Hello all,


I have a client that is trying to add the communication options detail to the Portal user's Profile page in Freedom UI. However, it seems the User profile is no longer visibly connected to the User's contact record. How can we add the detail?

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Could you please describe the end result that you would like to obtain and the exact steps that you are making?


Thank you!

Hanna Skalko,

I would like to add communication options to the user profile page as it could be in the Classic UI. (See below)Image of a Creatio Portal UI page that shows the user's name, address and communication options.


I would like to do the same in Freedom UI. However, when I open the Freedom UI user profile page, I haven't been able to find the connection the user's contact in order to add the same details to the page.

Has anybody been able to find an answer to this? Seems strange to me that the user profile can't connect directly to the Contact record in Freedom UI

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I've created a landing page record in Creatio for collection contact data, which creates Contacts, not Leads. It works fine, but I would like to extend the list of the fields which are involved in Contact creation.


I mean that data from all neccessary fields from my webform is transfered in new Submitted form record. But for the Contact record the only fields FullName, Phone and Email are used by default. If I try to add more fields (jobtitle, for example), their value are not transfered to Contact record despite of configured mapping on the webform side.


I've checked the BP "Searching and creating contact" and found that it can read only few contact fields from web service data (from web to object mechanism). So, my question is how can one extend the list of the Contact fields obtained from web to object mechanism? Or is there another way for solving my task?


Thank you!




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Good question indeed, was wondering recently how to increase that. Documentation is scarce on how to configure webhooks further than FormSubmit and OOTB behaviour.


I guess there might be another way: to build custom business process that will start on creating of new Submitted form record and will map and transer data from form record to corresponding contact record. But I'm not sure. 

There is an out of the box process that does this that you could extend. It's called "Populating Contact with Submitted form's data". It's a pretty simple process and would be easy to include additional fields. 

If you didn't want to create a new version of that process, you could also just create a new process that had a start signal of Submitted form added and contact is filled in or Submitted form modified in contact field (and it's filled in) and then copy over the remaining values.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks a lot, will go to try

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Hello support

I'm trying to add the Account.Notes field to the account freedom edit page, but this field is missing in the list fields of designer.


How can do it?

thank you!


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Hi, I solved!

Stefano Bassoli,

Great to know ! Found it by chance or there's an official documentation about it ?


Damien Collot,


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I am loading data into a table and I need to execute a business that works and updates it in another table. The processes run and finish as they should and everything about them is correct when they finish as they should. But they are not entering my correct table and the name of process log this process of another process. Is this a bug? Why is it like this ?

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Unfortunately, we are unable to provide a precise answer to your question and pinpoint the exact error and how to resolve it to ensure that your business process runs accurately and correctly. 
This is because we need to review the business process and understand the underlying logic to give you appropriate recommendations.

To accurately identify and help you with this issue, please email us at support@creatio.com and describe your problem in detail.

Have a great day!

Best regards,

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Can you tell me how to make Localization for Arabic for my site and make right side menu

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You can find the instructions on this in the Academy article below:



However, please note that if your site is located in our Cloud, you need to contact the support team directly at support@creatio.com so we could properly install the needed localization to your site from our end.


The view of the environment is automatically mirrored in the Arabic localization.

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I have a web services API that requires an Id and an hmac generated with the request parameters and an API Key to be placed in its authorization header.

Is there a way to obtain the call body to perform the HMAC?

In postman I have been able to make the call successfully with a pre-request which is the following:


const apiKey = pm.collectionVariables.get("apiKey");;
const webId = pm.collectionVariables.get("webId");
const crypto = require('crypto-js');
if(pm.request.method === 'POST') {
    const parsedBody = JSON.parse(pm.request.body.raw);
    const jsonParams = JSON.stringify(parsedBody);
    // Create HMAC
    const hmac = crypto.HmacSHA256(jsonParams, apiKey);
    const hmacb64 = crypto.enc.Base64.stringify(hmac);
    // Set computed HMAC as an environment variable (or you could add it directly to the headers)
    pm.environment.set('hmacb64', hmacb64);
    // Construct the Authorization header
    const authorizationHeader = "signmage " + webId + ":" + hmacb64;
    pm.environment.set('Authorization', authorizationHeader);
} else if(pm.request.method === 'GET') {
    const url = pm.request.url.getPathWithQuery();
    const hmac = crypto.HmacSHA256(url, apiKey);
    const hmacb64 = crypto.enc.Base64.stringify(hmac);
    // Set computed HMAC as an environment variable (or you could add it directly to the headers)
    pm.environment.set('hmacb64', hmacb64);
    // Construct the Authorization header
    const authorizationHeader = "signmage " + webId + ":" + hmacb64;
    pm.environment.set('Authorization', authorizationHeader);


But in Creatio I'm a little lost if it's possible to do something similar.

