Hello Creatio team,

How can i activate the Section Wizard option for the followin detail:

This feature is deactivated in the PlanningAccountDetailV2 schema part of Field package

I need to activate the wizard for this task:

Deactivate the filter that filters the accounts based on the selected employee.

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Hello Sasori,


In order to deactive the filter based on employee it is just needed to click on the cross sign, and you will see all the accounts.


Alternatively you can create a replacing view model for the schema PlanningAccountDetailV2 and modify the method getFilters according to your needs.

 define("PlanningAccountDetailV2", [],

    function() {

        return {

            entitySchemaName: "Account",

            attributes: {},

            methods: {

                getFilters: function() {


                    var filters = this.sandbox.publish("GetSectionFilters");

                    if (!this.Ext.isEmpty(filters.filtersValue)) {

                        this.setFilter(filters.key, filters.filtersValue);



            diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/





As for the section wizard, this whole detail was created with code, so it would be not possible to enable it. But the first option by clicking the cross sign would be the more simple one.


Best regards,



Hello Sasori,


In order to deactive the filter based on employee it is just needed to click on the cross sign, and you will see all the accounts.


Alternatively you can create a replacing view model for the schema PlanningAccountDetailV2 and modify the method getFilters according to your needs.

 define("PlanningAccountDetailV2", [],

    function() {

        return {

            entitySchemaName: "Account",

            attributes: {},

            methods: {

                getFilters: function() {


                    var filters = this.sandbox.publish("GetSectionFilters");

                    if (!this.Ext.isEmpty(filters.filtersValue)) {

                        this.setFilter(filters.key, filters.filtersValue);



            diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/





As for the section wizard, this whole detail was created with code, so it would be not possible to enable it. But the first option by clicking the cross sign would be the more simple one.


Best regards,



Thank you very much Dariy.

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Hi all,

Is it possible to have "master filters" on dashboards with Freedom UI Designer ?

For example, to keep it simple, I create a dashboard with 3 KPIs in widgets such as : number of leads generated, number of opportunities generated, $ value of opportunities signed.

Then as a manager, I would like to be able to have a drop down list where I can select a sales rep, and the data in the dashboard widgets filter on the selected sales rep. Another use case, would be to have start / end dates to filter to choose from, that would filter the data shown in the 3 widgets.

(In the end, the same way we can filter data shown on list pages.)

This is the kind of feature offered by pretty much all the CRM competing brands OOTB but not Creatio (before Freedom UI) and is a big limitation for management.

However, I am not 100% familiar with the potential of Freedom UI.

Thank you for your contribution,


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Hello Damien,


This feature was available in OOTB sections in Old UI:


Unfortunately, though - it is still not aviable in Freedom UI at the moment. Thank you for your question, it's aviability will be prioritised in our development roadmap.


Best Regards,





Hello Damien,


This feature was available in OOTB sections in Old UI:


Unfortunately, though - it is still not aviable in Freedom UI at the moment. Thank you for your question, it's aviability will be prioritised in our development roadmap.


Best Regards,





Denis Bidukha,


Hi Denis,

Thank you for you answer - it's great to know it exists on the "contextual" dashboards in Creatio - it would be great to also work OOTB in the Dashboards Section itself too :) !

Best day,


Hello Team

Has this request been taken up? We have had  many conversations on this with our customers and it is the most wanted feature for Management groups.


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Hi All,


I am trying to setup the OAUTH2.0 on my trail cloud instance. Would like to know what should be the identity service URL which we need to specify on Postman to generate the access token?


I can able to get it for on-premise from this https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/on_site_deployment/deployment_add… documentation.



Altaf Hussian.M

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Hello Altaf, 


In order to enable OAuth2.0 functionality for the cloud-based instance, you need to contact our support team using support@creatio.com.

The functionality will be enabled from our side and there will be no need to populate the settings manually. 


