Add Multiple checks in Business Process

Hi Everyone,


We have the following business process in which we check if there are any previous Orders at the same time or even within 11 hours. If yes, then it will assign the Shift as double, if not then it will assign it as a single shift. However, there are 2 issues we are having.


  1. When there is an order at 12:00-13:00 and another order at 13:00-14:00 then technically it should be assigned as a double shift. But our current process still assigns a single shift.
  2. We need to add more checks to the previous order. For example: If the same team is assigned to the same location, then it should still be a single set. How can I do that? 

Kindly see the images for the process. Thanks! 

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I suggest you check if the filtering conditions are being met.

  1. Try building the same filter in the Orders object and check if such records exist, and if there are more than 2 records. (We noticed that you have Finish Date < Start Date; we are not familiar with the logic of your object, but we recommend verifying the correctness of this filter.) Reference: How to work with data

  2. Enable process tracing to check the values returned by the process elements: Reference: Trace process

Regarding the second issue, you need to add more filters so that the records found in the Read Data element meet the required condition.

If you encounter further difficulties in configuring the process, please contact our support team at

Best regards,


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