Is there any way yet to disable Creatio automatically generating packagess and adding dependencies? It seems to completely disregard my current package system setting and Creatio's assigns dependencies to go in circles which then takes more time for me to clean up. Half the time when I remove dependencies, I go back to make a save in a package and Creatio assigns more dependencies that I don't want.
I end up with so much junk packages in the database with nonsense App_ues323 names and I can't find a way to turn it off.
Hi Kevin, you need to disable the Feature called UseSchemaDesignPackageUIdByHierarchy. In yor instance must add this "/0/Shell/#Section/AppFeature_ListPage" after to open the Features Page, search the feature, disable (turning off the “Is enabled” and “Is enabled for current user”), save and click on button "Clear Cache".
The new package is creating if changes have been made to the application, but its main package is locked.
When developing an application, you can force the application not to create a new empty package, but to save changes to the package you created. This can be done by disabling the UseSchemaDesignPackageUIdByHierarchy system feature - it is responsible for the logic of checking and creating a new package for the application, as well as the CurrentPackageId system setting and the Installed application and Package lookups.
Now you will need to specify the package (recommended Custom) in the CurrentPackageId setting.
I tried to send information through Postman. After verifying that the details are correct including the URL and keys. Postman's token is valid. The following error is received:
I also tried to send DATA to on another object and get the same error. Is there a system malfunction?
Generating source code for all schemes and fully compiling the system usually helps to resolve this error. In this case, the OData entity will be rebuilt and you should not get this error. So your actions: 1. Generate the source code for all schemas
2. Perform a full compilation of the site
If this does not help you solve the issue, please create a separate ticket for the Creatio support team.
Thank you! This worked perfectly. I made a new Limited Internal workplace and gave access to a new functional role which I'm assigning the Limited internal users to.
Antonii Viazovskyi, Thank you! This worked perfectly. I made a new Limited Internal workplace and gave access to a new functional role which I'm assigning the Limited internal users to.
I would like to know if anyone has an idea how it could be overridden method answerCall on CTI Panel, so that when somebody clicks on Answer call button, edit Page of that specific Call is opened to fill in Notes and other necessary data?
Hello Jelenko, To implement your logic you can do the following: 1) Create replacing view model for CtiPanel object. 2) Implement CtiPanel define("CtiPanel", [], function() { return { attributes: {}, methods: { answerCallCustom: function() {
// your logic here
// get call id from your cti provider to pass to business process var args = { sysProcessName: "customProcess", parameters: { callId: callId } }; ProcessModuleUtilities.executeProcess(args); } }, diff: [ { "operation": "merge", "name": "AnswerButton", "parentName": "ButtonsPanel", "propertyName": "items", "values": { "click": {"bindTo": "answerCallCustom"} } }, ] }; } );
3) Create business process with callId parameter that opens the page you need Hope this helps
after your suggestion to use business process and start it from client side, I changed my implementation approach and managed to do it with following trigger, which starts business process when call is picked up:
Maybe someone finds it useful for future reference.
Hello, The reason lies in the type (UsageType) of the RecordInactive= "Advanced" column, which is why the system does not display it in the designer. Unfortunately, there is no way to change this column type.
However, there is a workaround that will allow you to use the feature, namely the "DisableBlockingSystemColumns" feature that needs to be created and enabled for users that you need to have the rights to use such system fields. 1. Go to the link: 2. Add a new parameter:
3. Create a new parameter called "DisableBlockingSystemColumns", then add the role that well have the access to it, enable the checkbox and save the changes:
4. Relogin to the site.
However, this will allow users who have this option enabled to see other restricted and system columns in the system. We recommend using this approach in the "extreme" case, if the work of this functionality is critically important.
In addition, we have already created a task for our development team to fix this issue. Unfortunately, we have no exact ETA at the moment, since the task is at the initial stage, but it may be included into one of the next releases.
I know that the emails sent via Creatio are in the Activity table, but how about the the emails sent by a business process? Can I find those emails somewhere?
To be able to see these emails, you need to enable logging in the advanced settings in the Email Sending process element. After that, you can find the emails in the Activity table or set up a dashboard to view them.
Is there any possibility to change file size upload quota in the Application Hub in .net core version of creatio? In the .net framework there are a bindings.config configuration files, that allows to change binding quota, which works in IIS.
But of course there is no such thing in kestrel, adding/changing any params in appsettings.json does not seem to help. Is there any option to install pretty big application (>100Mb) in .net core Creatio?
In the .NET Core version, we do not have separate settings for different services; instead, we have a single setting for the entire application. The default value is 30,000,000. You can modify this setting by adding a new row to the <appSettings> section in the Terrasoft.WebHost.dll.config file:
Instead of adding the lookup column to the grid layout, expand that to get the display value to add to the grid instead. For example, instead of adding "Account", click the plus button then select Account, the choose the Name column to add to the grid, then it won't be clickable.
In the grid, the button + must be active to allow users to add necessary columns. Therefore, I need to display the main account on the grid without a link.
I need to do this in Freedom UI. Are there any features in Freedom UI for datatables similar to the showValueAsLink feature available for fields on a page?
Thanks Ryan, and in case the column isn't a lookup, I mean the default Name column always was clickable, but I need in some cases not be clickable, is it possible (Freedom UI)
Can the DCM be made read-only based on the status of another object?
For Example, I have an Account object linked to a form page with a DCM for account status (Active, Terminated, and Never Active) and a Contract object with statuses of "active" and "inactive" connected to the Account object, can changes to the DCM status in the Account be prevented when the Contract status is not "active"?
While DCM lacks a direct feature to check another object's values and restrict access based on that data, a simple no-code workaround can be implemented. Add a subprocess as the initial step in the DCM stages. This subprocess will check the related contract status, and if it's not 'Active,' it will notify the user and revert the stage to the previous one.
Alternatively, you can create a button that allows the user to select the desired stage. The system will then verify if the record can be transferred to the selected stage.