Hi team


is it possible to show dashboard on section case for a portal user?

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I solved configuring the portal home page.

Is it possible to have dashboard on the section case page ?

Hello Stefano, 


Unfortunately, it is not possible to add a dashboard even for a custom section. We created a task for our R&D department to implement in the future. 


Best Regards, 


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We try to use Locking edit page fields tool to lock a page with specific condition. 

When user opens the page from a Section (e.g. Orders), it works correctly - all fields and details are locked.

But when user opens the same page from a detail (e.g. Account/History/Orders) - all fields and details are not locked, so DisableControlsGenerator doesn't work

Does anyone has solution or idea how to fix this?

Thank you!

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Best reply

Try below code and let me know if it works. 


attributes: {

            "IsModelItemsEnabled": {

                "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,

                "value": true


onEntityInitialized: function() {


                this.set("IsModelItemsEnabled", false);



diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


                 "operation": "merge",

                "name": "CardContentWrapper",

                 "values": {

                     "generator": "DisableControlsGenerator.generatePartial"





I've run into a small test by displaying the configuration items detail on the contact page and by applying fields locking on the configuration item page. When opening the configuration item from the detail located on the contact page the fields are locked. So the issue is that the conditions that you use to lock the page are not working as they should.

Oleg Drobina,

We use no condition for the test on ContractPageV2:


        attributes: {

             "IsModelItemsEnabled": {

                 "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,

                 "value": false



    diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


                 "operation": "merge",

                "name": "CardContentWrapper",

                 "values": {

                     "generator": "DisableControlsGenerator.generatePartial"




I've tested on demo environment with 3 sections: Contract, Document and custom Test section. The same result for all of them

Try below code and let me know if it works. 


attributes: {

            "IsModelItemsEnabled": {

                "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,

                "value": true


onEntityInitialized: function() {


                this.set("IsModelItemsEnabled", false);



diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


                 "operation": "merge",

                "name": "CardContentWrapper",

                 "values": {

                     "generator": "DisableControlsGenerator.generatePartial"



Vladimir Sokolov,


I was also able to reproduce it for Contracts, will contact our R&D department for clarifications and return to you once I receive any feedback from them.

Nishit Singla,

Thank you! This works

Oleg Drobina,

Besides, I've found, that this doesn't lock 'Connected to' fields in Document:

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Hi community,

I want to implement the similar functionality in my custom package with custom detail.

How to populate those templates marked in the circle.

Thanks in advance.

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The logic of this list creation is located in the "SupplyPaymentDetailV2" module in the "initItemTemplates" method that is triggered by the "init" method in the same "SupplyPaymentDetailV2" module. This formed list of templates is than connected to the "AddTypedRecordButton" button in the "controlConfig" property:

						"operation": "merge",
						"name": "AddTypedRecordButton",
						"values": {
							"caption": "",
							"click": {"bindTo": "onAddButtonClick"},
							"controlConfig": {"menu": {"items": {"bindTo": "ItemTemplates"}}}

So the logic of populating the list of templates is located in the "initItemTemplates" method that should be debugged further.

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Hi all, 

I'm wondering if anyone can help in how the system could give me a report (I'm currently attempting with the Excel Reports app). 




I am looking to run a list of Companies with the columns as "Name" and "Total Contacts".

I want the "Total Contacts" to only include Contacts created in the last week. 

I thought the logical way would be to use a section report for Companies. Then user Advanced filter to drilldown into Contacts table and filter by my criteria. 

What that does is only show the companies who have had contacts created within the last week, but when I run the report, the value for "Total Contacts" = Total contacts of all time. 


Any help greatly appreciated here. 

Thank you! 

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How can I change the label color for these fields?

On the edit page designer, there isn't any option to change the label color of a field.

Also, I tried to use CSS but it's not working (I tried to add CSS as we do on normal edit/section pages).


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Indeed currently there is no possibility to modify the label color or on a regular basis or on specific conditions and unfortunately there are no examples of how to do it via the code. We have the task registered for our Core R&D team to add this possibility in one of the future releases of the Freedom UI designer. I will let them know about your community question so to prioritize the task for them. Thank you for helping us in making the app better!

