Hello Community,


I want to add a custom upload icon to the attachments on Freedom UI pages. It seems the default icons given were from angular material (mat-icon). Is there a way to add a custom icon ?

Thanks in Advance!



Pavan Manne

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Best reply


There is no such opportunity. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 


There is no such opportunity. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

Hello Bogdan,


Any update on this case?

Pavan Manne,



Our responsible R&D team is informed about the need of this functionality and consider implementing it in the upcoming releases, but there is no ETA as of now. 


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


I am trying to add a lookup column based on contact object, but unable to find the contact object. 

I have added the following package dependency,


I have also tried the same from Freedom UI designer, but unable to add. Is there something I am missing?





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Best reply

Hi Community,


Aparently the issue occured because the Contact section is not part of OOB creatio solution anymore (at least for Studio version). It is part of "Customer 360" marketplace app. So after installing the "Customer 360" maketplace add on the issue resolved.



Hi All,


Any comment on this ?





Unfortunately, we did not manage to reproduce the problem on our end according to the steps above.

Please contact our support team (support@creatio.com). Please provide us with more details on how we can reproduce the issue.

Best regards,

Alona Dolya

Alona Dolya,


I could easily reproduce the issue just by creating a new Freedom UI section, and then trying to add a contact related column as shown below.



I am using Creatio Studio v8.0.6.3325






Hi Community,


Aparently the issue occured because the Contact section is not part of OOB creatio solution anymore (at least for Studio version). It is part of "Customer 360" marketplace app. So after installing the "Customer 360" maketplace add on the issue resolved.



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I am trying to import data into account address object. By default Creatio allows the records to map with account object by name column. I need to map using a custom column. When I manually add the Account ID column(GUID) and map it with the account lookup in account address its creating a new record with Creatio GUID as name and mapping the address records to it. How can this be achieved?

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Hi Sivanesan, 


If I am understanding your issue correctly, you are importing from excel and trying to map the the Account.ID column but actually mapping to the Account.Name column, which means you're actually creating new records with the GUID as the name. 

What you need to do is when mapping, click on "related objects", find "Account", then select "Id".  Your map should read like the attached. 

Hope that helps. Don't forget to select the "Id" as the unique field to import by. 


Thanks for the response Harry. I have a custom ID column (Text ) in the detail table(Account Address) which I have to map to the main table(Account). I have already tried to follow the step you have mentioned for that custom column and tried to import but the import is not processing. And when I checked in the process log it has failed with the error " Terrasoft.Common.ItemNotFoundException: Column by path (prefix) not found in schema Account"



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Hi Community,

I have the following multi lookup fields:


I want the one on the right side (InvoiceRecipient) to be prefilled with the value of the one on the left (ContractClient) if there is anything in the one on the left.


//multiLookup Feld "ContractClient"
"ContractClient": {
                "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},
                "dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
                "multiLookupColumns": ["Account", "Contact"],
                "isRequired": true
//multiLookup Feld "InvoiceRecipient"
"InvoiceRecipient": {
                "caption": "Invoice recipient",
                "dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
                "multiLookupColumns": ["InvoiceRecipientContact", "InvoiceRecipientAccount"],
                "isRequired": true


A simple this.set("InvoiceRecipient", this.get("ContractClient") ) doesn't work, because the InvoiceRecipient object doesn't exist (undefined).


Has anyone been able to solve this problem?


Best regards,




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I believe that this example will help you with your task.

In there in the method onEntityInitialized and onwards we are setting values for some columns. At that point, you should have a "doesn't exist" error.

