Hi there, can someone assist me please? I am trying to display the account logo on the opportunities landing page. When I try to add it to the tile view I can't seem to find the logo field. The closest I could find is [Opportunity] > [Account] > [Account Logo] 


Please assist. Thanks. 


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hi Nemanja Stabic,


In this case, do you want to add an image field in the Opportunity section? Here is the academy article that helps this case Add image field in record page.


Bhoobalan Palanivelu

Hi Bhoobalan, 


Thanks for the response. I have looked at the article you shared and it’s not quite what I am looking for. I am looking to add the logo of the Account on the Opportunities landing page i.e. the page with the grid/ tile view. Is there a way to do this?

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Anyone knows what method to override because I want something to happen when closing a "card" / record page opened from section. I basically want to reset the value of a boolean attribute to false.

Basically the opposite of onCardRendered in section js.

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If you talking about the "Close" button then you should look at onCloseClick. But, if you want a method opposite to onCardRendered then it probably is initCloseCardSubscription.

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Hi Community,


I need to trigger an event when opening a tab in an edit page.


For example in account page, when user clicks on "Contacts" tab, i will trigger a custom method. Is there any OOB method which I can override to handle this event. Any idea please?



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Hello Fulgen,

In the BasePageV2 you can find the method activeTabChange, it triggers every time you change the tab and you can override it on any [Object]PageV2:

activeTabChange: function(activeTab) {
				console.log("Hello World");


Thanks Dmytro,

One more thing, I've noticed this code (var tabName = this.get("ActiveTabName");) is giving the previous active tab not the current one. How can I get the name of currently selected tab? 

Take a look at the argument activeTab. Inside it, you can find information about a new tab.


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Hi Creatio,


I am trying to filter a specific contact by using ESQ by having multiple roles as filters. How can I able to achieve that on ESQ when I want to filter on Roles?


Here is my code:

var esq1 = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
rootSchemaName: "SysUserInRole"
esq1.addColumn("SysRole.Name", "Role");
esq1.addColumn("SysUser.Contact.Id", "ContactId");
esq1.filters.add("RoleFilter1", esq1.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
	this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "SysRole.Name", "Role1"));
esq1.filters.add("RoleFilter2", esq1.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
	this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "SysRole.Name", "Role2"));
esq1.getEntityCollection(function(result) {
if (!result.success) {
	// For example, error processing/logging.
	this.showInformationDialog("Data query error");
var hasAQM = result.success && !result.collection.isEmpty();
	this.set("HomartOpportunityAuthQuoteManager", result.collection.getByIndex(0).$ContactId)
}, this);



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In your code you didn't set a logical operator for a filter:

esq1.filters.logicalOperation = Terrasoft.LogicalOperatorType.OR;

By default it's AND, due to that the system tries to find values that simultaneously have two roles in one record, but it's impossible.

For example, you have a user that has "Role 1" and "Role 2".

In the SysUserInRole table, this user will have two records, one with an identical SysUser value but a different SysRole. AND operation will not work in this situation. You need to use OR and in the result collection check the values that have the same SysUser.

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Hi Community,


We need to show the sections charts in Portal (not the Portal Main Page). For example we have sections Charts in Cases, we need to show these in portal as well. How we can achieve this?


Like 1



Hello Fulgen, 


As of now, there is no basic possibility to add the Dashboard button to the Customer Portal, even for the custom sections.

You can add dashboards to the portal using the portal main page setup only.


We've registered a corresponding query for our responsible R&D team to consider implementing such functionality in the upcoming versions of the system.


Best regards,


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I have a custom section that i've added to the mobile app.

This section record module has a check box.

When i "click" the checkbox, the record is automatically updated with the value of the checkbox (in the backend).

I need to update other fields on the record page, jest before it sends the update to the server.. basically what i need is to "catch" the "onClick / OnTouch" of the checkbox field -> update other field based on the checkBox field value -> (continue)send the update to the server..


Any Idea ? 



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The best way of doing your task would be to create a custom mobile business rule on your checkbox field with the event Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.ValueChanged.

You can find more about the business rules in this article.

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Hello team,

I have exposed an endpoint, but keep recieveing the 404 (Endpoint not found) when i call it from postman.

I have followed: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/getting_started/develop_appl…

Is there any other prior configurations that need to be done in order to recieve a status 200?

