I need to write a formula that subtracts Current date and time from Registartion date/time and the result is more that 4 hours (Current date/time - Registration date/time > 4 hours)
it's pretty urgent so i'll really appreciate if anyone knows the solution and provided it.
Hi team. I have a business need to add multiple records to the same table on the server side during process execution.
What is the best approach to do so?
I was looking into EntitySchemaManager functionality but couln'd find solution myself. I am able to add one record at a time (see example below) but this proves to be ineficient aEntitySchemaManager approach.
var entitySchema = _userConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("UsrTableName"); var entity = entitySchema.CreateEntity(_userConnection); entity.SetDefColumnValues(); entity.SetColumnValue("UsrColumn1Id", id); entity.SetColumnValue("UsrDate", date); entity.Save();
Hi Iuliia, You could probably use the "Add element" with "Add from selection" mode selected. It's hard to tell having so few details. If you could tell a bit more details it'd make it easier to suggest something.
user creates some record in UsrTableName_1 that has StartDate and EndDate, usually they are far apart (for example, long leave of absence, that last up to few month).
For reporting purposes we need to have these dates stored as separate records, meaning for each date between StartDate and EndDate we need to have separate record added to UsrTableName_2.
To do so I am able to loop through dates between StartDate and EndDate and add necessry records one by one (using the code snippet provided by me above) but it is ineficient approach because of the multiple Save calls.
What I want to do is to calculate all the necesary records, add/attach them and then call Save() only once, so there would be only one call to the DB to write the data. All this should be implemented on backend. Essentially I am looking for similar functionality that is provided by EntityFramework where one can call context.SaveChanges() after adding all records to the context (here is example how EF works https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/saving/basic#multiple-operations-in-a-single-savechanges)
Was wondering if there is a way or any documentation to deploy Creatio application within a Kubernetes cluster. What would be the infra requirements , steps and how can we upgrade versions?
After thorough discussions with our development and application architecture teams, we have evaluated the possibility of deploying the website in Kubernetes. Despite dedicating significant time to testing, we've encountered technical challenges that currently make this deployment method impossible, basically, the website that is deployed this way will not be updatable. Given these difficulties, we do not recommend proceeding with the Kubernetes deployment at this time. Instead, we suggest utilizing alternative deployment methods that our team has tested and verified, and which are supported by our technical support.
However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a possibility of deploying the site in Kubernetes. Our goal is to consider its integration in future releases, allowing for a broader range of deployment options, including updates and other operations. Thank you for your understanding.
I am getting the following error when I set up file system development on my computer. The compile is successful on initial set up but once I enable file system mode via the web.config file, and download packages,the compiler errors out with the following message. Any idea how to resolve this? The errors are related to out of the box packages. FYI I am using Creatio v8.1.2(for financial services)
Hi Allen! How are you? Try the following: 1) Install/Deploy the application locally 2) Authorize and allow the inner part of the application to initialize (after login, wait for the application to finish loading). 3) Only after that, make changes in the Web.config file to enable development on the file system and follow further instructions.
Thank you for the suggestions Uriel! I was using an older Creatio version, so I plan to set up a fresh instance with the latest version and will keep this information in mind during set up.
Can I set column values when using crt.CopyRecordRequest ? I have a use case where I need to create a copy of the record but change several column values in the new record. Is there a way to do it?
If this is from the Copy menu on a list, then you'd have to change that to use your own request, then copy, set the values, insert, in your own custom code.
If this is from the Copy menu on a list, then you'd have to change that to use your own request, then copy, set the values, insert, in your own custom code.
I was just calling the request from the button. Another thing is that if you call it from any page other than [object]_ListPage it’ll open the classic ui page, rather than the freedom UI page. I’ll definitely give the approach you described a try, I’m sure it’ll work. Thanks a lot!
I have noticed some other posts where a link to this Academy page was mentioned with information that Dashboards can be added as a tab to a section page. Is this correct?
Unfortunately, this widget is not currently available in Freedom UI.
However, we are pleased to inform you that our development team is already aware of this need and is actively considering adding this functionality in future versions of Creatio. Your feedback is valuable and helps us improve our product.
Hello community, I want to create API Service from creatio that return object data with the detail (json with hierarchical data). lets say i want to get 'Account' with Orders, Lead, and else that connected with 'Account' in one endpoint.
I think about create Custom web services, anyone have script with similar case or have suggestion for this case?
You'll just need to design the objects you're returning and make it something like this:
[DataContract]publicclass OrderPayload
{[DataMember(Name ="id")]public Guid Id { get; set;}[DataMember(Name ="Number")]public string Number { get; set;}}[DataContract]publicclass AccountPayload
{[DataMember(Name ="name")]public string Name { get; set;}[DataMember(Name ="orders")]public List<OrderPayload> Orders { get; set;}}
Then you populate that as needed in the webserivce. The AccountPayload is the top level of the objects, so that is what the method would return. You'd populate like this (obviously from some data you read from an ESQ etc):
var account =new AccountPayload();
account.Name="Some account";
account.Orders=new List<OrderPayload>();
account.Orders.Add(someOrder2);// now return account
Hope this helps get you started in the right direction.
You'll just need to design the objects you're returning and make it something like this:
[DataContract]publicclass OrderPayload
{[DataMember(Name ="id")]public Guid Id { get; set;}[DataMember(Name ="Number")]public string Number { get; set;}}[DataContract]publicclass AccountPayload
{[DataMember(Name ="name")]public string Name { get; set;}[DataMember(Name ="orders")]public List<OrderPayload> Orders { get; set;}}
Then you populate that as needed in the webserivce. The AccountPayload is the top level of the objects, so that is what the method would return. You'd populate like this (obviously from some data you read from an ESQ etc):
var account =new AccountPayload();
account.Name="Some account";
account.Orders=new List<OrderPayload>();
account.Orders.Add(someOrder2);// now return account
Hope this helps get you started in the right direction.