Is it possible to use a Microsoft Office word macro in the template of a MS-word printable?

The matter is: A word template is to be filled with data from Creatio. In the exported document, additionally, at another position in the document, a function is to be provided via a word macro.

The word macro can be added to the template. But when the report is exported, the Word macro is missing.

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We have discussed your case with the responsible R&D team. Unfortunately, as for now, there is no possibility to implement your business task in our application.

We want to assure you that we have created a request for our development team to implement this functionality in future versions of our application. We understand the importance of providing our clients with the best possible experience and will work hard to implement the changes you have suggested.

Thank you for this suggestion, this helps to make our product better!


Best regards,


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Hello Community, 


I wanted to refresh the detail in a form page after adding/updating a detail.

Here all the fields in the detail is added/updated in a separate page. On click of save button, the record gets added/updated. But I wanted to refresh entire detail.



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Please check the discussion regarding your question here.


Hello Bogdan, 


Thank you for your response.

But I wanted to reload the detail in Freedom UI, the detail is in the form page and on click of '+' we add the new details which is in other form


Once I save the details the page automatically moves the parent form page. But the detail is not refreshed, Only the record gets added to the detail.


I wanted to refresh entire detail after click of Save while saving a new record in child form.


const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance;

                             await handlerChain.process({

                            type: "crt.LoadDataRequest",

                            $context: request.$context,

                            config: {

                                loadType: "reload"


                            dataSourceName: "datasourcename"



This works in the current form page. But i wanted to refresh the detail in parent form page once I click on save button in child form page.




Unfortunately, we don't have ready examples of the implementation of your business task.


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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The  multiselect text add on by Ryan Farley is such an elegant solution! It works well in all cases, but I have a case where I need to add this functionality to an editable list. 


Is this possible?

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Not sure if it's possible, but I've never tried it. I would start with looking in ConfigurationGrid to see if there is a method there to override? 


Ryan Farley,


I have tried something with ConfigurationGrid. But I am not able to make it work. Do you know any way to make it possible.

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I have a business case to update a field in a detail in other records and then delete the selected record from a detail after clicking "Yes" from the confirmation box.

As of now field is updated to all records on click of delete button in a detail. 


            request: "crt.DeleteRecordRequest",

            handler: async (request, next) => {

             await next?.handle(request); 

           console.log("Deleting a record in detail"); 

//to validate if I clicked Yes or No from the confirmation box 



Any suggestions is really helpful.


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Please use a business process in this case to read all remaining records from the detail and update their values that will be triggered upon record deletion from the object of this detail. It's much easier than trying to create a UI logic using DeleteRecordReqeust.

Oleg Drobina,

Hello Oleg, 


I have almost implemented functionality in the client schema under deleteRecordRequest handler. Right now the functionality is working irrespective of the confirmation option choosen, It works even when we click No from the confirmation box. 


I wanted to make the functionality to work only if I click "Yes" from the confirmation box. 


Is it possible to read the option chosen by user while deleting a record(either Yes or No) in the handler?







What I've observed from the behavior is that the DeleteRecordRequest is called twice: once you click delete button and once you select one of the yes\no options. Then I was trying to find a difference in either requests contexts or in the requests, but there is none or it's not obvious. And finally if we take a look at the initiator of the GetCanDelete method (that is called once you hit the "Yes" option) it's also not obvious who calls it:

I really tried to find a place in the code that could be overriden, but it seems that it's impossible to do in the current version (tested in 8.0.6). That's why I've asked to use a business process instead.

If you want to initiate the delete from your own code, you can use the Model class for that. See…

If you're handling the crt.DeleteRecordsRequest you could simply not call the "next" handler in the chain. Basically, only call this if the answer is yes: await next?.handle(request); 


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When I try to uninstall a package I receive a vague "Uninstall application error" message.

Some of the packages I'm trying to delete are empty with no dependencies as well, and this still occurs.

Is there any way to find out what this error is actually about?

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Please report this issue directly for our support team at so we could work on the problem directly, since it cannot be resolved over Community.

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i can't add new text field to contact (customer360app) module

Collection "EntitySchemaColumnCollection" item "EntitySchemaColumn" with unique identifier "{65DB5BF4-C253-4BD3-8988-CA1C6397A7EE}" not found.

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Hello Arkadiusz Polus,


This is not a typical error and it does not recreate OOTB.


Please contact Creatio support directly at It would be required to inspect this particular issue individually.


Best Regards,


Hello Arkadiusz Polus,

Did you get the answer for this issue? Because I have the same issue.



Timea Losonc,

Hello Timea,


Please contact Creatio support directly at providing the details of your issue. This is not a typical error and, thus, each case should be inspected individually.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


              When I am trying to compile the local iis hosted creatio instance, I get an unknown error.

When I tried to check the logs file, unfortunately, I didn’t find any errors. I am attaching log files also. I also followed the community post

Can you please help me to find the solution?


Thank you in advance.



Manideep Korni

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Best reply

Hii all,

After uninstalling all the sdks in my computer and reinstalled sdks , problem is solved.







This issue occurs when the required components are not installed on the application server.

