I'm trying to make an integration with a digital signature call "Firmamex" and I trying to use the code that they provide in their SDK in a business process but i have error messages that dont let me publish the script task.
This are the errors
And this is the source code of the process. I already try to put a return true; at the end of the script task but stills send me the error.
I hope you can help me.
namespace Terrasoft.Core.Process
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using SignmageSDK;
using SignmageSDKCore;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using Terrasoft.Common;
using Terrasoft.Configuration;
using Terrasoft.Core;
using Terrasoft.Core.Configuration;
using Terrasoft.Core.DB;
using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
using Terrasoft.Core.Process;
using Terrasoft.Core.Process.Configuration;
#region Class: UsrfirmamexMethodsWrapper
/// <exclude/>
public class UsrfirmamexMethodsWrapper : ProcessModel
public UsrfirmamexMethodsWrapper(Process process)
: base(process) {
AddScriptTaskMethod("ScriptTask1Execute", ScriptTask1Execute);
#region Methods: Private
private bool ScriptTask1Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context) {
public class Flow
SignmageSDK.FirmamexServices signmageServices;
String base64;
String name;
public Flow(SignmageSDK.FirmamexServices signmageServices, String base64, String name)
this.signmageServices = signmageServices;
this.base64 = base64;
this.name = name;
public String request()
B64_doc b64_doc = new B64_doc { name = name, data = base64 };
JObject flujoEjemplo = JObject.FromObject(new
b64_doc = b64_doc,
stickers = new object[] {
new {
authority = "SAT",
stickerType = "line",
dataType = "rfc",
data = "ARCX9012226P8",
imageType = "hash",
email = "jhon@gmail.com",
page = "0",
rect = new Rect { lx = 226.45f, ly = 355.25f, tx = 397.75f, ty = 413.85f }
workflow = new object[] {
new {
data = "ARCX9012226P8"
app2 = true
String flujoParams = flujoEjemplo.ToString(Formatting.None);
return signmageServices.request(flujoParams);