Hi Creatio community,


While creating a list page or form page in FreedomUI, we noticed that the option to view the changelog is not present even after enabling changelog for that particular object. 


We would like to know how to get this option in the form page (edit page) like in the previous versions. 




Thanks in advance.




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Best reply

Hi Abilash,

As far as I'm aware, this custom action is not yet available out of the box. I would assume in version 8.1 it would be present.

One workaround would be to call a handler to navigate to another URL, where you can construct the url for the specific change log of that record.

Hi Abilash,

As far as I'm aware, this custom action is not yet available out of the box. I would assume in version 8.1 it would be present.

One workaround would be to call a handler to navigate to another URL, where you can construct the url for the specific change log of that record.



At the moment, Freedom UI doesn't have a quick way to go to the Change Log. This should be available in new versions. 


A workaround would be to call a handler to navigate to another URL.


Regards, Anton 


Is there any update on this? I can't see the change log option in a recently created 8.1 free cloud environment after turning it on for an object, nor an action that would correspond to it similar to what the Access Rights has for that button.


Any news on this?

we also need to view change log.

As a temporary solution, is it possible to turn on the change log and view the changes in a lookup?

If yes, what object should be used to view the changes?




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Hello community,

I have a use case where i need to grant access rights to new owner in Lead when the owner gets changed.I want to remove the access rights of the old owner.

By default, Creatio grants maximum access permissions to record author and the record owner.

I have tried to give access to the new owner and revoke the access permission to old owner using Change access right Business process element . Since the old owner is the record author ,that user can able to see ,edit,delete the record .I want to remove the access rights of the old owner. 

Can anyone help me on this ?

Like 1





If you remove all roles/users from default permissions (managed by records access rule settings), users who created the record and records owner will still be able to see/edit/delete the record. 


To change this behavior, there are several options: 

- open the record in the System Designer and set the rule for the author to grant himself the rights for "not reading" the record


- the database command to remote the specific rights in the sys[object]right table. You can check some details on the example of granting the rights and change the logic of the provided script: https://community.creatio.com/questions/there-way-provide-record-creato…

Here are some more details on how these system tables impact the record permissions: https://community.creatio.com/articles/what-database-tables-should-i-ta…

- design a business process with the "Change access" element to remove the rights from the record author


Hope this info helps you with the described case.

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Hi Community,

Is there any possibility to put an image as a background in the Creatio Login Page ?


Best regards,


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Best reply

Hi Sasori,


It's possible, but proper css should be created:

what was done is adding the image to NuiLogin.aspx page css (add body elemnt there):

		.font-preload {
			position: absolute;
			opacity: 0;
		.font-preload-open-sans {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans";
		.font-preload-open-sans-light {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans Light";
		.font-preload-open-sans-bold {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans Bold";
		body {
			background-image: url("783px-Test-Logo.svg.png");

and put this image to the root directory of app binary files. Only css should be modified in case you don't need to repeat this image and to set the size for it.

Hi Sasori,


It's possible, but proper css should be created:

what was done is adding the image to NuiLogin.aspx page css (add body elemnt there):

		.font-preload {
			position: absolute;
			opacity: 0;
		.font-preload-open-sans {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans";
		.font-preload-open-sans-light {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans Light";
		.font-preload-open-sans-bold {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans Bold";
		body {
			background-image: url("783px-Test-Logo.svg.png");

and put this image to the root directory of app binary files. Only css should be modified in case you don't need to repeat this image and to set the size for it.

Oleg Drobina,

Thanks for the explanation Oleg, 

I tried all the steps but still the image is not showing in the background of the login page.

1- Modified NuiLogin.aspx file (path : inetpub\wwwroot\creatio\Login)

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="NuiLogin.aspx.cs" Inherits="Terrasoft.WebApp.Loader.Login.NuiLogin" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="<%= PageDirection %>" culture="<%= LanguageCultureName %>">
<head runat="server">
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
	<meta name="fontiran.com:license" content="LAXSN" />
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
		.font-preload {
			position: absolute;
			opacity: 0;
		.font-preload-open-sans {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans";
		.font-preload-open-sans-light {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans Light";
		.font-preload-open-sans-bold {
			font-family: "Bpmonline Open Sans Bold";
		body {
			background-image: url("test.png");
	<div class="font-preload">
		<span class="font-preload-open-sans">_</span>
		<span class="font-preload-open-sans-light">_</span>
		<span class="font-preload-open-sans-bold">_</span>
	<form id="IndexForm" runat="server">

1- Added test.png image file in ( path - inetpub\wwwroot\creatio\)

Sasori Oshigaki,


Strange, this approach worked in my local app perfectly. Maybe there is an error message in the console when trying to reach the Login page and it will provide more details? Or maybe the image is empty? Also try restarting the application in IIS.

