Detail filter in Freedom UI

Hello team, 


I need to filter a detail (list) on Freedom UI similar like we do with the filtermethod in the classic UI. Somebody cross to that?

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I believe it would be the same as filtering a lookup. When the detail requests it's data source you should be able to filter the data source in the same way as what I outline here:…


I tried with that filter. Looks the request.parameters.push is not working for the DS.

Hmm. I've not yet tried this with a list. Does request.parameters have anything in it? Or is parameters undefined?

Maybe it would work to add a static filter to the list in the page designer, and then see what that looks like at runtime?


Ryan Farley,


parameters is only present on the type event init only not in the reload. And in my case the lookup is fill in after that’s why didn’t work.

It seems that crt.LoadDataRequest doesn't even fire on the first load of the data grid datasource for some reason, so you couldn't add filters there anyway. Not got a clue what handler actually does fire on first loading the data though - quite frustrating. Weirdly, crt.LoadDataRequest does fire when loading in additional records as part of the infinite scroll functionality! Really odd. Would be great if anyone has found a way to get code-based filtering of list data sources or other manipulations of the call to fetch the data (I've come across a few instances where it would be really helpful to add columns to the data pull in certain conditions for example, regardless of whether those columns are shown in the detail - something which users can just change and break code relying on removed columns).

Harvey Adcock,

on my side, the crt.LoadDataRequest event is fired on load, but the filtering is not applied at that stage, only manual refresh do actually filter it (Creatio

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