Hi Community,


I am trying to create a new freedom UI section from the application hub. After giving a name "Requests" for the section, the section gets created with the name. But in the backend the code of the object and its associated pages are auto generated in the format "UsrApp_qbm8q4f". 



Is there a way to generate the code as "Usr[SectionName]", every time I create a new section instead of some random auto generated text which is not a developer friendly code?




Like 3





There is no possibility to change its code.


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

Definitely needed for 8.1 ?

Hi Everyone,

Is this issue sorted? is there a way to stop the random code?



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When images preview works perfectly in sections, it doesn't work in the same sections on portal.

How to enable attachment preview for portal users?

Kind regards,


Like 2




Unfortunately, this is a known issue, which is already being worked on by our R&D team and will be improved within the future releases. 

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Hi Team,


I'm looking for a solution where I can fetch the list of records from a section if the value of any three fields that i enter in the edit page form of a new record match with the current entry field values.


For example : In my current record I enter the values as follows for the customer CustomerA:

Field1 = 1;

Field2 = 2;

Field3 = 3;

Field4 = 4;

Field5 = 5;


Existing entries :

entry 1 : CustomerB

Field1 = 1;

Field2 = 2;

Field3 = 3;

Field4 = 6;

Field5 = 9;


entry 2 : CustomerC

Field1 = 3;

Field2 = 2;

Field3 = 3;

Field4 = 4;

Field5 = 9;


entry 3 : CustomerD

Field1 = 10;

Field2 = 12;

Field3 = 33;

Field4 = 62;

Field5 = 91;


then, in this case system should be able to fetch the entry with customer names-CustomerB and CustomerC  in a list and display in a dialogBox .


Kindly help.

Many thanks in advance.


best regards,




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Please, specify the problem in more detail, what are the user's steps when reproducing it, what is the actual result and what is expected.

Screenshots are highly appreciated and will help us to find the best solution for you.

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Hi team

I am facing some issues while invoking creatio API

It gives 500 internal server error

I tried using the list contacts API call

Curl request

curl --location --request GET 'https://namu.creatio.com/0/odata/Contact' \

--header 'BPMCSRF: xxx' \

--header 'ForceUseSession: true' \

--header 'Cookie: xxx'

It was working fine before and suddenly stopped working since 07/12/2022

Could you please let us know why it's failing?

Like 0



I am also receiving the same response. 


Can someone help me?

Is there any common issue from the API side?


I messaged support yesterday but so far no response or acknowledgement. Have you tried compiling the system and were there any errors?


I don't have access to the system

It's for one of our clients who is facing the issue

How can we contact the creatio support team?

Is there a support portal?




Please try using Odata 3.

More details on the academy website:



I see odata3 returns an XML response

Is ODATA 4 not supported hereafter?


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Hello community,


I came across the following to return the user back to section list page after saving section record

save: function(config) {
	if (!config) config = {};
	config.isSilent = true;


Unfortunately, this if isSilent =true, the detail records are not saved in New Mode

I would like to save both detail record and the section record and return the user back to list page.


Is there a way to programmatically call Close button after saving a record?

Like 0




The first thing that comes to mind is to call a sandbox message in your detail save. In the main object schema, you need to subscribe to this message and call the save and close button methods.

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For example, if we have 100 employees and 30 of them are white-collar and the other 70 are blue-collar, how many named users and/or concurrent users might we need for Creatio Workflow?

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Hi colleagues, 

Could you please clarify what you mean by white and blue-collar employees?

Aleksei Efimenko,

Workers who work physically in an enterprise are called blue-collar, while those who work in the office and work in management are called white-collar.

My main question is: What does the user license described in Creatio mean? What rights do they have. Does every person working in the company need to have a user license? For example, is it possible to send an e-mail to a person who works in a company but does not have a user license? Or can someone without a user license interfere with a process?

Thank you


Haşmet Fevzi ÇAKMAK,

Users without any licenses can't even log in to the application.

But, different users can have different licenses.

For example, one user can have a license for a service product, but he will not be able to access marketing sections (like Emails and Campaigns).

Yes, there are no problems to send the email to the person who is not a Creatio licenses user, and no problem getting an answer from this person too.

If I got your question correctly - you need 30 licenses.

Please feel free to let me know if you have further questions.

Best regards, Alex.