Please make sure you have installed all the components from the article:…





i have all the components mentioned in the article. All the instances running in my local are not working from 2 days. Before those was working fine. Is there any other way to fix this issue.


thank you

Try uninstalling all components and installing them again.

Korni Manideep Reddy,


Tyr to perform the below actions in sequence.

1. Update DB

2. Generate for all schemas

3. Compile ALL

Hii all,

After uninstalling all the sdks in my computer and reinstalled sdks , problem is solved.





I would like to add an important detail. Thanks Manideep Korni for provided log files. Compilation error details can be found in Build.log file. Here we can find this line:

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\NuGet\Migrations' is denied.

One of possible solutions is to create  'c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\NuGet\Migrations' folder and provide file system modification permissions on it to IIS_IUSRS role:


Dmitriy Gamora,


Thanks a lot for your perfect answer Dmitriy. 


However, I do think that this is a workaround and we should not normally have to manually create these folders.


Why do we have this specific issue only for one of our customers on a specific server ? (i.e. Dev & Test no problem, Production --> Access to path denied).


The SDKs are installed and are on the same version for all of the servers.


Many thanks for the answer provided.


Best regards,




Saved again today by this thread, should be added to the official FAQ ;)

This error still appears on new environments on Windows 10 and Windows 11. It turns out that creating the folder c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\NuGet\Migrations is enough to fix it even without providing access for IIS_IUSRS role.

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Even the new version of mobile app dont fix the horrible annoying bug. 

The “back” arrow and menu button  appears periodically where they can not be obtained in any way - in the place of the clock.  Please see screenshot.

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Thank you for your post. This problem is in process of being fixed. Since we are moving to a new framework - "Freedom UI", it does not recreate in 8.0.6 Contacts and Accounts (they are already transferred). Other sections are in process of being transferred to Freedom UI.


Best Regards,


thank you!

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I wanted to filter a lookup the contains multiple OR conditions.

I tried it as given in the below link


It works fine for a single condition. 

I also tried using by making Right Expression as an array, It didn't worked.





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The idea here is to use the Terrasoft.LogicalOperatorType.OR and specify the filtration inside as in the following example:

"DataGrid_6477jgb_PredefinedFilter": {
					"value": {
						"items": {
							"9a10762b-e098-4df1-9f2f-808b0f2a1e1d": {
								"filterType": 1,
								"comparisonType": 8,
								"isEnabled": true,
								"trimDateTimeParameterToDate": true,
								"leftExpression": {
									"expressionType": 0,
									"columnPath": "CreatedOn"
								"isAggregative": false,
								"dataValueType": 7,
								"rightExpression": {
									"expressionType": 2,
									"parameter": {
										"dataValueType": 7,
										"dateValue": "2022-10-02T14:00:52.067Z",
										"value": "\"2022-10-02T17:00:52.067\""
							"3027b84f-c411-4bd4-adea-064011d278fa": {
								"filterType": 1,
								"comparisonType": 7,
								"isEnabled": true,
								"trimDateTimeParameterToDate": false,
								"leftExpression": {
									"expressionType": 0,
									"columnPath": "Age"
								"isAggregative": false,
								"dataValueType": 4,
								"rightExpression": {
									"expressionType": 2,
									"parameter": {
										"dataValueType": 4,
										"value": 18
							"97395925-0187-4dda-8c82-777172c5e74c": {
								"filterType": 4,
								"comparisonType": 3,
								"isEnabled": true,
								"trimDateTimeParameterToDate": false,
								"leftExpression": {
									"expressionType": 0,
									"columnPath": "Country"
								"isAggregative": false,
								"dataValueType": 10,
								"referenceSchemaName": "Country",
								"rightExpressions": [
										"expressionType": 2,
										"parameter": {
											"dataValueType": 10,
											"value": {
												"Name": "Argentina",
												"Id": "7347f03f-d4d0-4553-9231-855f23623b94",
												"value": "7347f03f-d4d0-4553-9231-855f23623b94",
												"displayValue": "Argentina"
						"logicalOperation": 1,
						"isEnabled": true,
						"filterType": 6,
						"rootSchemaName": "Contact"

In this case the contact where CreatedOn >= 2022-10-02 or Age > 18 or Country is Argentina will be returned. This should be inserted into the lookup attribute as in the example from the provided community thread and will work for the lookup column.

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Hello Community, 


I wanted to read list of tabs and the current active tab in a form page on click of save button in active tab and then make next tab active.

Any suggestions is really helpful. 



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Could you please elaborate on your business task?

Bogdan, GargeyiGnanasekhar,

Below is the method for tab change and found in BasePAgeV2,

activeTabChange: function(activeTab) {
	console.log("Tabs in Creatio");

var tabName = this.get("ActiveTabName");


I have 4 tabs in a form page each Tab has a button named "Continuation". On Click of the button, the current tab fields should be saved and then move to 2nd tab.






How can we use this in Freedom UI. I wanted to read this from base page v2?

I am not able to find a way reading this.get("ActiveTabName") from base page, also i wanted to call  activeTabChange method in my form page


Any suggestions is really helpful


Thanks in advance



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