I would appreciate it if you could help me know if this is possible. Thank you.

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Hello Laura,

Thank you for your question.

I have contacted our R&D team regarding when this functionality will be implemented in our system. The HMAC-SHA256 signature is planned to be implemented with the 8.3 release. Currently, there is no built-in API to use HMAC.

Hope this helps.

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Hi Community. 
I have this piece of code: 

segmentationBatch is List 

but postgres throws an error that it can't compare uuid with uuid[] - which is understandable, but how do I pass a list of Id's into the update? 

Has anyone came accross this issue? 


P.S. I need it that way because it's a batch of records that I need to update and I need to keep those Id's for the following logic so I cannot rebuild the filtering criteria here.

var update = new Update(UserConnection, EntitySchemaName)
                .Set("UsrProfitCenter", Column.Parameter(segmentation.ProfitCenter))
                .Where("Id").In(Column.Parameter(segmentationBatch)) as Update;
            return update.Execute();
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Figured it out myself


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When we set up a filter on the List page of the web interface, it works on the web interface but not on the mobile interface.

Filtering is not working in the Creatio Mobile (Freedom UI)

Could  you please let us know, how can we setup filter in mobile.

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Unfortunately, the quick filtering options on mobile are currently only available in the Classic UI. We recognize the importance of this feature and are actively working on implementing it in Freedom UI.

Dymytriy Vykhodets,


Thank you for your clarification. 

Hi Dymytriy Vykhodets,

Is this Mobile app filter implemented in the Freedom UI?

Please let us know we have the requirement in our project.


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I have this simple BP that has a Guid parameter which represents the Id of a real file inside the system. I take this file into a "Process file" element and tries to save it inside a specific Contact's attachment detail:


Then, in another "Process file" element up next, I take that file created inside the Contact's attachment detail in order to use it in the "Send Email" element:



However, upon checking both the email Activity created from this BP, as well as the Process log for this BP, nothing is attached:

Also, the resulting file collection from the second "Process File" element seems to be empty as well:



What am I doing wrong? I feel like this should work, it's a pretty simple example.


Thanks in advance,


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Your account attachments/files could be using one of two file locations/objects. With Freedom UI a generic " attached file" object was introduced that could be used with any object. However, many objects have specific file/attachments objects, such as "Account files", or "Contact files" (sometimes those are named "File and link of account"). Make sure that you're using the correct object based on what you have on the screens. To check this, open the page in the designer and click on the attachments list, you'll see the object the page is actually using there in the "File storage location" property. 


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Hi all,


In our project we need to produce with Creatio application some .pdf documents. In order to do this we found a Creatio Application (Aspose.PDF connector). This application is not free of charge.


We were wondering if exists an OOTB (free of charge) functionality to produce .pdf documents. We are asking since on our view 'production of .pdf document' must be an OOTB functionality. Moreover it's very hard to convince a customer that this functionality it not free of charge.


Best Regards



Like 5




By default, Creatio provides a plugin to be able to upload only in Word format.

PDF conversion in printables is available after installing this marketplace app https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/asposepdf-connector-creatio. The first 150 conversions are for free, but other conversions require additional payment (prices are available here https://purchase.aspose.cloud/pricing). 

So for test purposes, you can use the free 150 conversions provided in the app. 

We have already registered the idea for our R&D team to implement this functionality in further releases. I will assign your case to this project in order to increase its priority.

Best regards,

Besides, this aspose means that your document will go through some 3rd-party service, that is not acceptable by many customers security polices.

So, it is extremely necessary to have this functionality inside Creatio system

Vladimir Sokolov,

Yes, the security issue is often brought up by our clients/prospects too !


This issue has years!

Clearly the less work to customer need ratio in the Creatio dev pipeline


I hope this is the time 


We've also had problems with the conection with aspose, besides the security issues, actual failures at certain time



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