Best regards,


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We have multiple business units that have different pipeline stages. I can see how to create stages within the existing pipeline, but I can't see how to create separate pipelines with their own unique stages. Is that possible? 

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You can create separate pipelines with unique stages by means of the "Sales pipeline by cases" add-on: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/sales-pipeline-cases-creatio


Best regards,


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Hi all,

I'm trying to add multiple fixed filters to a detail on a booking record.


Master Record = UsrBooking

Detail = UsrPayments


I would like to show all payments linked to a booking where the account type (UsrPayments.UsrAccountType) = "Coach Company" (30091a3f-b9fd-43da-a39f-e0c59402a115)

i've added the below to the booking page schema (using Add fixed filter to detail | Community Creatio) but it overwrites the link to the booking and shows only 'coach company' payments for all bookings:

details: {
			"UsrCoachPaymentsDetailBooking": {
				"schemaName": "UsrCoachPaymentsDetail",
				"entitySchemaName": "UsrPayments",
				"filter": {
					"detailColumn": "UsrPaymentScheduleBooking",
					"masterColumn": "Id"
				"filterMethod": "getFilters"
methods: {
                    getFilters: function() {
						var filters = new this.Terrasoft.createFilterGroup();
						var AccountType = "Coach Company";
						filters.add("FilterAccountType", this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
							this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "UsrAccountType.Name", AccountType));
					return filters;

I would like to either:

  1. add the result of the getFilters function to the existing filter
  2. include the booking filter in the getFilters function

As a bonus, I'd also like to use the Id for the AccountType instead of the name (which may be subject to change).

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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Hi Cris,


The filtration you've created will return only UsrPayments records that have the UsrAccountType.Name = "Coach Company" and this result will be returned once the UsrPayments detail is loaded on the page. After that you can add additional filters manually. In case you need to use Id filtration you can modify the logic of the filter:

var accountTypeId = "some id here";
filters.add("FilterAccountTypeId", this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "UsrAccountType", accountTypeId));

getFilters method is executed initially once the detail is donwloaded to the page. Adding custom filters from the UI to this method won't be possible, so all initial filters that the record should have should be added to the getFilters method via the code.

Hi Cris,


The filtration you've created will return only UsrPayments records that have the UsrAccountType.Name = "Coach Company" and this result will be returned once the UsrPayments detail is loaded on the page. After that you can add additional filters manually. In case you need to use Id filtration you can modify the logic of the filter:

var accountTypeId = "some id here";
filters.add("FilterAccountTypeId", this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "UsrAccountType", accountTypeId));

getFilters method is executed initially once the detail is donwloaded to the page. Adding custom filters from the UI to this method won't be possible, so all initial filters that the record should have should be added to the getFilters method via the code.

Oleg Drobina,

Thanks Oleg, this has done the trick. I was able to add multiple filters with the following:

methods: {
getFilters: function() {
	var filters = new this.Terrasoft.createFilterGroup();
	var accountTypeId = "30091a3f-b9fd-43da-a39f-e0c59402a115";
	var bookingId = this.get("Id")
	filters.add("FilterAccountTypeId", this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "UsrAccountType", accountTypeId));
	filters.add("FilterBookingId", this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "UsrPaymentScheduleBooking", bookingId));
return filters;


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Hello community!


I would like to know if there is any way in which I can connect a process to all the records in a detail. So basically if my Opportunity has a detail called Products I need that when I click "Run process" this process to run for all the records existing in this detail.

Is this possible? How can I implement it?

Thank you.

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In the current version of the application there is no way to run a process from a section which will be triggered for several records. But you can create a process that can be triggered manually for several records.

To do that you need to add a checkbox field to an account page that will be filled in by the business process that will be executed. Here is a scenario of a business process:

1) Process is triggered manually;

2) Then it runs its logic;

3) Then there should be "Modify data" element that will fill the created checkbox in;

4) After that there will be two flows: conditional flow and default flow. In conditional flow there should be a condition that checkbox is filled in and this conditional flow creates a loop in a process and goes to the very first element of the process which goes right after start signal. Default flow goes to "Terminate" element.