Oleg Drobina,

Just fixed it Oleg

The mistake was the path of the image ( got it from console window)

The image should be placed under this path :


Thanks a lot for the help


Sasori Oshigaki,


hm, in my case it requested the root directory of the app when I was testing it. Anyway, it's good that the console message answered the question!

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Hi Community,


I've created a detail in FreedomUI that adds attachments to the SysFile table. But upon upload, I can see the newly added file in the detail only after reloading the whole page. 



I tried to reload the detail on upload using the following code but it didn't work:




                handler:async (request, next) =>{

                    console.log("new record");

                    await next?.handle(request);

                    const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance;

                    for(var i = 0;i<2;i++)


                        await handlerChain.process({

                                                    type: "crt.LoadDataRequest",

                                                    $context: request.$context,

                                                    config: {

                                                        loadType: "reload"


                                                    dataSourceName: "DataGrid_0b46u59DS"






I would like to see the file in the detail as soon as its uploaded. 


Thanks in advance for any help!








Like 1




Please try reloading using this code

setInterval(async ()=&gt;{
                                const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance;
                                await handlerChain.process({
                                    type: 'crt.LoadDataRequest',
                                       $context: request.$context,
                                    config: {
                                        loadType: 'reload'
                                    dataSourceName: '{Your Data Source}'
                            }, 1000);



You can still use that approach, or you can add a standard attachment component.

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Hello community,

Can we have conditions for mini page for one particular edit page when we have multiple edit pages?


Thank you in advance 

Yasaswini I 

Like 0





Could you please elaborate a bit on your task or provide us with a screenshot of what should be implemented?

Best regards,



I need mini page for only Enterprise edit page. 

Yasaswini I

Yasaswini Indurthi,


there is only relation between the mini page and the whole section page, so, unfortunately, there is no possibility to create separate miini cards for every edit page of the section.


As a result - there can only be one mini page for the section.




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In configuration page, page keeps on loading when I open the properties of the package / compile / package dependency diagram etc.

Like 0





Is there any specific error on UI or in browser console?

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,


there is no error in console. it keeps on loading.


Sudhakar J.



Please contact support team via support@creatio.com as it's hard to identificate the root cause of the issue with no access to the site. 

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,



Following error is coming in browser console:

WebitelModule.js:1577  WebSocket connection to 'wss://webitel-switch.creatio.com:8082/' failed: 

connect @ WebitelModule.js:1577

WebitelModule.js:16 ========WebSocket Status========

WebitelModule.js:17 Status: 3

WebitelModule.js:1591  Event {isTrusted: true, type: 'error', target: WebSocket, currentTarget: WebSocket, eventPhase: 2, …}

that._webSocket.onerror @ WebitelModule.js:1591

De @ polyfills.20e0161dc33d636e.js:17

invokeTask @ polyfills.20e0161dc33d636e.js:11

onInvokeTask @ 651.a730b9316c400eb2.js:51

invokeTask @ polyfills.20e0161dc33d636e.js:11

runTask @ polyfills.20e0161dc33d636e.js:11

invokeTask @ polyfills.20e0161dc33d636e.js:11

F @ polyfills.20e0161dc33d636e.js:36

x @ polyfills.20e0161dc33d636e.js:36

WebitelModule.js:16 ========WebSocket Status========

WebitelModule.js:17 Status: 3

WebitelModule.js:1595 WebSocket conection closed

all-combined.js?v= 2023-05-04 15:42:36,0536 [Telephony] "Disconnected"

WebitelModule.js:1603 will reconnect in 640 sec.



Sudhakar Jangam



Please register this issue for our support team directly at support@creatio.com so we could investigate it properly.