Thank you


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Best reply



404 error means that there is no issue with the authorization or with the request type (GET\POST etc), it means that the endpoint you are calling doesn't exist (either because the link is not valid or because there is nothing behind this link). Also please try configuring the service as it's described here.


I am able to login. I recieve a status 200 when calling 


I copy the generated BPMCSRF and place it to the Headers of the Custom web-service. But i keep recieving status 404



404 error means that there is no issue with the authorization or with the request type (GET\POST etc), it means that the endpoint you are calling doesn't exist (either because the link is not valid or because there is nothing behind this link). Also please try configuring the service as it's described here.

Thank you for you advice Oleg. Issue was resolved

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How to add custom field on this mini page which opens when we mark any task as "Complete"?


Please help!

Thanks in advance.

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hi Akshit,

The module that brings the mini page is ActivityMiniPage.

It's possible to replace the schema and add custom logic and fields inside the diff property.

Below is a sample that depicts the Select Result (the first dropdown in the mini page) Similar way we can add other custom fields here.

define("ActivityMiniPage", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "Activity",
		methods: {
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "ResultsContainer",
				"parentName": "MiniPage",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"values": {
					"itemType": this.Terrasoft.ViewItemType.CONTAINER,
					"items": [],
					"layout": {
						"column": 0,
						"row": 5,
						"colSpan": 24
					"visible": {
						"bindTo": "isEditableResultsVisible"
				"operation": "insert",
				"parentName": "ResultsContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"name": "Result",
				"values": {
					"generator": "MiniPageEditControlsGenerator.generateModelItem",
					"visible": {
						"bindTo": "hasResults"
					"contentType": this.Terrasoft.ContentType.ENUM,
					"wrapClass": ["container-mini-wrap"],
					"controlConfig": {
						"placeholder": {
							"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.ResultControlPlaceholder"
					"controlWrapConfig": {
						"classes": {
							"wrapClassName": ["control-mini-wrap"]
					"labelConfig": {
						"visible": false,
						"markerValue": ""
				"operation": "insert",
				"parentName": "ResultsContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"name": "ProcessResult",
				"values": {
					"bindTo": "ProcessResult",
					"generator": "MiniPageEditControlsGenerator.generateModelItem",
					"visible": {
						"bindTo": "hasProcessResults"
					"contentType": this.Terrasoft.ContentType.ENUM,
					"wrapClass": ["container-mini-wrap"],
					"controlConfig": {
						"prepareList": {"bindTo": "onPrepareProcessResultList"},
						"list": {"bindTo": "ProcessResultList"},
						"placeholder": {
							"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.ResultControlPlaceholder"
					"controlWrapConfig": {
						"classes": {
							"wrapClassName": ["control-mini-wrap"]
					"labelConfig": {
						"visible": false,
						"markerValue": ""
		rules: {}
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I would like to create a custom object to replace the activityparticipant object.

However, when i tryed to create the remplacement object, i ve got the error:

Multiple replacements of same schema in single package are not allowed.

There are effectively two activityparticpant objects :

So how can i create a new activityparticipant custom object ?

Thank you,


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hi LÉZORAY Nicolas,

The Error: Multiple replacements of the same schema in a single package are not allowed refers that the object schema is already available in the current package. 

Could you confirm the current package doesn't have this Object?

Also do you have any custom created package and where this replacement is tried?

Below is the successful replacement of object in custom development package.




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Hi Bhoobalan Palanivelu !

I don't see how you managed to create the replacement object without error.


In the custom package i have no activityparticipant object:


If i go into Allpackage i have the same files as you (without the DEVLocal one):


Here's how i proceeded:


In the next screen, in the inheritance field, i entered "activityparticipant" 

And then i got the error message:


Can you please let me know how you managed to create your custom item ?

Thank you for your help !!!

Have a nice day,



LÉZORAY Nicolas,

By chance could you please try it in another custom-created package (Custom_Transfer) rather than OOTB Custom?

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,


It works in the another custom package.

I have never used this one.


Thank you !

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Hello Community,


I want to add a custom upload icon to the attachments on Freedom UI pages. It seems the default icons given were from angular material (mat-icon). Is there a way to add a custom icon ?

Thanks in Advance!



Pavan Manne

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Best reply


There is no such opportunity. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 


There is no such opportunity. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

Hello Bogdan,


Any update on this case?

Pavan Manne,



Our responsible R&D team is informed about the need of this functionality and consider implementing it in the upcoming releases, but there is no ETA as of now. 


Best regards,


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