
I am trying to validate a section data using custom code and entity event layers.

Since the current user can belong to different regions across the world, the validation error message must be thrown in different languages.


I understand we can use Localizable Strings, but I am unable to Get the value of the localizable string.


If I create a Localizable string called "MessageToUser", how can I access its value in C#?


Thanks in Advance!

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Hi Shivani,

You are correct, in this situation you need to use Localizable strings.

In the source code you can create it in the left panel, and if you want to add them to event logic, you can find them in the "Resource" section:

You can find an example on how to access this string in this article.


Dmytro Vovchenko,


Thank you. Unfortunately, the line of code to get localizable string :

 var bodyTemplate = UserConnection.GetLocalizableString(ClassName, "BodyTemplate");

gives the following error in Visual Studio

'UserConnection' does not contain a definition for 'GetLocalizableString'

I had referred this link earlier, and since the definition was absent, I was wondering if I am missing something or there is any other way to get the localizable string in Source Code Schema


Just to be sure, did you use all on them in your code?

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Terrasoft.Common;
using Terrasoft.Core;


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Is it possible to revert a data import ?

Pipedrive example:

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As for now there is now way to revert import in the system. However, we have registered this idea for our R&D team and this functionality may be implemented in future releases. 

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Could you give exact way how to add existing object (not a section, but additional one) to the portal?


1. I add the object to lookup 'List of objects available for portal users'

2. I add all fields of the object to lookup 'List of schema fields for portal access'

3. I add list with this object to the Main page of the portal

4. Object has no restriction of access rights (Operations and Records)

But portal user on the Main page doesn't see any data in that object - just empty list.

What else should be done?

Thank you!

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I've found that if:

1. Set Access rights by Operations

2. Give Access rights for Portal users

3. Recompile everything

Then object records are visible on Portal. 

Is it correct, that Access rights by Operations are mandatory to display object on Portal?



Access rights in Creatio are distributed according to the “least access” principle. This means that portal users are prohibited from everything that is not given direct permission.

After adding an object to the "List of objects available to the portal user" lookup, you need to check the rights to create/modify/delete operations and the rights to the columns for the added objects.

You can find more details on managing access rights on the portal in the article on the Academy: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8-0/user/more_apps/portal/manage_porta…

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Hello All, 

We noticed a bug in the add-on MultiChoice. The process to replicate the issue is the following:

  1. Configure two MultiChoice fields on a page.
  2. Edit one of the MultiChoice fields, but not both.
  3. Save the record
  4. After the record is saved, the MultiChoice field that was not edited now has the values cleared out.

We found that if you refresh the page, the values appear again. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Or has anyone found a workaround to prevent the field from clearing out on save?


Thank you!


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Hi Chris,

I've experienced this same issue. There's problems if you have two of these on the same page - I started looking into workarounds, but ended up switching to just standard details and made them look more similar to the MultiChoice layout (see https://customerfx.com/article/changing-a-detail-grid-to-a-horizontal-l…) instead so never found a resolution. 

Just wanted to mention so you know it's not just you or something you did. Wish I had a workaround to provide :( 


I found resolution, file: MultiChoiceMixin, method: loadMultiChoiceColumns, replace row

viewModel.set(columnName, rowsItems);


viewModel.trigger("change:" + columnName, rowsItems);

Idk how it works but it helps

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I just upgraded a copy of our development Studio Site from 7.18 to 8.0.4. When I go to the Application Hub the existing applications/packages are not there. What is the process to convert\add those existing apps/packages to the application hub to start using the new 8.0 components on our existing applications?




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Best reply

Hello Jose, 


There should be all packages that were there in 7.18 UI.

If you want to manually add the existing packages to the application hub - you have to create a record in SysInstalledApp package and SysPackageInInstalledApp.

Hello Jose, 


There should be all packages that were there in 7.18 UI.

If you want to manually add the existing packages to the application hub - you have to create a record in SysInstalledApp package and SysPackageInInstalledApp.

Thanks Aleksei. I was able to add the applications on the app hub following your instructions. Is there any article on Creatio with steps/best practices for converting existing pages/sections from the 7.18 version to the new Freedom pages/sections?

Jose Hernandez,

Actually, it has to be done automatically, old packages should appear in the Application hub.

So, there is no article.

It may be worth investigating why the packages did not appear in the application hub.

You can keep in touch with the support and they will check possible reasons for such behavior.

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Hello community!


I removed by accident the detail which connects the tasks with a project.

How can I put it back since it doesn't appear on the section wizard?