Ziad Kaka,

Please note that this issue can be solved via registering a case directly for our Creatio Support team at support@creatio.com.

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We're dealing with a use-case in which our client has multiple email domains- in excess of 10 and want to use multiple email ids (that belong to those domains) while sending out bulk/ trigger emails. Is this possible on Creatio Marketing Cloud and if yes, is there a limit on the number of email domains that can be set up?

Thank you

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I am trying to access a local Creatio instance(deployed in Localhost port 9010 ) from Android Studio Emulator. I am using the URL to access my actual machine based on


While Logging in I get an error

While Debugging:


Type: Terrasoft.SyncException
Message: An error occurred while synchronizing
Stack trace: 
Type: Terrasoft.Exception
Message: Could not complete request
Stack trace: 
com.creatio.core.net.RequestException: Could not complete request
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestExceptionFactory.create(RequestExceptionFactory.java:28)
	at com.creatio.core.net.Request.getRequestException(Request.java:418)
	at com.creatio.core.net.Request.post(Request.java:355)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestItem.execute(RequestItem.java:30)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.doExecuteRequest(RequestManager.java:181)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.executeRequest(RequestManager.java:173)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.post(RequestManager.java:87)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.post(RequestManager.java:75)
	at com.creatio.core.service.Service.post(Service.java:133)
	at com.creatio.core.service.MobileMetadataService.load(MobileMetadataService.java:52)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.MetadataSyncAdapter.downloadMetadata(MetadataSyncAdapter.java:225)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.MetadataSyncAdapter.loadMetadata(MetadataSyncAdapter.java:86)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.MetadataSyncAdapter.startSync(MetadataSyncAdapter.java:57)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncAdapter.synchronize(SyncAdapter.java:55)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.runSyncAdapter(AppSyncAdapter.java:121)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.syncMetadata(AppSyncAdapter.java:296)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.syncAllMetadata(AppSyncAdapter.java:153)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.startSync(AppSyncAdapter.java:60)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncAdapter.synchronize(SyncAdapter.java:55)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.runItem(SyncRunner.java:259)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.doRun(SyncRunner.java:250)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.run(SyncRunner.java:129)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.run(SyncRunner.java:101)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin.runSync(TSSynchronizationPlugin.java:102)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin.syncApp(TSSynchronizationPlugin.java:356)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin.lambda$execute$6$com-creatio-cordova-plugin-tssynchronization-TSSynchronizationPlugin(TSSynchronizationPlugin.java:67)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6.run(Unknown Source:6)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919)
Caused by: java.net.ProtocolException: Expected leading [0-9a-fA-F] character but was 0x9d
	at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.Http1xStream$ChunkedSource.readChunkSize(Http1xStream.java:463)
	at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.Http1xStream$ChunkedSource.read(Http1xStream.java:437)
	at com.android.okhttp.okio.RealBufferedSource$1.read(RealBufferedSource.java:372)
	at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:133)
	at java.io.PushbackInputStream.read(PushbackInputStream.java:186)
	at com.creatio.core.util.StreamUtils.writeToOutputStream(StreamUtils.java:32)
	at com.creatio.core.net.DownloadRequest.readResponseInputStream(DownloadRequest.java:68)
	at com.creatio.core.net.Request.connect(Request.java:65)
	at com.creatio.core.net.Request.post(Request.java:340)
	... 27 more
Type: Terrasoft.Exception
Message: Expected leading [0-9a-fA-F] character but was 0x9d
Stack trace: 
java.net.ProtocolException: Expected leading [0-9a-fA-F] character but was 0x9d
	at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.Http1xStream$ChunkedSource.readChunkSize(Http1xStream.java:463)
	at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.Http1xStream$ChunkedSource.read(Http1xStream.java:437)
	at com.android.okhttp.okio.RealBufferedSource$1.read(RealBufferedSource.java:372)
	at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:133)
	at java.io.PushbackInputStream.read(PushbackInputStream.java:186)
	at com.creatio.core.util.StreamUtils.writeToOutputStream(StreamUtils.java:32)
	at com.creatio.core.net.DownloadRequest.readResponseInputStream(DownloadRequest.java:68)
	at com.creatio.core.net.Request.connect(Request.java:65)
	at com.creatio.core.net.Request.post(Request.java:340)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestItem.execute(RequestItem.java:30)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.doExecuteRequest(RequestManager.java:181)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.executeRequest(RequestManager.java:173)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.post(RequestManager.java:87)
	at com.creatio.core.net.RequestManager.post(RequestManager.java:75)
	at com.creatio.core.service.Service.post(Service.java:133)
	at com.creatio.core.service.MobileMetadataService.load(MobileMetadataService.java:52)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.MetadataSyncAdapter.downloadMetadata(MetadataSyncAdapter.java:225)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.MetadataSyncAdapter.loadMetadata(MetadataSyncAdapter.java:86)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.MetadataSyncAdapter.startSync(MetadataSyncAdapter.java:57)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncAdapter.synchronize(SyncAdapter.java:55)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.runSyncAdapter(AppSyncAdapter.java:121)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.syncMetadata(AppSyncAdapter.java:296)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.syncAllMetadata(AppSyncAdapter.java:153)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.AppSyncAdapter.startSync(AppSyncAdapter.java:60)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncAdapter.synchronize(SyncAdapter.java:55)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.runItem(SyncRunner.java:259)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.doRun(SyncRunner.java:250)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.run(SyncRunner.java:129)
	at com.creatio.app.sync.SyncRunner.run(SyncRunner.java:101)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin.runSync(TSSynchronizationPlugin.java:102)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin.syncApp(TSSynchronizationPlugin.java:356)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin.lambda$execute$6$com-creatio-cordova-plugin-tssynchronization-TSSynchronizationPlugin(TSSynchronizationPlugin.java:67)
	at com.creatio.cordova.plugin.tssynchronization.TSSynchronizationPlugin$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6.run(Unknown Source:6)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919)