+1 for this !!! ??

We tried Changing the font colour using CSS for a field title and it worked.  


In CSS module add "body" text before the Element class name, then the styling will be applied on the text. 


body {{Element Classname}} {

        color: red; 



body .crt-input-label { 

    font-size: 15px; 

    color: red; 




Thank you

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Hi, community,


I'm trying to find a way to show a section folder tree by default when the user enters a section.

For instance, when users go to the [Accounts] or [Contacts] section, they'll see the folder tree by default on the section page, just like when users go to the [Process library] section or [Lookup] section, they see the Folder Tree for those sections displayed by default.



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The tree will open by default if user once opened it in the section and left it opened when leaving the section (since this state of the folders is written in the SysProfileData table and selected by the system when user enters the section).


So the user should once open the folder tree and not close it.

Oleg Drobina,


To solve the problem, I wrote SQL Script to update the SysProfileData table record where the user's settings were stored when the user entered the section.

I temporarily solved that issue.

Thank you!

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I have begun playing with the web service integration capabilities within a process to send a message to a Teams channel. Obviously many use cases exist for having a message sent to a Team channel.


I have been able to successfully send a message to a channel, however I am having issues in managing the formatting of the message, so a clear title, and message body structure can be provided. Has anyone got any integration working with Teams that would be prepared to share how the web service, variables etc. are configured to allow formatted messages to be sent?


Thanks in advance.

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no one has?


Any guidance would be appreciated

Mark Roberts,

Could you please share how the implementation is done currently?

Also, have you tried about the content using <HTML>


Bhoobalan Palanivelu


Bhoobalan Palanivelu writes:

Mark Roberts,

Could you please share how the implementation is done currently?

Also, have you tried about the content using <HTML>


Bhoobalan Palanivelu


hi Mark Roberts,

Using the Content type as HTML  depicted below.

GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient( authProvider );
var chatMessage = new ChatMessage
	Body = new ItemBody
		ContentType = BodyType.Html,
		Content = "{\r\n  \"title\": \"This is an example of posting a card\",\r\n  \"subtitle\": \"&lt;h3&gt;This is the subtitle&lt;/h3&gt;\",\r\n  \"text\": \"Here is some body text. &lt;br&gt;\\r\\nAnd a &lt;a href=\\\"http://microsoft.com/\\\"&gt;hyperlink&lt;/a&gt;. &lt;br&gt;\\r\\nAnd below that is some buttons:\",\r\n  \"buttons\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"type\": \"messageBack\",\r\n      \"title\": \"Login to FakeBot\",\r\n      \"text\": \"login\",\r\n      \"displayText\": \"login\",\r\n      \"value\": \"login\"\r\n    }\r\n  ]\r\n}",	}
await graphClient.Teams["{team-id}"].Channels["{channel-id}"].Messages


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,



Thanks for your reply. This is what I have done so far:


1. Created a new Web Service entry

2. Configured a single Method and populated top fields. I know this is correct as I can successful send a test request with just a single parameter line and it was received and displayed in my Teams channel

3. The issue I have is with the configuration of the Parameters, for which all but contentType I assume are Body parameters. The following screenshot is me playing with various structures and content entries, but I cannot get anything working :/



I am trying to send a message in a form similar to the following:




I feel I am missing something straightforward in how this should be built within the Creatio Web Service definition, but the docs are not helping find it.





did you ever get this working?

keith schmitt,

No, I have been distracted with other things, so not got back to this. This would be a great blog for someone to write up and share!

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Hi community,

I want to modify the value of the field "Notes" from a process but the field does not appear in the block "Modify data". We have checked the object "Case" and the field does exist. Hope you can tell me the reason.

Thank you in advance!

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Hi Community,


Any idea how we can achieve this requirement. We need to build charts from third party data source like API instead of using crm's objects as data source.


Thank you

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In Freedom UI we can design form pages (edit pages) by selecting some existing objects.

Can I use the Activity object to create the Freedom UI section without affecting the Calendar view?

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Hey Rahul,

My two cents would be to wait until after their event on 13th December. They are changing the UI, which might include this section anyhow.

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