Hi all, 


I've got a frustrating one I am hoping someone will be able to help with! :) 


On version 8.0.4 I had made the attachment component of the freedom UI editable through adding the same code that is used on other list components. However, with 8.0.5 that no longer works! - Anyone have any idea how to do that? 



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Dear Harry,


Thanks for your question.


Could you please clarify what exactly error you get in the component? A screenshot will be much helpful for us.


Thanks in advance!


Best regards,


Anastasiia Marushenko,

Hi Anastasiia, thanks for the quick reply! 

By design, the Attachment component in Freedom UI doesn't allow you to edit columns, or have the ability like other lists to turn on the "Editable" toggle.


This means that you are unable to update other columns, such as document type in the example below.



On previous versions I got around this by adding "IsEditable" attribute to "true". However, it looks like on the latest version the code has changed, which when applied to an attachment component it does not work. 


The below code is what is used to define if a list should be editable on a standard grid. Is there any other way to do this on the attachment? 


    "values": {

                    "type": "crt.DataGrid",

                    "layoutConfig": {},

                    "features": {

                        "editable": true





Hi Anastasiiaa, any update possible on this? Thank you. 



In new versions of the application, it is not possible to enable an editable registry for the Attachments detail.

Thanks Nikita, it does look like that’s the case. 


you don’t happen to know where the source code for the attachments component is held do you? I can’t seem to find it anywhere. 

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We have several details on Portal (e.g. Product price, Contract and some custom ones).

When portal user double clicks on the record, edit page is opened.


But this happens only on Dev environment. When we install package to Test, it is not possible to open edit page there.

What data should be added to the package in order to open edit page for detail records?

Thank you

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As we have found, there are 2 records for one CardSchemaUId in SysModuleEdit:

Select * from "SysModuleEdit"

where "PageCaption" LIKE '%Contracts%'

So, it is necessary to bind the record, that doesn't exist in Test environment. And to this for all pages that should be opened from details

Maybe someone will give better explanation, but this works

Kind regards,


Hello Vladimir, 

What you did is bind the SysModuleEdit record for the page supposed to open for the portal section which was missing before. 

That's necessary to make sure you bound data from this table along with data from SysSchema, SysModuleEntity, SysModuleEntityInPortal and SysModule to make sure that the portal section and it's pages are correctly transferred. 

Kind regards,


Hello Roman,

we've got new issue with this. Currently page is opened with double click on portal in our dev and test environment (with demo license)

But not opened on customer environment (with real license).


So, that means, that all bindings are done, but something still necessary to do.

Do you have exact manual how to add detail with edit page to the Portal?

Thank you!

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Hi community,

Anybody aware of the use of SysProcPersistentStore table in creatio? A customer has 19GB of data in the table but we don't know where the data comes from.


Thank you in advance.

Have a good one!

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It's a known issue. We'll gladly provide a solution to your particular instance in case you submit a request to our Technical Support team via support@creatio.com.


Thank you!

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hello all,

is it possible to add an editable/free writeable table or list in the account section?

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Hello Jeremy, 


You can add the chart for the Account's section record, it will be available once the record page is opened. It can be done through the Section wizard same way as you add a new column, just choose the needed page element.  

Also, you can create a chart for the section here:

Inserting the chart in the list view of the standard section, however, will require additional development. 


Best regards,


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Hi Team,


I have deleted on Column from the backend and published the object, but on the frontend when I am trying to create and save a new record, a message displayed that no null value allowed in that column (which I already deleted from backend)


Below is the error message when I try to save new record -


Below is when I try to search Column "Usrave" (I already deleted) in the object - 


I tried to Generate the source code and the compiling the applicaiton but it doesn't work.


Please help here.





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hi Akshit,

Please check this link Foreign Key Violation to find out where are all the places the column is being referred.

And make sure to check is there any trigger is created for table dbo.FinAppliation (With the column name) UsrSave. In that case delete the invalid triggers that uses the 'Column name of table which is deleted from DB'.


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.


Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

Thanks Brother :)


I resolved this by changing this column "Nullable" property = True and then Dropping the column from the table using SQL executor console.

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Hello Creatio team,

I try to create a Visit Activity, and i set the start time and due time

When i click Save, and reopen the record the due time is not 20:00 ( as i specified) but 18:00 (1 hr later from start time).

