In Calendar Synchronization settings it's now possible only to set the Synchronization period to 1 month, 1 week or 2 weeks:

How is it possible to synchronize the calendar for a wider period (for example 6 months)?


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Hello Massimiliano,

Unfortunately, 1 month is the maximum period that can be selected. Selecting a longer period affects mailbox synchronization performance, which is why we do not have such an option for synchronization.

Also, according to our usage statistics, old emails (more than 1-month-old) mostly have no business value, so we don't sync them. 

As a workaround, you can either re-forward them to the mailbox and synchronize your mailbox or create an excel file and import the related data to emails using file import.

However, we have already registered the idea for our R&D team to review this logic in future releases.

Mira Dmitruk,

We are using the Creatio calendar sync, but we are not getting notifications for meetings created more than 1 month in the future. Can you please increase the amount of time that the calendar syncs to the future?

Esther M,

Unfortunately, you can select no more than 1 month of synchronization, and it is not possible to increase this period. At the moment, we also have no workarounds to increase the given limit. 

However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases. 

Best regards,

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Dears at community 


we are a new startup company and landed with a project for ITSM and would require some help related to scope of work template that can facilitate the user story, use cases, list of features and functionalities that we need to submit to the end client in order to kick off the project. 


Urge your support for expert creatio members 


thank you, 



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Community members will be happy to assist you!



Thanks Orkhan, looking forward to that

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Hi Team,



Currently, when we send outgoing emails from Creatio, they are marked as "not processed" in the CTI panel. This means that agents have to manually click on each outgoing email in the CTI panel and mark it as "processed." This manual step can be time-consuming.



Is there a way we can configure Creatio to automatically mark outgoing emails as "processed" when they are sent? 


If such automation is possible, could you please provide guidance on which object reference needs to be considered for the CTI panel? Any insights or best practices in implementing this change would be helpful.


Thank you all in advance for your assistance


Best Regards,


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Such a task can be accomplished by creating a simple business process.

Information about whether an email has been processed or not is stored in the EmailMessageData table in the IsNeedProceed column.


For each email created in the system and stored in the Activity table, we also record information about that email in the related EmailMessageData table.

This table is used to display records in the CTI panel.

Therefore, you need to create a process that triggers whenever a new record is added to the EmailMessageData table, where the Role field is 'From' (indicating sent emails), and where the SyncSessionId is not filled in (this column stores the ID of the session that performed synchronization, indicating that the email was sent directly from the email service and not from Creatio). If you want all emails to have the Proceed value, regardless of where they were sent from, you can skip this filtering step.


Afterwards, you should update the IsNeedProceed column to false for this record in the EmailMessageData table.

I hope this answers your questions. Thank you for reaching out!


Pavlo Sokil,

Thank you so much. I have made the changes, and it is working as expected.

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Hello, I'm having a problem tagging records, Creatio support indicates it it produced by OmniChatGPTConnector.


Please see the Support indications


Hello Julio,
Our investigation has revealed that the root cause of the problem lies in the modification of the style for the "ts-modalbox" element within the "OmniChatGPTPanelCSS" scheme of the "OmniChatGPTConnector" package. The alteration of this style is causing the tag window to open is not full.
Our recommendation is to remove this modified style, as it appears to be causing the issue. However, we understand that this modification may have been made for specific purposes that we might not be aware of. With that in mind, we strongly advise you to reach out to the developers responsible for this customization.
They can provide insights into the purpose of the style modification and determine how to address the issue holistically.
Additionally, we have passed the information to your manager by adding her to the thread.


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As this is an addon developed by third-party developers, we recommend that you contact them directly at for further assistance with this matter.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


I have the following requirement where I need to open the ActivitySectionV2 page from a detail schema. More specifically, I've created a button in a custom detail which, when pressed, opens the ActivitySectionV2 page, as you can see in the following image.


In addition to opening the page, this button should transfer the records Contact Id from the detail  to the Activity section. Inside the ActivitySectionV2 page, I'll use these values for the QuickFilters of the Employees.



To achieve this, I tried using messages between modules. And also, loading the section module through the detail but both didn't work. 