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Please delete the "Remove" blocks from the replacing ActivityPageV2 schema in the Custom package:


                "operation": "remove",

                "name": "ConnectionWithProjectControlGroup"



                "operation": "remove",

                "name": "FullProjectName"



Please delete the "Remove" blocks from the replacing ActivityPageV2 schema in the Custom package:


                "operation": "remove",

                "name": "ConnectionWithProjectControlGroup"



                "operation": "remove",

                "name": "FullProjectName"


Alona Dolya,


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How to recover a deleted contact?

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Hello Artem,


If the contact was fully deleted from the system, it cannot be restored, sorry.

WHat if that contact was merged, instead of deleting of it? can we see merged record's information in somewhere? 

Ismet Sinan Ekici,

There is no such possibility in our system.

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Not all stages/statuses are visible via Kanban view. Are there any additional settings or ideas on how to add the needed stages/statuses 

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Hello Anastasiia,


We recommend you creating a case directly for our support team at support@creatio.com providing all the details regarding this question, so we could properly check the issue.


Mira Dmitruk,

Thank you

Anastasiia Savchuk,

It would be nice to describe the solution here as well, cause we also have similar issues with Kanban

Hello Vladimir Sokolov,


Please note that to keep this Marketplace app free of charge support is provided via issues on GitHub.

Mira Dmitruk,

Unfortunately we haven't received answer on GitHub

Would also like to have solution described in community, rather than having to go back and forth between 3 platforms (partner portal, github, community).

Or maybe, having an FAQ for common marketplace place app issues directly in marketplace apps as a new tab to find the answers directly with the right app ?

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Hi Community,


Is there a way that we can be able to remove the lock on the decision maker, so the user can manually input this? Thanks



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Add below code in opportunity edit page. Let me know if you still face the issue.



                    "operation": "insert",

                    "name": "OpportunityDecisionMaker",

                    "values": {

                        "layout": {

                            "row": 2,

                            "column": 5,

                            "colSpan": 19


                        "bindTo": "DecisionMaker",

                        "controlConfig": {

                            "enabled": true



                    "parentName": "BantProfile",

                    "propertyName": "items",

                    "alias": {

                        "name": "DecisionMaker",

                        "excludeProperties": ["layout"],

                        "excludeOperations": ["remove", "move"]




hi Joseph Francisco,

Which section has this "Decision Maker" field? 



Add below code in opportunity edit page. Let me know if you still face the issue.



                    "operation": "insert",

                    "name": "OpportunityDecisionMaker",

                    "values": {

                        "layout": {

                            "row": 2,

                            "column": 5,

                            "colSpan": 19


                        "bindTo": "DecisionMaker",

                        "controlConfig": {

                            "enabled": true



                    "parentName": "BantProfile",

                    "propertyName": "items",

                    "alias": {

                        "name": "DecisionMaker",

                        "excludeProperties": ["layout"],

                        "excludeOperations": ["remove", "move"]




Joseph Francisco

You can use the diff code provided by Nishit Singla, with one change. Instead of Insert, please use the "merge" keyword since the insert will consider it as a duplicate entry of the same item.

The below should be sufficient to enable/unlock the field.

Also, make sure you need it in "OpportunityPageV2".

                    "operation": "merge",
                    "name": "OpportunityDecisionMaker",
                    "values": {
                     "enabled": true


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Nishit Singla,

This one works for me. Thanks Nishit Singla

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Hi Creatio Community,


I was changing some fields on a details list and the view change log is not enabling.


Can we able to retain the view change log button enabled? Regardless of if it has changes or none on the detail lists.

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hi Joseph Francisco,

Please enable the change log for the corresponding object.

Below is the Creatio article to enable and view he change log.



Bhoobalan Palanivelu.


will change log show all the values changed?

For example :- Mobile phone field -- changed from 999999999 to 888888888 to 7777777777 to 6666666666 and so on.

will we see all the values? I checked but system was showing only first value after that system was not showing any other changed values. 

Nishit Singla,


Please also take into account that the changes will be saved in the Change Log only if they were made not directly into the DB (for example changing this field via SQL script won't be shown in the Change Log) and also, you need to save the record every time a change is made. 

So for example, if you change Mobile phone field to 999999999, then to 888888888 and to 7777777777 without saving after each and every change - it won't appear in the change log.

I am changing the record and saving it every time. It does not show all the changed values in Change log. It is showing only very first entry in change log. What would be the issue? Did you try to replicate it?

Nishit Singla,

Same issue I am facing currently. It seems that when I change on the details list it doesn't enable the view change log.

Is it possible that every change log can be shown as details on a page?

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