Since our instance has been updated to version 8.0.6, the configuration (fields and filters) of all our reports has disappeared, any ideas on how to get them back ?


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Hello Damien,

Please contact our support team ( and describe the issue.



Hi I did already, they told me to ask the question on the community..


Damien Collot,


Please create a new case and write that it was recommended to create case on the community, 

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We're setting up access rights in our system and the contacts under "Our Company" are being assigned the access right of "all employees". How can we prevent all of our users from seeing the "Our company" account and contacts under that account? We are using record permissions for each organizational role to only see accounts and contacts within that role, but we want users to see all accounts under the organizational role of "all employees" with the exception of "our company".

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Hello Teresa,

If there is a need to restrict access to one specific record you can delete the access rights for this record directly on this record page with a help of "Set up access rights" option. Still the record will be available for the system administrators.

If you need to change the access rights for the contact records connected to this account, it can be done with a hep of custom business process that will read all the contact records where the Account = the_needed_account_record and with a help of "Change access rights" business element will delete or grant needed access permissions.

I'd also suggest to test the solution first on test- or dev- site before applying it in the production site.

Best regards,


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Dear mates,

Here is two weeks i m looking for building a dynamic homepage for a custom section.


I created a marketing section which has a child object (a detail) for the emailing channel.

I would like to display on my homepage, a select from the emailing detail which, once selected, displays the list of opportunities and orders linked to the detail. On order and opportunity objects, a lookup has been added containing the id of the emailing detail.


Desired Form:


is it possible to achieve this with the no code tools of Creatio ?

if yes, which home page should I select to be able to build this type of report ?


Thank you in advance !




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Hello Nicolas!


Please try setting up a business rule to show or hide page elements under specific conditions.

You can find more information on how to set up business rules in the Freedom UI pages in this article on the Creatio Academy:…


Best regards,


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I have tried to compile the cloud environment but i am facing an error can some help me out on how to resolve this error: 


File attachments
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Please try to run the actions 'generate all' and compile the site again.


Let us know the result, please!

Alla Blinova,

we are still getting the same error



The issue is caused by the missing sources of the custom package object. To resolve this issue, we recommend regenerating the sources for the relevant schemas (please see the attached file) ​​​​​​​ and then performing compilation.

To investigate this behavior, we ask you to submit a request to our team via or the Success Portal. 

We'll need to access the instance remotely in order to help.

Thank you for your cooperation!

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Hello team,


I have written a script using SEQUENCE & TRIGGERS for PostGres to auto increment the record number. This was a decision taken to avoid writing multiple codes through JS and Server side because we get inputs from a lot of sources - 3rd party integration, manual entry & business process.


While our trigger works well, we noticed that using odata, the response returned does not have the auto numbered value, whereas the auto numbering is indeed getting stored in the data base.


The question is, does Odata response for POST requests get triggered after all DB triggers are completed or does it happen just before a record is inserted into the DB?

PS: I tried triggers using BEFORE update and it did not work

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This question needs to be analyzed mo deeply, but, based on your information, the POST request isn't affected by all the DB triggers and therefore happens before the insert.

Also, a small note, if you have autonumbering both on the JS and Server side than a new number will be generated no matter what is the source of the object (data, business process, etc).

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Is there any way to restrict number of file to be attached in the attachment detail tab.

I need a situation like user have to attach only one file in the section wizard and not more than that

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Your business task requires additional development, as of now it cannot be achieved with basic tools only. 


We've registered a query for our responsible R&D team to implement the described functionality in the upcoming versions of a system.

