
I've made a page with Creatio Freedom UI and need to be able to have 1 button on the page that both adds a record and then redirects the user to a specific page.  It appears I can only have the button do 1 action or the other (save a record or open a specific page).  To do both actions with one button, I instead tried creating a business process for this.  It's adding the record fine but I am having trouble getting it to open a specific page afterwards.  Opening an edit page and choosing the home page I want the user to be directed to does not work and instead.  I think it's because edit pages on a business process are treated like tasks and are not simply a redirect. 

Should I use a script element instead to redirect the user to a specific page after the record is added in the business process or is there a more simple way to do this?

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This can be done with custom code on the Freedom UI page. You'd need to wire up the button to execute a custom request on the page: 

See https://customerfx.com/article/adding-a-button-to-execute-custom-code-o…

Then, in that custom request, you'd need to first save the page:

See https://customerfx.com/article/saving-a-page-before-some-action-on-a-cr…

And then open the other page: 

See (for opening an add or edit page): https://customerfx.com/article/opening-an-edit-page-to-add-or-edit-a-re…

Or (if the page isn't a record page): https://customerfx.com/article/navigating-to-a-page-via-code-in-a-creat…


Ryan Farley, thank you so much for this detailed, thoughtful reply and all the articles you've written!  I was able to get the button to save a record and redirect to the desired page after with custom code. 

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I've made a page with Creatio Freedom UI and need to be able to have 1 button on the page that both adds a record and then redirects the user to a specific page.  It appears I can only have the button do 1 action or the other (save a record or open a specific page).  To do both actions with one button, I instead tried creating a business process for this.  It's adding the record fine but I am having trouble getting it to open a specific page afterwards.  Opening an edit page and choosing the home page I want the user to be directed to does not work and instead.  I think it's because edit pages on a business process are treated like tasks and are not simply a redirect. 

Should I use a script element instead to redirect the user to a specific page after the record is added in the business process or is there a more simple way to do this?

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HI all,

I create custom sections from scratch and in section page my integration developments are working ok but in the customer Portal nothing triggered (Is not showing the option to RUN BP manually ) . It looks like is a permissions issue. I tried to activate some permissions but still not working (in console I have Error 403).

P.S. Please find attached images for more clarification.

Could you please help me to find the solution?


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Hi Creatio!

I'm creating a Customer Portal and I am phasing an issue when I try to add DCM panel into page.

Cases workflow appear on the the section page :

But when I try to logg-in as user portal (role: All portal users) Cases workflow do not appear in the Customer Portal.

In the console log I receive "response status: 403 (SecurityException)".

Please what is your suggestion to fix this issue?


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Hi all,


I want to share with you solution that Creatio support team helped me.

You have to check in object permissions if  "Portal Users" have permission to use  "SysDcmSettings" .

Hello Aurora,

Could you please let us know what portal license do you have on this local instance?

Also, could you please verify whether this DCM object is added to those lookups in order to be visible to portal users?


And one last question, does it appear on the portal the DCM for the cases section?




I am having the same problem. I added the DCM object to both lookups, and I am also having an error in the console.

I check the DCM in the cases section, and I can see it.

Hello All!

Please check the following article for steps on how to add DCM to the portal: https://community.creatio.com/articles/enable-dcm-portal-users


In case you would still receive the error - please contact us on support@creatio.com

As I see it - this error is not the same for all and would require an individual approach.


Best Regards,



Hello Bogdan,

The portal license that I am using in my local instance are as in the photo attached:

Is added object of Application Form (section) but not the case object (should be with the name "Application Form case in the Portal) :

Related to the last question DCM does not appear in the portal section (but as you can see to the image attached the section of the task appear but no the stages one).


Denis Bidukha,

Hi Denis, 

Images attached to the link are not clear.

And another question please , this solution is available for  the latest version of Creatio ?

(I am using Creatio  v8.0)



Aurora Leka,



Hi! The pictures are not representative anyway as they are made in Old UI. The information should be still relevant though. Please check if the specific portal user has required access rights and it the object has an "SSP available " checkbox checked.


If that did not help - please contact Support individually for investigation to be held


Best Regards,


Hi all,


I want to share with you solution that Creatio support team helped me.

You have to check in object permissions if  "Portal Users" have permission to use  "SysDcmSettings" .

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Hello Community, 


Is it possible to bind the title of the form page from "New Record"  to a field value on load of a page in freedom UI.




