Hi Community,

I have created a detail in a section. Inside the detail I have created a new tab and have added a custom"Attachments" detail.

-I have followed this guide : https://academy.creatio.com/docs/7-16/developer/interface_elements/deta…

- I have also named The entity for the attachments like"ParentEntityFile"

This is what i get

Why is this happening ?


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Hi Community,

Any udpate on this issue ?

Hi Sasori,

It looks like you didn't create an attachment detail properly.

In this situation, it is better to create a section via "Section Wizard" based on your detail object, and in there use attachment detail. After creating a section you can just hide it from a workplace and customize the page as you need.

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Hello Community, 


I have a requirement to design a custom search filter in list page in Freedom UI, so that I have a text field and a button.

Now, on entering a number (Plate Number) in the field and on click of button, I wanted to filter only the records that contain the plate number. 

The filter works perfectly. But now when I navigate to any other section, I am seeing a popup message (Un save popup) as shown below.

To clear this error, I tried to save the number entered in the field and the issue is gone until I search for other number. 

Now I received a system error as shown below. 

How can I resolve this?


Any suggestions are really helpful.

File attachments
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Good day,

Please try performing a full compilation of the environment.

It is also worth noting that the issue is atypical and requires further investigation from the support team. If the problem is not resolved, please contact our support service: support@creatio.com.


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I have implemented two different scenarios using PrintReportUtilities mixin methods. The first one (generateCardPrintForm) is to save the printable as an attachment in the Attachment and Note detail, and the other one (initCardPrintForms and preparePrintFormsMenuCollection) is used to filter the printables on the basis of lookup. The code is working fine but after refreshing the page.


The code used in OrderPageV2 is as follows

generateCardPrintForm: function(tag) {
	// first get the printable being accessed
	var printFormsCollection = this.get(this.moduleCardPrintFormsCollectionName),
		printForm = printFormsCollection.get(tag);
	var printableId = printForm.values.Id;
	var orderId = this.get("Id");
		sysProcessId: '68880f82-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxfb532c2',
		parameters: {
			OrderId: orderId,
			PrintableId: printableId
	this.updateDetail({detail: "Files"});


initQueryColumns: function(esq) {
	if (!esq.columns.contains("UsrDocumentRepositorySubtype")) {
initCardPrintForms: function() {
	var printMenuItems = this.get(this.moduleCardPrintFormsCollectionName);
	if (Ext.isEmpty(printMenuItems)) return;
	printMenuItems.each(function(item) {
		item.set("Visible", {bindTo: "getPrintMenuItemVisible"});
	}, this);
initSectionPrintForms: function() {
	var printMenuItems = this.get(this.moduleSectionPrintFormsCollectionName);
	if (Ext.isEmpty(printMenuItems)) return;
	printMenuItems.each(function(item) {
		item.set("Visible", {bindTo: "getPrintMenuItemVisible"});
	}, this);
preparePrintFormsMenuCollection: function(printForms) {
	printForms.eachKey(function(key, item) {
		if (!item.get("Caption")) {
			item.set("Caption", item.get("NonLocalizedCaption"));
		item.set("Tag", key);
		item.set("Visible", {bindTo: "getPrintMenuItemVisible"});
	}, this);
// this is the function will determine if a printable is visible
// it is called for each printable and will return true/false to show or hide
getPrintMenuItemVisible: function(reportId) {
	var type = this.get("Status") || { displayValue: "" },
		printMenuItems = this.get(this.moduleCardPrintFormsCollectionName),
		item = printMenuItems.find(reportId);
	if (Ext.isEmpty(item)) return;
	switch (item.get("Caption")) {
		case "Order - Inprocess":
			return type.displayValue === "3. In progress";
			return type.displayValue != "3. In progress";


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It happens because of the combined mode and the fact that logic is triggered not from the page itself, but from the section page (when you open record from the section) until the page is reloaded. It's the same issue as if you add buttons to the page schema, not section schema (as described here). In such case you won't be able to see buttons on the page until the page reload. So you need to modify the logic and apply it in the section schema (OrderSectionV2).

Oleg Drobina,


I have added the code to OrderSchemaV2, but the issue is still the same.

Syed Ali Hassan Shah,


Unfortunately additional debugging needed here. Also there is a probability that the whole approach should be changed. Here are also two marketplace addons, one of them performs filtration of printables and another one adds printables to attachments:





You can also review how they work and maybe it will help in implementing your own logic.

Oleg Drobina,


I have gone through the mentioned plugins they are using the custom implementation in their own developed buttons and custom library. But we want to override the implementation done by Creatio.


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On our contact page we have business rules regulating the business & mobile phone.

If mobile phone not filled in, business phone is mandatory and vice versa.

On classic UI page, the mandatory " * " signal dynamically disappears when filling in the form.

This does not happen on the new Freedom UI minipage, in the picture here below, the * should have disappeared in front of mobile phone, as the business phone is filled in.

(It will properly save though, in terms of data, the business rules work).

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Thank you for sharing this information with us. We have created a task to have the responsible R&D team address this behavior in future releases.

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Is it possible to set a country as default for phones in Freedom UI ?

Always stuck on USA (+1) by default...



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Sorry cannot remove the "£", post editing is not working on the community today

Hello Damien,


We have checked your request and unfortunately it is not possible to set a phone mask with a certain code by default at the moment, but I registered this idea for our developers so that they would consider the possibility of implementing such functionality in future releases.