Here is the solution:


attributes: {
	//multiLookup Feld "Contract"
	"ContractClient": {
		"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},
		"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
		"multiLookupColumns": ["Account", "Contact"],
		"isRequired": true,
		"dependencies": [
				  "columns": ["ContractClient"],
				  "methodName": "onContractClientChange"
	//multiLookup Feld "InvoiceRecipient"
	"InvoiceRecipient": {
		"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.InvoiceRecipient"},
		"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
		"multiLookupColumns": ["InvoiceRecipientContact", "InvoiceRecipientAccount"],
		"isRequired": true
methods: {
	onContractClientChange: function(argument, field) {
		const contactClient = this.get("ContractClient");
		if (!Terrasoft.isEmpty(contactClient)) {
			const invoiceRecipient = {
				column: contactClient.column,
				value: contactClient.value,
				displayValue: contactClient.displayValue
			this.set("InvoiceRecipient", invoiceRecipient);
			if(contactClient.column == "Account") {
				this.set("InvoiceRecipientAccount", contactClient);
			if(contactClient.column == "Contact") {
				this.set("InvoiceRecipientContact", contactClient);


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Hi Community,


I was trying to filter a contact lookup to only display contacts with a specific role. I follow the example code here: https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/using-filtration-lookup-fields-examples but it has an error of undefined EntitySchema.


Can you help me to fix this? Thanks


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I was trying to create Assemble Package and created one c# file which has dependencies on NewtonsoftJSON dll. When I tried to publish it says it required dll (attached reference). If we import the DLL into the current package it is working as expected but as per my understanding, we need to add the Assembly package dependencies on [Package name].csproj file.


I could see below code already presents there,









which means should we need to create any folder with Assemblies or we manually need to import all the package dependencies through import?



Altaf Hussian M


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Hi Altaf Hussian,

If it’s a regular package you can use the Newtonsoft.Json core library, but for the assembly package, the required DLL must be added to the package explicitly.

The Assembly package is like an external cs project.

If you want to use an external library like Newtonsoft.Json.dll in your project - you have to specify it as a reference for your project (using) by adding that dll to the package.

The same can be achieved by using the Terrasoft core class without adding any explicit dll reference into the package as below,

Example of the code:

using CommonJson = Terrasoft.Common.Json;
string orderItemsInput = CommonJson.Json.Serialize("YourObject");
string orderItemsInput = Terrasoft.Common.Json.Json.Serialize("yourObject");


Serialize Polymorphism




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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I setup Pivot table on Portal main page. And in setup it is displayed like Pivot. But when I login as portal user, I see this data like simple list. Is it possible to display Pivot on Portal?

Thank you!


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Hello Vladimir!


Thank you for bringing this question to us. By default portal users can't see Pivot tables for several reasons. First of all - they should have a feature PivotTable active (this can be done on https://YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN/0/Features page).

The second reason can not be overcome in the actual version, I am afraid. It will be solved in the 8.0.7 release. Pivot tables have a different directory from other dashboards. Their path is not available for Portal users as of now.


Best Regards,


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I need to add some code when opening a record in edit mode so I have overwritten the method "openRecord" in the section Schema. When I open the record from the List view, the method does execute but from the Dashboard view it is not. 


Does a different method execute when opening the record from the Dashboard view? In that case I would like to know which method is executed in order to overwrite it.


Hope you can solve this issue.

Thank you in advance!

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If I understand your task correctly, you need to use the method onEntityInitialized. An example of this you can find in this article, there when the page is opened we fill in the value for some field.



The problem is that before opening the record, I need to execute a business process in which the record permissions are modified. I have tried to add it on the onEntityInitialized but as the record is already openned, the permissions cannot be modified.


Thank you!

In that case, try using the method init(). 

If I understand your task, when you open a page you want to run a process that will modify the rights to this page, and if the user doesn't have that anymore, the page will not open. If init didn't work I recommend you to write a business process that will run periodically and will update access rights to records without needing to do it every time someone tries to open a page.

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Hi community,

How can I  change the min password length for a user from 9 to 6?

And where can I find information about special symbols for passwords?

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Hi community,

I've a package with object, client module etc inside.


I used the prefix Cus, now I want to reuse it for another project,

is it possible to change the prefix used for the customization developed inside it ?

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 Hello Stefano,


You can change the prefix in the SchemaNamePrefix system setting:

Hi Anastasia,

I know the system settings suggested.

I need to change the prefix for existing custom object


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