What happens in a runProcessRequest call in a client schema code when I save a new release of the process?

Dear colleagues,


I have this extract of piece of code

 const runProcessRequest = Ext.create("Terrasoft.RunProcessRequest", { 
       // El nombre del Proceso
       "schemaName": "NdosGeneracionMasivaNC_PRP", 

When I save a new version of the process, the name changes, in my case from NdosGeneracionMasivaNC_PRP to NdosGeneracionMasivaNC_PRPNCSNdosNotasCredyDeb_011,


The question is I must be concerned to those changes, to modify each schema code page where calling those processes?


I.e. change the code to:

 const runProcessRequest = Ext.create("Terrasoft.RunProcessRequest", { 
      // El nombre del Proceso
     "schemaName": "NdosGeneracionMasivaNC_PRPNCSNdosNotasCredyDeb_011", 

Thanks for your support



Julio Falcón

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Hello Julio,


You can check it by creating the code that uses one version of the process, triggering the code, go to the process log and checking if the process was triggered. Then create another version, set is as an actual process version and trigger the code again.  Once done go to the process log and see which process version is triggered and make a conclusion.

Thanks Oleg, of course I can try it, I do it very often with almost everything...but I would like to know what the documentation says about it, and I haven't found it.



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