Is it possible to intercept using some request handler the event when a user clicks on the green "Complete" button on a Next Steps tile? This is the button in the "next-step-tile-actions" div on the page which only appears when you hover over the next step tile:


It would be vey helpful to be able to run some custom code when this button is clicked - in our case, we need it to save the main page record before actioning this next step, as completing the next step might automatically transition the Lead to the next stage, losing any data entered by the user.

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None of the following handlers are triggered by clicking this button, maybe I've missed some candidates but these are the ones I've tried so far:





Also tried "brute forcing" it by overriding every handler I could find in the Creatio code, but literally nothing fires when clicking that button! Not even something like the page's crt.HandleViewModelPauseRequest (since it's a modal popup, I guess the full page doesn't actually pause like it would when navigating to a another page through clicking a lookup for example). Hopefully I've missed something, triggering some action on clicking that button would be useful.

Any thoughts/knowledge on how such a thing could be achieved?

Hi Harvey! 


Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no way to intercept the event of clicking on the Next-steps tile buttons. This button can call different requests depending on the type of tile, and these requests are called without the view model context, which will not allow us to intercept them from the card and use them to save card data.


We have registered your idea, and the R&D team has already planned the task for this improvement - they will create a special output event for the Next-steps component. This functionality will be available in future releases.


Thank you for making our product better!


Best regards,


Thank you for the information Natalia, this would be a welcome improvement!

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Is it possible to set certain business requirements on Dynamic Case Management, for example to require that certain fields are populated or that a lookup field is one of a selection of values?

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To be clear, as I think I might not have been initially, is it possible to have manual transitions with transition requirements, as opposed to automatic transitions when certain conditions are met.


"Manually" you can go both to the previous and subsequent stages from the current one, except when there is a mandatory task, in which case you can only go back (to the previous stages) without completing the task. More detailed information is provided at our academy in the block "Dynamic case setup (DCM)":

Hi Malika, thanks for your reply. I think the options for mandatory tasks is quite limited though right? As it doesn't enable transition requirements like I put in my original question - requiring that certain data requirements are met, such as certain fields being populated or lookup fields contain certain values etc. Unless I'm missing something in the academy documentation you linked to me?

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We are trying to set up a default case in DCM for our Leads, but I cannot see a way to achieve this with the GUI editor - we can either specify some other set of values for the "Which column determines which case to use with a record?" column, or can specify that that column is not filled in, but our use case is such that it should choose this default case when either the column is not populated or the column is populated by any values not specified in other Cases' filters. Can this be done in some way I'm missing?


Thanks in advance.

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Unfortunately, the desired behavior cannot be configured in such a way out of the box. You can only use a set of values for the "Which column determines which case to use with a record?" column or can specify that that column is not filled in separately on standard DCM tools.

We believe that default case managing can be achieved by means of development.

Thank you.

Hi Serhii, do you know what sort of development this would entail? I tried modifying the case's metadata in a trial environment using a filter generated by adding a static filter to a data list, but the case management designer failed to load properly when I'd done that and the Lead that would match the modified query didn't have any DCM bar against it when I loaded it, so it didn't seem to work.


The only other thing I can think of would be to have an additional redundant field that's based on the column(s) that are wanted (and automatically gets updated as they do) that stores the Case required, but it's not the most elegant solution. Would be nice to hear if there is some method I've not thought of?




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Hi Community,

When we change states in DCM, lines are added to the CaseLifeCycle object with data about the case at that time.

Does anyone know how and where this is triggered? I want add some more information in other columns that i added on the replacing object that i did.


Thanks in advance!


Best Regards,

Daniel Longo

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Hi Daniel,


All the logic related to the Case Lifecycle can be found in the Case object of the SLM package (the process on the object, script tasks there and the methods):

Feel free to study the logic.


Best regards,


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Hi Team,

I have followed a below setup to register a case automatically  from emails.

I configured a mail box and when a mail received, a new case is Created.

I see that this business process runs to send a notification when a case is created.

BP - Incoming email registration process 

when a case stage is changed, I noticed that this business process triggers 

BP - Send email to contact on case status change, this is linked to another Sub-Process BP - Send email to case contact.

Here, I would like to send the email only to the contact from whom a mail is received to Creatio CRM instance. All the CC has to be removed?

How to achieve this?

Scenario : MAIL Notification is sent only to the sender not to the people in CC

STEP 1 : ---> configured in Creatio CRM Instance


STEP 2 : A user (From : , CC :, sends a mail to asking for a clarification/request.

STEP 3 : A new case is created and a notification is sent to the user who created a request (i.e., From :, TO :, CC :,

Here, I want to remove the CC and the notification is sent only to from whom the request is created.

Please find the attached image below for reference,




Best Regards,

Bhoobalan P.


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Hello Bhoonalan, 

Please enable Features CasesOnlyRespondToSender  and SendOnlyToContactEmail .  For MSSQL, use following script:

DECLARE @featureCode varchar(max) = 'Feature code',

 @featureId uniqueidentifier;

set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);

IF @featureId is null


 insert into Feature

  (Name, Code)


  (@featureCode, @featureCode);

 set @featureId = (select top 1 Id from Feature where Code = @featureCode);


delete from AdminUnitFeatureState where FeatureId = @featureId;

insert into AdminUnitFeatureState

 (SysAdminUnitId, FeatureState, FeatureId)


 ('A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008', 1, @featureId);

This script enables the feature , or creates the feature if it's not created on your instance 

Also, please enable sysSetting AutoNotifyOnlyContact.

Best Regards,


Yurii Sokil,

Thanks for the response!