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i want add upload image field  in detail page on creatio version > 8

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Thanks for your question. Could you please elaborate more on your business task? 


Thanks in advance.


Best regards,



Please follow this Academy article https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/interface_elements/record_pa…. It has the steps to add an image field to the record page and an image to it.



Bhoobalna Palanivelu

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Hi I keep getting an error trying to download Calculated Metrics For Creatio into Dev. My version is 8.05.2424. It says it works on version 7 and up. Is anyone else having this issue? 

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Hello Heather,

Could you please share the installation log?

2022-11-21 18:27:20,377 Loading file: MultiChoice.zip 100%

2022-11-21 18:27:20,861 Packages validation started

2022-11-21 18:27:25,407 Packages have been validated

2022-11-21 18:27:25,642 Configuration backup started.

2022-11-21 18:27:25,657 Loading packages from archive

2022-11-21 18:27:25,673 Package "MultiChoice" loaded

2022-11-21 18:27:25,689 Configuration backup successfully created.

2022-11-21 18:27:25,986 Application install from file started. Application name: MultiChoice. Code: MultiChoice.

2022-11-21 18:27:25,986 Preparing packages for installation

2022-11-21 18:27:26,048 Loading packages from archive

2022-11-21 18:27:26,064 Package "MultiChoice" loaded

2022-11-21 18:27:26,079 Skipped - Loading packages from database (new application)

2022-11-21 18:27:26,079 Composing packages

2022-11-21 18:27:26,626 Schema "MultiChoiceCombobox" saved in package "MultiChoice"

2022-11-21 18:27:26,751 Schema "MultiChoiceMixin" saved in package "MultiChoice"

2022-11-21 18:27:26,751 Package "MultiChoice" saved

2022-11-21 18:27:26,923 Added - resources in package "MultiChoice"

2022-11-21 18:27:26,954 Added - dependencies of package "MultiChoice"

2022-11-21 18:27:27,017 Added - schema caption localizations in package "MultiChoice"

2022-11-21 18:27:27,017 Package hierarchy actualization is started

2022-11-21 18:27:27,548 Package hierarchy actualization is completed. Affected records: 21

2022-11-21 18:27:27,548 Package hierarchy updated

2022-11-21 18:27:27,564 Updating tables structure in database

2022-11-21 18:27:27,579 Updating modified schemas

2022-11-21 18:27:27,689 Installing data

2022-11-21 18:27:28,345 Schema source code "MultiChoiceCombobox" from package MultiChoice generated

2022-11-21 18:27:28,407 Schema source code "MultiChoiceMixin" from package MultiChoice generated

2022-11-21 18:27:28,423 Updated modified schemas

2022-11-21 18:27:28,439 Updating modified schemas

2022-11-21 18:27:28,454 Updated modified schemas

2022-11-21 18:27:28,470 Configuration build started

2022-11-21 18:27:28,517 Current schemas info loaded

2022-11-21 18:27:28,689 New schemas info loaded

2022-11-21 18:27:28,720 Configuration state loaded

2022-11-21 18:27:28,720 Configuration server content generation started

2022-11-21 18:27:28,720 Configuration server content generated

2022-11-21 18:27:28,798 Schema JS module descriptors updated

2022-11-21 18:27:28,798 Schema JS module items loaded

2022-11-21 18:27:28,829 Schema JS module paths generated

2022-11-21 18:27:28,829 Schema JS module paths updated

2022-11-21 18:27:28,845 Schema content bootstrap updated

2022-11-21 18:27:29,048 Meta info file updated

2022-11-21 18:27:29,235 File content generation started

2022-11-21 18:27:29,298 File content descriptors obtained

2022-11-21 18:27:29,314 File content descriptors generated

2022-11-21 18:27:29,329 File content bootstraps generated

2022-11-21 18:27:29,329 Configuration build finished

2022-11-21 18:27:29,735 Application installed successfully



As we can see in the logs 'Application installed successfully'.

So the error occurred only on the UI.

So what should I do next to address the UI?

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We would like to add the City of an Account in the Visit Scheduler container. How can that be achieved ?

Thank you


Like 0



Hello team,

Any update on this ?

Sasori Oshigaki,


This title is composed in the schema ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel and its method getScheduleItemTitle and if you want to change the title, you need to modify this method. Keep in mind that you cannot simply override schema ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel, you need to write a new nodule with a code similar to ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel with the exception of the needed method and connect your new schema to the base schemas similar to an old ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel

Hi Creatio,

I have managed to retreive the City Valye.

