I am trying to filter the list of products shown in the Application page, based on the field Segment. The field segment is part of the object FZVwActiveProduct (it represents a view in db). This object has the following fields:  FZId (GUID), FZOpportunityConditionName (Text),

FZProduct (Lookup -> Product), FZProductCategory(Lookup -> ProductCategory), FZProductType (Lookup -> ProductType), FZSegmentation (Lookup -> Segment). 

The filter used for Products in BaseFinApplicationPage uses the object  VwFinActiveProduct (it represents a view in db), which has the following fields: Name (Text), OpportunityCondition(Lookup -> OpportunityCondition), Product(Lookup -> Product).


The original creatio function used for filtering is:

    getActiveProductLookupFilter: function() {
                    var filters = this.Terrasoft.createFilterGroup();
                    var productType = this.get("ProductType");
                    var productCategory = this.get("ProductCategory");
                    if (this.Ext.isObject(productType)) {
                        var productTypeFilter = this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL,
                            "Product.Type", productType.value);
                        filters.add("TypeFilter", productTypeFilter);
                    if (this.Ext.isObject(productCategory)) {
                        var productCategoryFilter = this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL,
                            "Product.Category", productCategory.value);
                        filters.add("CategoryFilter", productCategoryFilter);
                    var productStatusFilter = this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL,
                        "Product.ProductStatus", BaseFinanceConstants.ProductStatus.IsActual);
                    filters.add("StatusFilter", productStatusFilter);
                    return filters;


I have overriden it to use the foloowing filtering, but it does not provide any filtering and it throws the error:

   "errorCode": "ItemNotFoundException",
   "message": "Column by path [FZVwActiveProduct:FZProduct].Id not found in schema VwFinActiveProduct.",
   "errors": []

getActiveProductLookupFilter: function() {
             var borrower = this.get("Borrower");
             var filters = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.FilterGroup");
             // Retrieve the SegmentationId from the borrower
             var segmentationId = borrower.FZSegmentationId;
             var contactFilter = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.FilterGroup");
              var contactLookupFilter = Terrasoft.createExistsFilter("[FZVwActiveProduct:FZProduct].Id");
             //Application Filter
             contactLookupFilter.subFilters.addItem(Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter( Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "FZSegmentation", segmentationId));
             return contactFilter;
             // Create EXISTS filter for FZVwActiveProduct
             var existsFilter = Terrasoft.createExistsFilter("[FZVwActiveProduct:FZProduct].Id");
             // Filter to match Product in VwFinActiveProduct with FZProduct in FZVwActiveProduct
           // Filter to match SegmentationId in FZVwActiveProduct
           Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "[FZVwActiveProduct:FZProduct].FZSegmentation", segmentationId)
       // Add the EXISTS filter to the filter group
       return filters;

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Hello Alba,

Such an error usually occurs in the construction of the filter, causing an incorrect database query.Value [FZVwActiveProduct:FZProduct].Id should be defined in another way. Please, debug your code to analyze which value may be passed to existsFilter and contactLookupFilter.

Additionally, I've found a good article that explains how to build the right filter conditions using the usual filters in Creatio.


The article you mentioned creates the filter in the same way. I think the problem consists on the fact that my object (FZVwActiveProduct), as well as creatio's object (VwFinActiveProduct ) represent  views (not tables).


Alba M,


Ok, this should be debugged; without debugging, we can only make theories. Also if you can build this kind of filter in some seciton - you can then review the filter's content in the correspondent SelectQuery in the "Network" tab of the browser and then build the very same filter in your code.

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