Thank you,

This new dropdown list always defaulting to US is actually a decrease towards poorer UI experience vs blank field we used to have (more clicks, slowed down input)

Especially that you cannot type in the country code +41 and it "naturally" goes to the right country, you need to do a manual letter search each time.

On a positive note --> it makes sure  everyone fills in the country codes now and the numbers show in the correct format of the country.

Could you please provide us with updates on this question? May be you have reference for crt.PhoneInput?


Yes, our clients are still asking how can we change the default country, does not make sense for all the international users to be stuck on USA as default. Any update ?



When will this functionality be added? Because it's very inconvenient to constantly select a mask. 

Mira Dmitruk,

Good morning


Do you know in wich table is the phone codes?, I want in the meantime delete all countries not needed to made easier found the country codes we usually need.


Or another way to disable/delete not needed phone codes?


Thanks in advance


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I am getting a HTTP 403 (Forbidden) error when I call the OData $batch request on my developer instance.  It does not matter what requests I pass to it.  It also occurs when I use the example $batch request provided by the Creatio postman environment.


Do developer instances support batch requests?  Is there an option I can enable to allow batch requests?

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Best reply

Mobileforce Support,


The answer to the POST request to /AuthService.svc/Login will be a set of session cookies needed for further requests execution. One of those cookies (BPMSCRF cookie) values should be specified as a separate BPMCSRF header value for further POST\PUT\PATCH requests. So once you are authenticated via postman you need to copy the value of the received BPMCSRF cookie and set it as a header value for further requests in the following manner:

After that, you can try calling the OData endpoints via POST requests and they should succeed.

Thank you for contacting the Creatio technical support team. If you have any further questions, please send them as a reply to this email.

Thank you for choosing Creatio!




I've shared some documentation that will help you: 


OData | Creatio Academy

Best regards,



Thanks, but I've already read the documentation and was able to get other OData calls to work successfully.  It is only the batch request is not working for me. 


Typically, a HTTP 403 error means that a user is trying to access a page or API that they do not have permission for.  Hence why I was asking whether there is some system configuration option I need to set.  I am trying to access this as the Supervisor user on my development instance.


Mobileforce Support,


The answer to the POST request to /AuthService.svc/Login will be a set of session cookies needed for further requests execution. One of those cookies (BPMSCRF cookie) values should be specified as a separate BPMCSRF header value for further POST\PUT\PATCH requests. So once you are authenticated via postman you need to copy the value of the received BPMCSRF cookie and set it as a header value for further requests in the following manner:

After that, you can try calling the OData endpoints via POST requests and they should succeed.

Thank you for contacting the Creatio technical support team. If you have any further questions, please send them as a reply to this email.

Thank you for choosing Creatio!



Thanks, that was the issue.  I did not realize that the BPMCSRF cookie also had to passed in as HTTP header as well.

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Hi community,


Is it possible using code, to convert the metric chart into a calculated value? For example, a conversion rate.


There is a marketplace app but this isn't updated for freedom UI yet.



Like 5



Also awaiting a Freedom UI update

I also am hoping to see this available for Freedom UI soon as well. IMO this should be an out of the box addition for dashboards. 


Ryan Farley,


Totally agree, like the way to be able to view numbers reduced as K or M, you know 300'000 as 300K , 300'000'000 as 300M etc... graphs often get overcrowded with numbers overlapping, still do not know why this has not been adressed, quite a standard in other solutions for more than a decade...



Please note that there is no possibility to do this in Freedom UI at the moment, but we have registered your idea for our R&D team and they will consider implementing such functionality in future releases.


Thank you for helping us make Creatio better!

Mira Dmitruk,

This functionality is critical to making a lot of the reporting functionality within Creatio actually usable. Clients and potential clients like the appearance of what you can do in Creatio, but without the ability to actually perform calculations like getting percentages and the like, and without being able to show metrics in thousands, millions etc, the actual usability of it is pretty limited. Would strongly vote for this as well.

Mira Dmitruk,

Hello, any updates for this topic ?

I'm also waiting for something like "Calculated Metrics app" to work in Freedom. Please it urges!

Ryan Farley writes:

I also am hoping to see this available for Freedom UI soon as well. IMO this should be an out of the box addition for dashboards. 


I agree, is something "essential"

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Hi community!


I have to integrate with a third-party tool that cannot send a request to the auth service and handle the cookies correctly.


Is there another method similar to webhooks using an API key in the URL or in the data itself?


Thanks in advance,


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I would like to display on the Activity page detail, the modification history tab.


When i go into the section assistant, i can see an unregistered Detail.



Logging is enabled in the system settings change log .


But the history tab is not displayed in the activity detail page.


Does anybody have an idea to solve this issue please ?

Thank you,


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There is no such OOB functionality.

You can track changes directly in the Change log section or check additional add-ons, for example:



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Hi community,


I have created a business process for the Lead. There is a stage named "Converted" to show that the Lead is converted to Opportunity.

But I have to check the Account of the Lead if the Account has the status: "Green" - a look-up field, the user could allow changing the Lead Stage to Converted. If the Account doesn't have the status, then the Lead is not allowed to change the Lead stage


Is there any way for me to set it up?


Thank you!

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Unfortunately, in the case of designer - it is not possible to do this.


Our recommendation is to regularly check the status of the object and interrupt the preservation process if necessary.

We were happy to help! 

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