The logic here is that the process will apply changes based on its logic to a record, then it will fill the checkbox in and if it finds another record in a section which has a checkbox not filled in it goes to the very beginning of a process and apply changes to this next record based on the logic of a business process. After several iterations all records that need to be changed will be changed successfully.

In this process the very first element should be "Read data" element with your optional conditions and one required condition - that the checkbox is not filled in. As a result the business process will process several records. Also you can create a process that will uncheck the checkbox once the main process is finished.

It is hard to explain how to create such a process and that's why I am adding your manager Bogdan to this email in case you need additional help in building this process. I will also create a suggestion to our R&D team regarding the problem of possibility of launching a process in a section for several records and I hope they will find a way to implement such a logic in one of future versions of the application.

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Hi Team,

We would like to change the alignment of few of the heading/values in the list view from “centre” alignment to right alignment in the dashbaord.


As shown in the screenshot, we want the Quantity [heading] and values to be right aligned rather than centre aligned. Is it possible to change the alignment in the dashboard or any coding needs to be done


Thanks in advance!



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Hello Amritha,


I've discussed your question with our R&D team.


Unfortunately, there are no basic tools to configure alignment in the pivot table for now.


I've registered the idea for our R&D team to implement this functionality in further releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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I have created a process to delete the records from this section as there are Detail records for the section.

In Freedom UI I am not able to pass the selected record's ID to my Business Process.


Can you please guide me through the steps to do so?


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As stated here currently it's impossible to do and our R&D team already has a task to implement multiselect in the Freedom UI section. This will allow to pass selected record IDs to the process parameter as an array that can be then parsed in the business process and the logic can be executed for it. I will inform them about your question to increase the priority of the task. Thank you for helping us in making the app better!

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Hello Community

I have two queues(Sales queue,verification queue).When i change the dcm stage to Nurturing it is adding to sales queue and when i change the stage to Awaiting sale it is adding to verification queue as expected . But when i change the stage to Not interested it is not added to the sales queue. Is it possible to add two stages to one queue. If so let me know.


File attachments
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Sure, you should change the filter in  "Sales" queue.

You can select several stages by clicking on the lookup (simply click on "Nurturing") in the filter settings.

Please find the video on how to do it for the case stage here:

Best regards,



Hi Kate,


I have done the same, you can find it in the below image. But when the DCM stage is changed to Not Interested it is not adding to sales queue.

Hello Manne Pavan kumar,


Thank you for your feedback.

Please try restarting the queue to apply the filter.

For example, do the following:

1) Change the status to "Planned".

2) Save.

3) Change the status to "In progress"

4) Save.


Best regards,


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I am trying to validate a section data using custom code and entity event layers.

Since the current user can belong to different regions across the world, the validation error message must be thrown in different languages.


I understand we can use Localizable Strings, but I am unable to Get the value of the localizable string.


If I create a Localizable string called "MessageToUser", how can I access its value in C#?


Thanks in Advance!

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Hi Shivani,

You are correct, in this situation you need to use Localizable strings.

In the source code you can create it in the left panel, and if you want to add them to event logic, you can find them in the "Resource" section:

You can find an example on how to access this string in this article.


Dmytro Vovchenko,


Thank you. Unfortunately, the line of code to get localizable string :

 var bodyTemplate = UserConnection.GetLocalizableString(ClassName, "BodyTemplate");

gives the following error in Visual Studio

'UserConnection' does not contain a definition for 'GetLocalizableString'

I had referred this link earlier, and since the definition was absent, I was wondering if I am missing something or there is any other way to get the localizable string in Source Code Schema


Just to be sure, did you use all on them in your code?

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Terrasoft.Common;
using Terrasoft.Core;


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