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You can change that by adding a handler like this - note this will change the value from "New record" when adding a new record for the page:

handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
		request: "crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest",
		handler: async (request, next) => {
			const result = await next?.handle(request);
			const cardState = await request.$context.CardState;
			if (cardState == "add" || cardState == "copy") {
				request.$context.HeaderCaption = "Add a new something";
			return result;

As far as binding it to some page value, you could use the same but first get a value from the page. Something like this:

handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
		request: "crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest",
		handler: async (request, next) => {
			const result = await next?.handle(request);
			const cardState = await request.$context.CardState;
			if (cardState == "add" || cardState == "copy") {
				request.$context.HeaderCaption = "Add a new something";
			else {
				// get a value from the page
				const someValue = request.$context.someAttributeOnThePage;
				request.$context.HeaderCaption = someValue;
			return result;


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Our cloud instance has been update to 8.0.6 this week.

We activated the new shell, but the performance is really poor (instance start is slow, page load is super slow). Anybody else experiencing degraded performance and thus user experience since 8.0.6 ?



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To investigate this behavior, we ask you to submit a request to our team via support@creatio.com or the Success Portal. 

We'll need to access the instance remotely in order to help.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Thanks Alla,

This is not isolated to our instance, but also the trial & demo environments, obviously not convincing neither my colleagues, my clients nor prospects.

Any tweak that can be done to improve performance (other than deactivating the shell ?) or do we need to wait for 8.1 series of updates for the new shell to have proper performance ?



Unfortunately I am receiving the same feedback from users. 

I think it is worse when mixing Freedom UI configured sections with classic sections/pages. 

Same here. We're leaving the new shell off for now.

I love the look of the new shell (it's beautiful). However, it does have much slower performance - along with difficulty to customize certain aspects of the shell that are implemented as angular components (or at least the lack of my own knowledge of how to do so).

According to the release notes for 8.0.7 it lists the following improvements coming:

  1. Freedom UI pages now load up to 70% faster. Freedom UI lists now load data significantly faster as well.
  2. You can now disable advanced visual effects of the Freedom UI shell by turning on the “Disable advanced visual effects” (“DisableAdvancedVisualEffects” code) system setting. Currently, the setting disables the blur in the semi-transparent “Glass effect” chart style.


Hopefully this improves the performance somewhat. I expect we'll see more improvements overtime as well. I do look forward to switching to the new shell.


Aha !

That's great news! Looking forward to 8.0.7. I hope the 70% increase makes it usable :)

I also hope we'll get updated shortly after the release date (about 2 weeks). And if it takes longer, that as partners, we be kept informed on the progress.


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i have a little problem with new order button on opportunity.

I want this button was visible only when stage of opportunity is Closed Won stage

i've changed in BP adding filter. Maybe it's something with package ? When I add this filter current package changed and i can't save as OrderInSales the proper package. Even I change current package on custon this is not working.


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Please note that there is no option to hide the button with a business process.


So there is no option to make button "Add New order" stay hidden until the opportunity stage change on Closed Won?

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Hello Community,


I want to add a custom upload icon to the attachments on Freedom UI pages. It seems the default icons given were from angular material (mat-icon). Is there a way to add a custom icon ?

Thanks in Advance!



Pavan Manne

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There is no such opportunity. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 


There is no such opportunity. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

Hello Bogdan,


Any update on this case?

Pavan Manne,



Our responsible R&D team is informed about the need of this functionality and consider implementing it in the upcoming releases, but there is no ETA as of now. 


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


I am trying to add a lookup column based on contact object, but unable to find the contact object. 

I have added the following package dependency,


I have also tried the same from Freedom UI designer, but unable to add. Is there something I am missing?





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Hi Community,


Aparently the issue occured because the Contact section is not part of OOB creatio solution anymore (at least for Studio version). It is part of "Customer 360" marketplace app. So after installing the "Customer 360" maketplace add on the issue resolved.



Hi All,


Any comment on this ?





Unfortunately, we did not manage to reproduce the problem on our end according to the steps above.

Please contact our support team (support@creatio.com). Please provide us with more details on how we can reproduce the issue.

Best regards,

Alona Dolya

Alona Dolya,


I could easily reproduce the issue just by creating a new Freedom UI section, and then trying to add a contact related column as shown below.



I am using Creatio Studio v8.0.6.3325






Hi Community,


Aparently the issue occured because the Contact section is not part of OOB creatio solution anymore (at least for Studio version). It is part of "Customer 360" marketplace app. So after installing the "Customer 360" maketplace add on the issue resolved.



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