I recently completed the Development on Creatio guided learning course. With my instructor's assistance, I set up a local Creatio instance—labeled Dev1_DEV—on my Windows server.

After switching my D1_DEV local development environment to use File System Development Mode instead of the default Creatio IDE mode, I encountered an issue where my Creatio instance failed to load the necessary JS files related to SectionModuleV2 for Classic UI sections (e.g., System Settings, Lookups). I reverted my Web.Config file changes to disable File System Development Mode, which resolved the issue.

For reference, I have attached screenshots of the error messages from my console when attempting to access Classic UI sections while File System Development Mode was enabled.

Could you help me understand why switching to File System Development Mode prevents access to the required JS files for Classic UI sections? Aside from modifying the Web.Config file, I did not make any other changes to the system. 

Any guidance on resolving this would be greatly appreciated.

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We recommend checking if all the steps from the article have been completed:



For example, ensure that these values are set:

<fileDesignMode enabled="true"/>
<add key="UseStaticFileContent" value="false"/>

All steps must be completed.

Hello Kalymbet,
Hope all is well. 

Thank you for providing that link. I followed its steps listed on the page as follows: 
Enabled file design mode
Disabled UseStaticFileContent 
Compiled my instance (no errors)
Downloaded packages to file system successfully (no errors)
Gave IIS Usr full access to the Terrasoft.Configuration file

I still received the same error. It looks like it is not able to find the SectionModuleV2.js file. 


Kalymbet Anastasia,



We also recommend that the user under which the application pool is running should also have full access to the {rootAppFolder}\Terrasoft.WebApp folder

Folder access

Serhii Parfentiev,

Thank you for the suggestion. I added Full control access to the IIS User for the Terrasoft.WebApp folder and I still received the same issue. For reference, I attached an image of the Terrasoft.WebApp security properties. 


Could you please verify under which user the Application Pool is running? If you have changed the user, please make sure to grant permissions for this user too.

If this doesn't help, additionally please try the following scenario:
1) Deploy the application.
2) Authorize and allow the inner part of the application to initialize (after login, wait for the application to finish loading).
3) Only after that, make changes in the Web.config file to enable development on the file system and follow further instructions. 

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Hello everyone,

We’re currently using Creatio 8.XX as a SaaS solution. I’d now like to set up Creatio in my local environment for development purposes. Could anyone guide me on where I can download Creatio for local installation? I couldn’t find a download link for a zip file in the documentation.


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Contact support and they can provide the installation files.

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Hi everyone, I have a problem with the 360 application in my local instance of creatio.

It's strange because I've already reinstalled it and sometimes it opens the workplace sections (although they are the classic version), logs out, and when I try to enter the form page again, it stays loading in an eternal loop

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I recommend checking that the WebSocket settings for the site:https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/setup-and-administration/on-site-d…

Please ensure that the IIS settings are properly completed:


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How can I run multiple local instances hosted in IIS at the same time? I have 2 instances hosted in IIS, so When I login into 1st instance, the system logs me out of the 2nd instance and vice versa. Any suggestion?

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The problem is probably that the domain name of the websites is the same (for example my_site:88 and my_site:89). It is not possible to contain multiple sessions on the same domain.


Best regards,


In addition to Max's comment (about ensuring both sites have a different port in IIS) you need to make sure you've modified the Redis database number in the connections to both have a different number. For example, if one of the websites have Redis database number of 1, change the other to use a value of 2.


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Hello Community,


I am doing local setup for Creatio CRM bundle on my old laptop everything is fine but, when I tried to do setup on new laptop it is giving me error as shown as below image.


Does anyone has any idea how to solve this issue? 

File attachments
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Dear Meet,


This error may occur if installation files were corrupted or modified incorrectly.

Try downloading new files from the archive and compare all changed config files with the working instance. 


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Thanks for the replay.


I have downloaded file 2-3 time. still result remain the same.


And I just do copy paste of my old config, change laptop name in config file, and follow exact steps  which are mentioned in the academy.


Have you checked the requirements for Creatio(https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/setup_and_administration/on-site_…)? Some applications or Windows features may be missing.


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

I have checked that everything is fine still result remains the same sad



Most likely the root cause of the issue is related to the server-side settings. Can you please try to follow this recommendation and let us know the result?


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Angela Reyes,

Do you have the link where to download Creatio for Local Instance Installation? Tried asking customer support but they can't provide it directly.

Thank you.

Solem Khan Abdusalam,



Installation files for the local deployment can be received from the account manager directly or from us in case you deploy the dev site using the backup of some cloud app.


Also regarding the original error message from Meet's screenshot - the root folder of the application binary file contain a special symbol or empty spaces. Please name the root folder like "OnSite" without empty spaces and the error will be fixed.


Best regards,


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Hi everyone,


I'm having trouble installing the Excel Reports application ( https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/excel-reports-builder-creatio ) on my local machine.

Everytime, I tried to add the Excel Reports section to my workplace I got this error:

I've not gotten this error before, even after compiling the machine, logging out and clearing the cache, the error persists.


Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro


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I get this often as well, always with this specific add-on (the Excel reports package). I always play around with it and eventually get it to work where I can add it to a workspace, but never really sure how to get it to work. Hoping to se reply on this.

Hi Pedro,

please specify the Creatio product and version to reproduce the issue. Try to add first any basic section to the workplace and after that the 'Excel reports' section. 

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I set up a local instance. I am trying to set up Dynamic cases in the sections but when I go to the Cases and click New, it won't load. It just gets stuck there. I've tried setting up the instance again but same results.

Can someone please help me debug this?

Thanks in advance.



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Well I guess I figured it out. It's not the dynamic cases but for some reason, I can not have more than 2 tabs open for the instance otherwise the third tab does not load. I was having 3 tabs open, One for the section, 2nd which has all the cases listed and the third one which opens when I open a particular case....


Is this something that happens in local instances?


To give you an answer we need to investigate the issue. Please submit a case to support@bpmonline.com.

Best regards,


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