add data and upload an excel file with columns that correspond to lookup fields in the case. If the lookup value already exists in Creatio there is no problem and the field will be filled with that value, but if it does not exist, Creatio does not allow the user to create that new value and will throw the following error inside the ExcelImportLog page:


Current user does not have sufficient permissions to run "CanManageLookups"


If I change this operation permission and allow it for a given user, it will work fine but then that user has complete access to the Lookups section. This means that he is able to see all the lookups, create new values and remove them if they want. This is not a good practice and implies security issues.


Therefore, is there another way to achieve what I want without having this risk?


PD: I don't know if it may be an incidence related with my own environment, because I haven't noticed this behavior in any other Creatio instance before and it seems to happen only with some lookups, not all of them.



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Unfortunately, it is not possible to allow users to have access to specific lookups only, but we have already registered the following suggestion for our R&D team and they will consider adding the following functionality in the upcoming releases.

However, we can offer you a workaround, but it is also worth noting that this is a workaround and that you can only track which rights have been issued through the database.

1. Grant everyone the rights to the CanManageLookups operation

2. Enable administration by records for the Lookup object.

In this case, do not configure the administration privileges.

Thus, there will be access to the lookup section, but only the author of the lookup will have rights to the records themselves (for system directories, this will be the Supervisor)

3. Using the BP and the element of granting rights, grant rights only to the required record.

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I tried installing this add-on in order to be able to copy the section details of an object in Creatio: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/salesup-copy-object-records-creatio, but it did not work for me. Although it installed successfully, I got errors in the console (see below for error stack trace) when loading the page for the Copy object records settings. Is this add-on set up for use?


Uncaught Error: Script error for "SuCopyObjectSettingsSectionV2"
    at new s (main.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:697)
    at makeError (require.js?v=
    at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError (require.js?v=
    at v.invokeTask (polyfills.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:7131)
    at I.runTask (polyfills.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:2494)
    at g.invokeTask [as invoke] (polyfills.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:8183)
    at Z (polyfills.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:20797)
    at N (polyfills.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:21090)
    at HTMLScriptElement.U (polyfills.js?hash=27e026eb9a9d42cba4288f23c680a5e8:1:21356)


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Please be informed that support for this free marketplace addon is only supported via email by the developer of this app. You will need to contact the developer directly at care@salesup-it.com.

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Is it possible to hide an element based on a condition in handler without adding a new attribute for visibility condition to the element?

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Could you please provide more detailed description of the task that needs to be solved, with screenshot or examples?

Your task could potentially be solved using the Visibility parameters or through business rules:https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/customizatio…

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Hello All,

Can Anyone knows, on clicking on tab open popup window in Freedom UI ?

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Could you please describe your business goal in more details, with screenshots if possible?

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Hi all, 

I'm seeing several examples of how to handle the click event of a button in FreedomUI.


Was wondering which other events can be handled in the controls. I'm interested in the lostFocus or blur event of an input field. Is there any way to handle that event?

Where I can get documentation about all control events that can be handled?


I also saw some examples about handling any change of any viewmodel property. I-d like to handle view events for specific controls.


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Hello Andres!


Unfortunately, there are no specific event handlers for the fields.


But you can create your own handler for the blur event using the "handlers" schema section of the Freedom UI page or a remote module.

This request should be bound to the “blurred” property of the input field in the “viewConfigDiff”:



Also, the list of the generic query handlers is available here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/front-end-development/freedom-ui/client-schema-freedomui/references/handlers


Example of the invoking the query handler - https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/platform-customization/freedom-ui/page-customization-basics/examples/change-where-the-query-handler-is-invoked



Best regards,



Thanks! Actually the "blurred" property is what I was looking for.

Is there any documentation in which I can see all the properties that can be bound for a field, in the same way we can bind blurred?



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I would like to customize the search in the order product selection. 

At the moment, I can only search by the product name or code, and I would like to search by a different factor. Is there a way to do this?




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Hello Nur!

There is a possibility to customize the search by any column of the Product object with a text value.

You can implement that in the following way:

  1. Open Configurations.
  2. Create a replacing view model for “ProductSelectionSchema”(Product selection schema page).
  3. Add the “getQuickSearchFilterConfig” method, which sets the filter columns, and specify the names of all the text columns you want to search by.
  4. Change the value of “SearchStringPlaceHolder” in the localizable strings to the corresponding one (optional). This value would be displayed in the search box as a placeholder.
  5. Save the changes and reload the product selection page (press “F5”).

Best regards,


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Can you advise if there is a limitation on Partner External Portal to do signup page with file attachments during signup process. How is the best approach to do self registration portal. 

I hope there is no limitation to this even if it require development efforts

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Hello Ahmad,


Could you please elaborate on your business task?

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