My last hurdle is how to set the retrieved city string value to a global attribute inside the ESQ, because as you know ESQ is aysnc.


This is the Global attribute:

attributes: {
		"CityNameEsq": {
		dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT,
		type: this.Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN

This is the method:

getScheduleItemTitle: function() {
			var title = this.get("Title");
			var account = this.get("Account");
			var accountGuid = this.get("Account").value;
				var recordId = this.get("Account").value;
					var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
						rootSchemaName: "Account"
					esq.addColumn("City.Name", "CityName");
					esq.getEntity(recordId, function(result) {
						if (!result.success) {
							// For example, error processing/logging.
							this.showInformationDialog("Data query error");
						this.set("CityNameEsq", result.entity.get("CityName"));

Sasori Oshigaki,

Here is a sample to get the result of an asynchronous function using Terrasoft.chain

getMyEntity: function(callback) {
    var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
        rootSchemaName: schemaName
    esq.getEntity(recordId, function(response) {
        if (callback) {
    }, this)
globalMethod: function() {
        function(next) {
            this.getMyEntity(function() {
        function() {

Also, please check this article's getentity method to synchronous!




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

Thank you very much Bhoobalan. As always you help is much appreciated.

I am still not getting the wanted result.

Here is the entire module code

define("SasActivitySectionGridRowViewModel", ["ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel","ActivitySectionGridRowViewModelResources"
		function() {
	 * @class Terrasoft.configuration.ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel
	Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.SasActivitySectionGridRowViewModel", {
		alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.SasActivitySectionGridRowViewModel",
        override: "Terrasoft.ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel",
	    attributes: {
					"CityNameEsq": {
						dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT,
						type: this.Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN
		 * ########## ######## ######### ######## # ##########.
		 * @return {String} ######## ######### ######## # ##########.
		getScheduleItemTitle: function() {
			function(next) {
				this.GetCityName(function() {
				function() {
		GetCityName: function(callback)
			var recordId = this.get("Account").value;
			var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
				rootSchemaName: "Account"
			esq.addColumn("City.Name", "CityName");
			esq.getEntity(recordId, function(response) {
				if (!result.success) {
					this.showInformationDialog("Data query error");
				this.set("CityNameEsq", result.entity.get("CityName"));
			}, this);
		getTitleInfo: function()
			var title = this.get("Title");
			var account = this.get("Account");
			var accountDisplayValue = (account) ? account.displayValue + ": " : "";
			return Ext.String.format("{0}{1}", accountDisplayValue, title,this.get("CityNameEsq"));
	return Terrasoft.SasActivitySectionGridRowViewModel;

What am in doing wrong here. Because i get

Sasori Oshigaki,

Can you please try to add in this method  getScheduleItemTitle: function()



Hi Bhoobalan,

Still getting the same result

after applying 

	getScheduleItemTitle: function() {
			function(next) {
				this.GetCityName(function() {
				function() {


The esq async logic may be pretty complicated. if you have a debug mode enabled, please turn it off, this may fix the issue. If it, not the case, try to change the title in the method getScheduleItemTitle without using ESQ by setting some test value, maybe the problem isn't in the async logic but in the method itself.

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Is there any possibility to merge 2 columns in a dashboard? 

Thank you, 

Rares Ivan

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Hello Ivan, 


Could you please elaborate a bit on your business task?


Best regards,



So, I have 2 columns: 1 is Business Line for Legal Entity and the other one is Business Line for individual. I want the business line to be show on the even if it is for the LE or for an individual to be shown on the same column.


Ivan Rares Marian,

We create VIEW in database, create object based on that VIEW and display any information we want :)

Kind regards,


Vladimir Sokolov,

Can you be more specific or can you provide me a link where I can find it

in Academy? 


Thank you,

Rares Ivan

Ivan Rares Marian,

Something like this (I haven't found for latest version, but idea is the same) - 


If you don't manage different language localization, you can stop at first VIEW in point 2

Dear Vladimir Sokolov,


Many thanks for your help!


Dear Ivan Rares Marian,


Please proceed with recommendations provided by Vladimir and let us know in case of any questions!

Best regards,


Thanks a lot, Vladimir and Anastaia. I will follow your steps

Have a nice day!

Rares Ivan

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