Filter crt.OpenLookupPageRequest

How can we apply custom filters on Lookups in Freedom UI? I can see that there is some existence of a filtersConfig potential property for the object passed as the first parameter to executeRequest, but cannot find any examples or information on how this should be configured in Academy or on other Community questions. We are trying to use this to associate records to a parent record using the + button on a Freedom UI "detail" list, but we don't want any records already associated with any parent by foreign key to be eligible for association using the lookup, and also have some other conditions to apply based on the child entity. Our environment is currently on 8.1 Quantum.


Here is the relevant excerpt from the handler on our form page, without any filters applied and with the non-relevant logic applied in the afterClosed area removed for brevity:

	type: "crt.OpenLookupPageRequest",
	$context: request.$context,
	entitySchemaName: "Order",
	caption: "Select Quotes to associate with the Lead",
	features: {
		select: {
			multiple: true,
			selectAll: false,
			resultType: 'lookupValues'
		create: {
			enabled: false
	afterClosed: async function(selectedItems) {
		// logic here
		return next?.handle(request)


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Here is an example of OpenLookupPageRequest with a filtersConfig.

handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
				request: "usr.OpenLookupRequest",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
						type: "crt.OpenLookupPageRequest",
						scopes: [...request.scopes],
						$context: request.$context,
						entitySchemaName: "Contact",
						// caption: 'Responsible',
						schemaName: 'CustomLookupPage',
						itemAttributeName: 'LookupAttribute_2mnilrq',
						// itemsAttributeName: 'Contact_List',
						afterClosed: (result) => {
							alert(result?.displayValue ?? '');
						filtersConfig: {
							filterAttributes: [
									name: 'MyFilter',
									loadOnChange: false
							attributesConfig: {
								MyFilter: {
									value: {
										"items": {
											"29e16d42-36f1-4e04-9029-4321cbb2494d": {
												"filterType": 1,
												"comparisonType": 11,
												"isEnabled": true,
												"trimDateTimeParameterToDate": false,
												"leftExpression": {
													"expressionType": 0,
													"columnPath": "Name"
												"isAggregative": false,
												"dataValueType": 1,
												"rightExpression": {
													"expressionType": 2,
													"parameter": {
														"dataValueType": 1,
														"value": "Super"
										"logicalOperation": 0,
										"isEnabled": true,
										"filterType": 6,
										"rootSchemaName": "Contact"
					return next?.handle(request);

If you don't know how to build a proper filter here is a small tip. On a Freedom UI page add a list with the object you want to filter. In this list add a static filter with a condition you want to apply to a OpenLookupPageRequest and save it. As a result, in the code of this page, you can find the full filter code, all you need to do is to replace "MyFilter" with it.

Question on OpenLookupPageRequest. In an edit scenario, could you pass the already selected options so that they appear already selected in the lookup list?

You can use the option selectionState to predefine selected rows, which will be pre-selected

type: "crt.OpenLookupPageRequest",
	selectionState: {
		type: 'specific',
		selected: [


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