Best regards,




To achieve your business task follow the below approach,

Create a replacing module for "FileDetailV2" and add the below code,

define("FileDetailV2", [], function() {
	return {
		mixins: {},
		attributes: {},
		methods: {
			onFileSelect: function(files) {
				var fileSchemaName = this.entitySchemaName;
				if(files.length > 1 && fileSchemaName == "UsrCustomObjectFile"){ //Your file object name goes here
					this.showInformationDialog("More than 1 files are not allowed.");
			upload: function(config, callback) {
				var fileSchemaName = this.entitySchemaName;
				if(fileSchemaName == "UsrCustomObjectFile"){ //Your file object name goes here
			CustomAttachmentCountValidation: function(config, callback){
				var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
					rootSchemaName: this.entitySchemaName 
					Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "UsrConnectedColumn", this.get("MasterRecordId")));	//Master entity Connected column
				esq.getEntityCollection(function (result) {
					if (result.success && result.collection.getCount() > 0) {
						this.showInformationDialog("More than 1 files are not allowed.");
					}else {
						this.Terrasoft.ConfigurationFileApi.upload(config, callback);
				}, this);

Let me know if this helps in achieving your objective.


Warm Regards,

Sourav Kumar Samal

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Has anyone successfully implemented the MiContact Center connector for Creatio?


We have it working for click to dial but there is no inbound calling functionality working.


Can anyone provide details on how it should work and what functions it has?

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Hi community, 


I am looking to place a custom script (widget) to display on all pages. Does anyone know the best way to do this? 

I have adjusted system setting to activate google tag manager, but not having any luck displaying the widget. 



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Your can implement such behavior by following our guide on the Academy page:…

Hi Mykhailo, I was referring to a chat "widget" or in this exact instance a widget that the team can use to report bugs in Creatio (implementation) or request features. 

Hi Harry,


You need to add additional button to the ContextHelpSchema (for example like it's done for the askSupportMenuItem in the schema diff):

				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "askSupportMenuItem",
				"parentName": "HelpButton",
				"propertyName": "menu",
				"values": {
					"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.AskSupport"},
					"markerValue": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.AskSupport"},
					"itemType": this.Terrasoft.ViewItemType.MENU_ITEM,
					"click": {"bindTo": "callMailTo"},
					"tag": "support",
					"imageConfig": resources.localizableImages.Support

and in your custom button you can either use already implemented callMailTo method (so your users could report bugs or features via email) or create your own method (to open some URL or oepn some page). As a result this button will be available on any page and your business task will be achieved.

Hi Oscar, 

Thank you for the input. 

I am actually just simply looking to allow an external script to be run, so my widget can appear at the bottom right of the screen. I am using , but this is similar to any third party chat app. 

Is there anything stopping this from working as it seems like Google is picking up the G-tag. 



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Hello Community,

How to write the auto-numbering of field using Stored procedure SQL


Thanks In Advance


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Please note that autonumbering became available starting from Creatio version 8.0.5, you can find more info in this Creatio article and this:


It is now possible to number new records in Freedom UI automatically quicker and easier using the [ Autonumber ] field. You can set the number prefix and change the quantity of digits in the number. Creatio populates the field both when you add a record manually and when a business process or integration add it.


Mira Dmitruk,

Yes but i need this for the 8.0.0 version



In such case this article should provide the needed instructions.

Mira Dmitruk,

Thanks but the requirement is with stored procedure 

Mira Dmitruk,

Hello, We have a cloud instance where we need to run auto increment based after insertion. Do we have any examples ?

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Not sure if I missed it, or if it is not implemented yet. Where can I find the equivalent of "field filter values" in standard UI business rules  (image below) for a Freedom UI Form page ?

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It doesn't exist yet in the page editor. However, you can set it up manually, although it's a bit tedious. If you refer to this thread…;

Oleg outlines how to set it up like a business rule. I also outline how to handle the lookups request to load it's data source and then create the filter t that time (which makes it easier to refer to other values in the page that you want to use in the filter). 


Ryan Farley,



just read the 8.0.7 release notes ""Advanced business rule conditions. It is now possible to set up more advanced business rules using system settings and system variables in business rule conditions. For example, you can set up a rule that displays the [ Results ] field if the current user is the record owner.""

Do you think it covers this functionality ?




Is this already available in latest version of freedom UI?


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