Conditional Formatting of a field on an edit page

Hi Community,

I'm hoping to add conditional formatting to a lookup field on an edit page (UsrColour).

UsrColour lookup = Id (Guid), Name (String), Hex (String).


Ideally, I'd like the colour to change based on the lookup value and for the colour to come from the Hex field in the Colour lookup. Alternatively, hard coding the colours into the page code would be an acceptable alternative.

I can format the field using the article below but not conditionally:

Adding Custom CSS Style Sheets in Creatio (formerly bpm’online) | Customer FX


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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hi Cristopher Montgomery,

This thread helps to add the custom CSS on condition based.

Please check this Custom CSS for a field/label based on Condition .


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

hi Cristopher Montgomery,

This thread helps to add the custom CSS on condition based.

Please check this Custom CSS for a field/label based on Condition .


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Exactly what I need. Much appreciated.

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