This happens only for activites of category visit

Any idea how to solve this ?

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do you have your Time Zone Set for your Profile?

Hello Keith.

I dont believe this is a Time-Zone problem.

For the same user, if I choose Activity of category Task, everytih works as it should be. 


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Dear communitiy,

in a test environment i set up successfully a synchronisation between creatio and google in the activitiy section. When I create an appointment in Creatio it is transferred directly to google calendar. Thats fine. But if i delete the appointment in creatio it dosen't delete the appointment in my google account. Do you know if this is possible to set up?




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Hello Florian,

The logic of the Google Calendar Sync with Creatio is the following:

- If an activity was created in Google Calendar and then imported into Creatio, once you delete it in Google it will also be deleted in Creatio.

- If an activity was created in Creatio and then imported into Google Calendar, when deleting it in Creatio it will not be deleted from Google.

We already registered this issue for our R&D team and this system logic might be changed in future releases.

+ 1 for a reviewed logic (with possibility to choose how the logic works in configuration set up of email / calendar integration ) ;)

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Hi team,

When i Create a new Activity of Category Visit:

The Edit Page opens

I want that when creating new records of Activity/ Category Visit the Mini Page always opens:

Thank you team,



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If you check in the section wizard you can see that mini pages are enabled for the activities, however, for the visit, it is blocked.

It's because for the visit you must fill in the visit rule option inside a module window. 

But, when you click on the "New" button you won't see a visit rule selection or mini page, that is done on purpose because the system cannot open two module windows at the time. If you want to see a rule selection, disable the mini page in the section wizard.

If you want to open a mini page then you need to set a default business rule and then try to open a mini page.

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is there a way to change to name of the browser tab depending on which page you're in?

Example: You're in a case and want to have the case number displayed in the browser tab name for a better overview.

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You can customize only the favicon and the company's name in the browser tab. Detailed instruction can be found in the Add corporate logo Academy article

Unfortunately, there are no ways to customize tabs according to your business task at the moment. The idea to extend the possibility of browser's tab customization is already accepted by our R&D team. 

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1) How is it possible to perform password import from Excel? When I add a column 'Password' to the Excel file import doesn't start.

I would like to import users, set some default password (the same for everyone or equal to username). Is it possible to do with Import, Process or SQL script?


2) How is it possible to send invitation email to all portal users imported from Excel? Can any Business process do that?


I cannot imagine how to make this manualy for hundreds users

Thank you.


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Best reply

As for importing the passwords, yes, it is possible. However the column cannot be named "Password". If you name the column in the Excel file "Passwd" or something other than Password, you can import the passwords. Also useful to check the box for reset password so they're prompted to change it from the default on first login.

You'll also need to import to Users in Roles to add them to All employees role as well, last I checked that doesn't happen automatically from an import of users. 

I have a write up of importing users from Excel here: https://customerfx.com/article/importing-users-into-creatio-formerly-bp…

As for an email of some kind, I don't recall if you can use a signal in a process for a record added to SysAdminUnit, however, you could do it from a signal from a record added in Contact where a SysAdminUnit record exists (with a Type=4) and trigger a process from that (since importing the user will also create the contact). I believe that would work, although I've not tried it.


As for importing the passwords, yes, it is possible. However the column cannot be named "Password". If you name the column in the Excel file "Passwd" or something other than Password, you can import the passwords. Also useful to check the box for reset password so they're prompted to change it from the default on first login.

You'll also need to import to Users in Roles to add them to All employees role as well, last I checked that doesn't happen automatically from an import of users. 

I have a write up of importing users from Excel here: https://customerfx.com/article/importing-users-into-creatio-formerly-bp…

As for an email of some kind, I don't recall if you can use a signal in a process for a record added to SysAdminUnit, however, you could do it from a signal from a record added in Contact where a SysAdminUnit record exists (with a Type=4) and trigger a process from that (since importing the user will also create the contact). I believe that would work, although I've not tried it.


However, the one thing you can't do from an import of users, is set their license. You'll have to do that manually after the import. 

It's not so bad though, in the System Users section you can select all the imported users and then select "Grant license" from the Actions menu. You can also do it in the License Manager (add multiple users to a license at once)


Ryan Farley,

Thank you for such a detailed description! That helps a lot!

Kind regards,


I also add 'Administrator for organization on the portal' in “User in roles” for portal organization administrators

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