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Unfortunately, we cannot help you with this problem because we don't use local environments via Android Studio. But, I can say that this is in fact possible. I managed to connect to localhost using

Please take a closer look at the article you provided, maybe you missed some setting.

Also, look at this post, I hope it can help you fix this error.

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I am trying to hide/show print button based on the field Data. I tried to override SeparateModeReportsButton, CombinedModeReportsButton in Diff but It didn't work. Any luck in finding the solution for this

Like 0




In order to hide/show the "Print" button based on role you need to modify the method setReportsButtonVisible in the schema BaseDataView and set the value of an attribute "IsSectionPrintButtonVisible" based on your condition.

For example, here is a full code of the schema BaseDataView where we hide the "Print" button if the user is not a System Administrator (id 83a43ebc-f36b-1410-298d-001e8c82bcad):

  define("BaseDataView", [], function() {

        return {

            diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/,

            methods: {

                setReportsButtonVisible: function() {


                    this.set("IsSectionPrintButtonVisible", false);

                    var currentUserId = Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.value;

                    var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {

                        rootSchemaName: "SysAdminUnitInRole"


                    var esqFirstFilter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "SysAdminUnit", currentUserId );

                    var esqSecondFilter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, 

                                                                          "SysAdminUnitRoleId", "83a43ebc-f36b-1410-298d-001e8c82bcad");


                    esq.filters.logicalOperation = Terrasoft.LogicalOperatorType.AND;

                    esq.filters.add("esqFirstFilter", esqFirstFilter);

                    esq.filters.add("esqSecondFilter", esqSecondFilter);

                    esq.getEntityCollection(function (result) {

                        if (result.success) {

                            this.set("IsSectionPrintButtonVisible", true);


                        else {

                            this.set("IsSectionPrintButtonVisible", false);


                    }, this);






Best reBest regards,

Orkhan Gojaev

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Hello Community,

In the Mobile app there is no trace of the Filters in the Sections (Accounts, Contacts)

Filters seem to appear only in the Activities Section.

How should i add the filter (icon and functionality) to the most used Creatio sections (Accounts,Contacts) etc ?

Best regards,


Like 0





Filters are present in sections Accounts and Contacts in mobile applications in the latest versions.

Please try updating your mobile application to the latest available version.

If it doesn't fix the issue, please email us at support@creatio.com and we will check the matter for you.


Best regards,

Yuliya Gritsenko

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