Hello all,


I am working on Freedom UI interfaces for a client's self service portal. However our portal users are unable to open the User profile page to make changes to their information. When they click on the button in the top right where their user icon is, the portal user receives an endless loading screen.


The problem does not occur for internal users so I don't believe it's an error on the page. I can't find a permission related to it. Seems strange that portal users wouldn't be able to edit their profile

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Best reply


Try the following steps:
1. Log in to your site (not portal) under Supervisor
2. Go to System Settings and select Enable2FA
3. Check the checkbox 'allow reading for portal users'
4. Have the portal user clear the cache and cookies in the browser and try to enter User profile again


Try the following steps:
1. Log in to your site (not portal) under Supervisor
2. Go to System Settings and select Enable2FA
3. Check the checkbox 'allow reading for portal users'
4. Have the portal user clear the cache and cookies in the browser and try to enter User profile again

That worked! Thanks

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Can you advise if there is a limitation on Partner External Portal to do signup page with file attachments during signup process. How is the best approach to do self registration portal. 

I hope there is no limitation to this even if it require development efforts

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Hello Ahmad,


Could you please elaborate on your business task?

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Hello All!


We would like to display Section Analytics Dashboards in the portal, but we are having trouble making them appear. I have been able to get the Dashboard button to appear in our custom section, and it opens the Dashboard view, but no dashboards appear even though I have set the permissions for external users to view the dashboards. 


The Main Portal page displays analytics dashboards, so what must be done to allow the Section Analytics Dashboards to display in the portal. Is there a certain file or files that must be overridden and altered to allow for the display of the dashboards, and if so, which files and methods? Any guidance would be much appreciated!


Thank you!


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Hello Chris,



This is an expected behavior of the system.

As for now, there is no way to add a "Dashboards" section to a portal and we have a suggestion created for our R&D team on this topic.  

It doesn't depend on the type of portal license distributed to the user and it can't be done via OOB tools. 

Currently, dashboards can be added only to the portal main page, using the "Set up portal main page" tool in the system designer.


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Can we get MFA implemented for Portal access?  The portal may contain private/personal info and would be required for compliance.

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Hi Mike,


At the moment there is no possibility to set up a two-factor authentication directly through Creatio.

But I believe your business task could be achieved by SSO integration.


If Creatio wants this product to be adopted by Enterprise level customers, you will want to have this capability.  In today's world of security, I'm shocked and frankly dismayed that your CISO and CTO don't have this on your roadmap.  unbelievable.

Hi Mike Oliver,

The 2FA is currently in beta testing:


Please pay attention to the list of limitations:

1. Integrations only work through OAuth, as the integration cannot pass the second factor.

3. Additional configuration of the mobile application is required - the mobile app utilizes the system setting MobileExtendedAuthenticationUrl.

3. Only one authentication provider is allowed (provider with built-in second factor).

4. The provider must be registered with the name "InternalUserPassword" for the proper functioning of password expiration checks.

5. Not supported for portal users.

6. There is no possibility to specify which users require a second factor. It is enabled for all users.



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Question about secure access to the portal.


According to the article, it is recommended to disable login for non-portal users on the portal server, which means that even the Supervisor will not be able to log in.

How to compile the portal application?

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Good day,


Thank you for your question.

In this case, we recommend treating the portal application as a node of the web farm.

So basically, you just do all of the changes on your main node, then just transfer compiled and ready-to-go main node to your portal node.


Here is a separate answer that describes the steps on deployment for web farms in greater detail - https://community.creatio.com/questions/haproxy-site-installation-horiz…


Thank you.

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What link can I use to open product page on Portal from link? Product is not a separate section on Portal, but we need to give link to that.


We have tried the same method, like on main site, but links goes to Main page

Thank you!

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Hello Vladimir!


I will presume that you are using OOTB pages to provide you with an example of this logic.


The product has an Id and it is the same for system and portal users. The difference is only the edit page they see.


System user:



Portal user:



There how it is only different by the prefix "Portal" before the %Object%PageV2 part of the link. It is true for all OOTB sections.


With secure routing /ssp/ part is added after  "0":






What I believe would be the best to use the business process to form links for portal users by using the first part of the link that is the same for all users and the id of the record (string+[macro]):




I hope my answer was useful to you.


Best Regards,


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I setup Pivot table on Portal main page. And in setup it is displayed like Pivot. But when I login as portal user, I see this data like simple list. Is it possible to display Pivot on Portal?

Thank you!


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Hello Vladimir!


Thank you for bringing this question to us. By default portal users can't see Pivot tables for several reasons. First of all - they should have a feature PivotTable active (this can be done on https://YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN/0/Features page).

The second reason can not be overcome in the actual version, I am afraid. It will be solved in the 8.0.7 release. Pivot tables have a different directory from other dashboards. Their path is not available for Portal users as of now.


Best Regards,


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When images preview works perfectly in sections, it doesn't work in the same sections on portal.

How to enable attachment preview for portal users?

Kind regards,


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Unfortunately, this is a known issue, which is already being worked on by our R&D team and will be improved within the future releases. 

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For example, if we have 100 employees and 30 of them are white-collar and the other 70 are blue-collar, how many named users and/or concurrent users might we need for Creatio Workflow?

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Hi colleagues, 

Could you please clarify what you mean by white and blue-collar employees?

Aleksei Efimenko,

Workers who work physically in an enterprise are called blue-collar, while those who work in the office and work in management are called white-collar.

My main question is: What does the user license described in Creatio mean? What rights do they have. Does every person working in the company need to have a user license? For example, is it possible to send an e-mail to a person who works in a company but does not have a user license? Or can someone without a user license interfere with a process?

Thank you


Haşmet Fevzi ÇAKMAK,

Users without any licenses can't even log in to the application.

But, different users can have different licenses.

For example, one user can have a license for a service product, but he will not be able to access marketing sections (like Emails and Campaigns).

Yes, there are no problems to send the email to the person who is not a Creatio licenses user, and no problem getting an answer from this person too.

If I got your question correctly - you need 30 licenses.

Please feel free to let me know if you have further questions.

Best regards, Alex.




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We have several details on Portal (e.g. Product price, Contract and some custom ones).

When portal user double clicks on the record, edit page is opened.


But this happens only on Dev environment. When we install package to Test, it is not possible to open edit page there.

What data should be added to the package in order to open edit page for detail records?

Thank you

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As we have found, there are 2 records for one CardSchemaUId in SysModuleEdit:

Select * from "SysModuleEdit"

where "PageCaption" LIKE '%Contracts%'

So, it is necessary to bind the record, that doesn't exist in Test environment. And to this for all pages that should be opened from details

Maybe someone will give better explanation, but this works

Kind regards,


Hello Vladimir, 

What you did is bind the SysModuleEdit record for the page supposed to open for the portal section which was missing before. 

That's necessary to make sure you bound data from this table along with data from SysSchema, SysModuleEntity, SysModuleEntityInPortal and SysModule to make sure that the portal section and it's pages are correctly transferred. 

Kind regards,


Hello Roman,

we've got new issue with this. Currently page is opened with double click on portal in our dev and test environment (with demo license)

But not opened on customer environment (with real license).


So, that means, that all bindings are done, but something still necessary to do.

Do you have exact manual how to add detail with edit page to the Portal?

Thank you!

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