Detail Schema

messages: {
			"SetActivityFilters": { 
				mode: Terrasoft.MessageMode.BROADCAST,
				direction: Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.PUBLISH
methods: {
openActivities: function(){
				var collection = this.get("Collection");
				var contactIds = [];
				for(var i = 0; i < collection.collection.items.length; i++){
					if(collection.collection.items[i].values.imdContact !== undefined){
				//Open Activity + Send Contacts
				this.sandbox.publish("SetActivityFilters", contactIds, []);
				this.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", {hash: "SectionModuleV2/ActivitySectionV2"});
				/*this.sandbox.loadModule("SectionModuleV2", {
					renderTo: "centerPanel",
					//id: "SectionModuleV2_ActivitySectionV2",
					instanceConfig: {
						parameters: {
							ContactIds: contactIds 
						schemaName: "ActivitySectionV2",
						isSchemaConfigInitialized: true,
						useHistoryState: true,
						//isSeparateMode: true,
						//entitySchemaName: "Activity",




			messages: {
			         "SetActivityFilters": { 
				          mode: Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,
				          direction: Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE
            methods: {
             init: function(){
			onRender: function(){
			processMessages: function() {
				this.sandbox.subscribe("SetActivityFilters", function(result){
					window.console.log("'MessageToSubscribe' received" + result);
				}, this, ["SectionModuleV2_CaseSection_CardModuleV2_detail_imdSchema54bae29aDetail1d5019a5imdCaseParticipants"]);

Could you please tell me if there is any other way I can achieve this requirement and what is wrong with my approach.


Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hello Pedro,


Current code you shared will open the Activity section indeed, but there is no logic in the code that will add values to the quick owner filter. And it's so since it's impossible to do via the scenario you described. Why: because to set such filtration dynamically the addNonPeriodFilterValue method from the FixedFilterViewModelV2 should be called (just check it in the debugger when selecting owner from the lookup inside the filter) and I found no ways of doing that from the init method of ActivitySectionV2. So you need to find other ways of achieving the business task.

Hi Oleg Drobina,


Thanks for the response.


Currently, to simplify the problem. I'm just trying to fully open the ActivitySection and print the values that are coming from the detail, without applying the filters.


To do this I had to change the initial code, because my activity was not receiving the "SetActivityFilters" message. So, what I did was to load the module instead, using the following code:

methods: {
			onActiveRowAction: function(buttonTag, primaryColumnValue) {, buttonTag, primaryColumnValue);
			init: function(){
			openActivities: function(){
				var collection = this.get("Collection");
				var contactIds = [];
				for(var i = 0; i &lt; collection.collection.items.length; i++){
					if(collection.collection.items[i].values.imdContact !== undefined){
				this.sandbox.loadModule("SectionModuleV2", {
					renderTo: "centerPanel",
					id: "SectionModuleV2_ActivitySectionV2",
					instanceConfig: {
						parameters: {
							ContactIds: contactIds 
						schemaName: "ActivitySectionV2",
						isSchemaConfigInitialized: true,
						useHistoryState: false,

I followed this post in the community to try to implement this


When pressing the "Open Activity" button, I get this error and behaviour:


After some debbuging, I found that the context does not have the module that I'm trying to load. Maybe, I'm missing some dependencies.



Could you please help me understand this issue?


Once I figure this out, I will check another approach to apply the filters.


Thank you.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro









To pass values from the detail (in my example it was ContractDetailV2) to the ActivitySectionV2:


1) In the ContractDetailV2:

onOpenActivityButtonClick: function() {
				this.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", {
					hash: "SectionModuleV2/ActivitySectionV2",
					silent: false,
					stateObj: {
						value: "5266908c-f3d1-4c5c-9097-f0dfbdbf900b",
						displayValue: "Email Supervisor"

Here you can pass an array in the "value" property of the stateObj object as well.


onOpenActivityButtonClick is a click-handler for the button:

                "operation": "insert",
                "name": "OpenActivityButton",
                "parentName": "Detail",
                "propertyName": "tools",
                "values": {
                    "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
                    "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.OpenActivityButtonCaption"},
                    "click": {"bindTo": "onOpenActivityButtonClick"},
                    "enabled": true