I ran this query but I couldn't find the following two codes casesOnlyRespondToSender  and SendOnlyToContactEmail  in Feature table & AdminUnitFeatureState.

Kindly help me with where can I find the mentioned field values?



Dear Bhoobalan, 

If you cannot find this codes, it means that the record for that feature doesn't exist in the Feature Table. 

Using the query i provided you can update the feature if it exists, or create it if it doesn't. So in your case the query will look like this(i'll only show the relevant piece of code, please use the full query mentioned above) : 

DECLARE @featureCode varchar(max) = 'casesOnlyRespondToSender',


DECLARE @featureCode varchar(max) = 'SendOnlyToContactEmail ',


Best regards,




Yurii Sokil,

Great, Appreciate your assistance!

This helps and also can you please help me with reverting the changes to the previous or existing ones.

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Dear community,


How to find all the required activities created in the current stage of DCM, which have not been completed yet ?

For example, I need to determine that there is at least one required activity at the current stage of DCM.



Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


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Hello Mariia,


You need to use the "Activity" detail (on the "History" tab) of the record where the DCM is set. Or you can simply take a look at the Actions Dashboard and see if there is an "*" mark on the activity subject and that means that the activity is required.


Best regards,


Hello Oscar Dylan,

Thank you for your answer, but the task is a bit more complicated.

My business task is to prevent the process (that can be started with the button on the page) from changing the stage if there is at least one required action at this stage.

It is something like if the user change the stage manually (in the base logic of DCM):


Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


Mariia Prostiak,


In order to get the information about the uncompleted activities please use the “GetRequiredUncompletedElements” method from the “Terrasoft.Core.DcmProcess” namespace. Please find more information about this method in the documentation by the link below:


Best regards,


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Currently, it's possible to specify that certain conditions are met in order to progress Case Management from a given Status to another Status, such as what the current Status is and, when Approvals are turned on, that an Approval exists for the current Status.


It would be incredibly useful to have an additional type of data-driven transition checks such as 'last update to the record was over a month ago', or 'there is a record related to this one in some child table with a value of X'. These could be added to the Stage under 'Possible next stages' for each possible next stage (see screenshot) and would be checked each time the page is loaded to determine whether a user could progress to this next stage.


I think this would be a valuable addition to the Case Management system as it currently exists, please let me know what you think and vote this idea up if you agree.



Dear Harvey,


This sounds like a great idea, thank you for the suggestion! I will forward it to our developers so they could consider enhancing the following functionality in the upcoming releases.


Best regards,


Thanks Angela!

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Is it possible to specify certain data requirements for case management transitions to be enabled/disabled on?


For example, say I wanted to only enable a case transition from 'Draft' to 'Published' when there's at least one file attachment record - would this be possible?


Thanks in advance.

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Hi Harvey, 

Unfortunately, it is not possible to implement such behavior using out-of-the-box functionality.

But it is possible to do it with the help of additional development

which will perform the page validation to check if here's a file attached.

Thank you!


Bohdan Zdor,


Do you have an example of how this might be done so that it integrates nicely with how Case Management works out of the box? i.e. disabling clicking on a subsequent step unless a certain data condition is true? The simplest way I can think to implement this would be to have validation on the save event, but this would still allow the user to click on the subsequent stage but just fail to save, which isn't a great user experience.




Harvey Adcock,


Such integration is possible in theory, but we did not face such integration before. You can only operate with the information which is available on the Academy.

Thank you.


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Hello, I am creating a custom section for employees to submit access requests. I created a custom package called ITrequests which I've been building the custom section and all associated objects in. I've somehow run into this error when I try to save the Case, it says "Package sequence contains cycle: "ITrequests-->Custom-->ITrequests". This error is preventing me from saving this case. Can someone point me in the right direction for where to look to resolve this error?


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Check the dependencies for your package. Just guessing, but I assume it has something to do with that. Or a package that has your package as a dependency. Possibly a dependency that has your package as a dependency or something along those lines. (so check both the depends on packages and the dependent packages for your ITrequests package)



Ryan Farley,


I thought that too, but Custom depends on all packages, and ITrequests can't depend on Custom, nothing can depend on the Custom package as far as I understand it. I had looked at them and at first glance it looked fine, but I will go through them again and see if I can find a "loop".

Mitch Kaschub,

Try checking what the dependency tree on the Package Dependencies tab shows for your package, anything weird about how that looks? Custom still shows at the bottom of the tree?

Ryan Farley,


Yes, the tree and the dependencies look as expected to me best I can tell.


The only other thing I can think of is I may have changed the "Current Package" system setting to "Custom" for a brief moment and inadvertently saved a change to one of the objects or pages in my "ITrequests" package before I set the system setting back to ITrequests. I think I'll recompile the system to see if that resolves it.


Ryan Farley,

No luck after recompiling. Same error. Probably have to be a support ticket? Anything else you can think for me to check?

Hello Mitch, 

Can you please check and make sure that package indicated in the system setting with code CustomPackageId is set to "Custom" and not to "ITrequests" or any other? 

Kind regards,

Roman Brown

Roman Brown,

Thank you! That was the issue!

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I am trying to find the parameter values changed through a process execution which is attached to a case stage.

I have enabled the trace data option in process.


But after the process ran, I can't see the traced data in the process log.

Is there anything I am missing to turn off or on?

The process has an approval element. Does it have to do anything with trace data option?

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You did everything correct, but the trick here is that trace data cannot be received from "Terminate event". Please view trace data of approval element and check parameter values before this element execution and after this element execution so to get needed data.

Best regards,


Thanks Oscar.

Actually the process was typically not accurate for the action that I wanted to perform.

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