2) In the ActivitySectionV2:

define("ActivitySectionV2", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "Activity",
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/,
		methods: {
			init: function() {
				var shouldUpdateFilter = this.checkHistoryState();
				if (shouldUpdateFilter.value &amp;&amp; shouldUpdateFilter.displayValue) {
					var tag = "Owner";
					var row = {
						value: shouldUpdateFilter.value,
						displayValue: shouldUpdateFilter.displayValue
					console.log("Row value: " + row.value + " and Row displayValue: " + row.displayValue);
			checkHistoryState: function() {
				var historyState = this.sandbox.publish("GetHistoryState");
				return historyState?.state;

As a result you will be able to get passed values in the init method execution:

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I've made a page with Creatio Freedom UI and need to be able to have 1 button on the page that both adds a record and then redirects the user to a specific page.  It appears I can only have the button do 1 action or the other (save a record or open a specific page).  To do both actions with one button, I instead tried creating a business process for this.  It's adding the record fine but I am having trouble getting it to open a specific page afterwards.  Opening an edit page and choosing the home page I want the user to be directed to does not work and instead.  I think it's because edit pages on a business process are treated like tasks and are not simply a redirect. 

Should I use a script element instead to redirect the user to a specific page after the record is added in the business process or is there a more simple way to do this?

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This can be done with custom code on the Freedom UI page. You'd need to wire up the button to execute a custom request on the page: 


Then, in that custom request, you'd need to first save the page:


And then open the other page: 

See (for opening an add or edit page):…

Or (if the page isn't a record page):…


Ryan Farley, thank you so much for this detailed, thoughtful reply and all the articles you've written!  I was able to get the button to save a record and redirect to the desired page after with custom code. 

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I've made a page with Creatio Freedom UI and need to be able to have 1 button on the page that both adds a record and then redirects the user to a specific page.  It appears I can only have the button do 1 action or the other (save a record or open a specific page).  To do both actions with one button, I instead tried creating a business process for this.  It's adding the record fine but I am having trouble getting it to open a specific page afterwards.  Opening an edit page and choosing the home page I want the user to be directed to does not work and instead.  I think it's because edit pages on a business process are treated like tasks and are not simply a redirect. 

Should I use a script element instead to redirect the user to a specific page after the record is added in the business process or is there a more simple way to do this?

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Hi all, 


Just something to look out for. I recently upgraded our instance to 8.0.10 and have number of user concerns relating to existing filters now not functioning. 


After investigating, it appears that where I have filters with inactive parameters, the system is treating it as active. 


So for example in the filter below, Creatio is filtering the list by both Balance due date and total outstanding. 


You may want to check your filters. Has anyone else had the same issue? 


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Thanks for pointing this out. I've not noticed this yet, but I'm sure we've just not realized it yet.

Hello Harry,


Would you please submit a case at and provide all the details regarding this issue, so that we can check it on our end?


Best regards,


Hi Yuliya, 


I have reported this to Creatio Support. 


It's not just an issue with existing filters, all new filters have the same bug. 


I have to say these small things do not give confidence. Many of our business critical lists have these filters in place and not displaying the right data to the user means they could miss something that is critical. 

For example, one of our lists shows airport transfers that are happening on a given day. Luckily we did not have a filter on this list, but if we did, there would be stranded clients waiting to be picked up at the airport! 

Also, I know it has been requested elsewhere, but it would be useful for Creatio to supply bugfixes with their updates. 




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Hi Everyone,

I am having this error when I am trying to create a new folder in my Custom Application on the lists page.


42703: column "UsrNotes" of relation "FolderTree" does not exist

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Could you provide us with a few more details so that we can analyze them? Describe how exactly you are trying to create the folder you need, if you can send us a screenshot of the error itself.


Hi, I am not sure about the details. I don't know why it is giving this error when I am trying to create a folder. As you can see I created a new folder with Test name and it gave me this error.



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Hello, Team.


We have a scenario for performing access rights in the employee section.

Consider the following scenario:

Manager role, This role allows you to view (read and edit) profiles.

Consider the following scenario: we have a Manager user who has access to his own profile.

Now I want to remove his edit rights to his own profile without removing his role access, because the user can see and edit all profiles under this role, but i only want to remove access to his own profile.

Can we get a solution to this? I tried a few scenarios I was familiar with but couldn't find a solution.

Thank you very much.

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You can change access rights for a specific record and user using the [Change access rights] process element and business processes.

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