Hello everyone,

Previously, I posted a question in this forum to find out if it's possible to send webhooks from Creatio to my external REST API. According to the documentation, it seems that only receiving webhooks from an external service is supported. In response, I was suggested to create a process in the control panel and configure actions to listen for changes in some model and then send that information to my web service.

So far, I've followed these two steps:

  1. I created a web service and configured its headers and parameters.

  2. I created a process that listens for changes in a model, such as Opportunity, and then sends that information to my web service (which is my REST API).

I managed to do this process manually, but currently, I'm developing an integration with Node.js, and I'm consuming Creatio's OData4 REST API. My goal is to automate these two previous steps using code.

My questions are as follows:

  1. Is it possible to create a web service from Creatio's REST API?

  2. Is it possible to create a process using native C# code or metadata from the REST API?

I appreciate any guidance you can provide!

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Hello everyone,

Previously, I posted a question in this forum to find out if it's possible to send webhooks from Creatio to my external REST API. According to the documentation, it seems that only receiving webhooks from an external service is supported. In response, I was suggested to create a process in the control panel and configure actions to listen for changes in some model and then send that information to my web service.

So far, I've followed these two steps:

  1. I created a web service and configured its headers and parameters.

  2. I created a process that listens for changes in a model, such as Opportunity, and then sends that information to my web service (which is my REST API).

I managed to do this process manually, but currently, I'm developing an integration with Node.js, and I'm consuming Creatio's OData4 REST API. My goal is to automate these two previous steps using code.

My questions are as follows:

  1. Is it possible to create a web service from Creatio's REST API?

  2. Is it possible to create a process using native C# code or metadata from the REST API?

I appreciate any guidance you can provide!

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I'm not sure I understand your question exactly. Are you saying you want to create a service endpoint in Creatio that you'll consume from outside of Creatio? 

If that is the case, then yes. You can create custom endpoints in Creatio that can be consumed from outside. Sample service shown here: https://customerfx.com/article/creating-a-web-service-and-consuming-it-…

More here: https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-16/creating-configu…

To consume it from outside, you'd first need to authenticate, see https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-16/authentication-e…

Then, you'd POST/GET etc the endpoint for the configuration service.


Ryan Farley,

Ryan Farley,

Can I create a process and webservices using low code or rest api? 

No. That area does not create a Web service. That area only defines how to call an existing web service. That is used if you need to call an external API from a process in Creatio. You defined the URLs in parameters there so the process element knows how to call the web service. 


Ryan Farley, 

Thank you very much for your help, however my other question is if you have ever had the opportunity to create web processes and services using the odata rest service?


I am not sure what you're asking. Are you referring to consuming the Creatio OData API? If that is the case, you can see Postman examples of this here: 



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Hello everyone,

Previously, I posted a question in this forum to find out if it's possible to send webhooks from Creatio to my external REST API. According to the documentation, it seems that only receiving webhooks from an external service is supported. In response, I was suggested to create a process in the control panel and configure actions to listen for changes in some model and then send that information to my web service.

So far, I've followed these two steps:

  1. I created a web service and configured its headers and parameters.

  2. I created a process that listens for changes in a model, such as Opportunity, and then sends that information to my web service (which is my REST API).

I managed to do this process manually, but currently, I'm developing an integration with Node.js, and I'm consuming Creatio's OData4 REST API. My goal is to automate these two previous steps using code.

My questions are as follows:

  1. Is it possible to create a web service from Creatio's REST API?

  2. Is it possible to create a process using native C# code or metadata from the REST API?

I appreciate any guidance you can provide!

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I'm trying to configure emails on a machine running version However, when trying to change the calendar settings only the following option appears:



All the settings shown in the article do not appear: Synchronize calendar with Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft 365 | Creatio Academy 


Is there any additional configuration to access all the settings necessary for calendar synchronization?


Thank you, 

Best Regards, 




File attachments
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In the new calendar synchronization, all additional settings are enabled by default if you turned on this toggle:

 Hello Bogdan,


Thank you.

So the option below are no longer visible?


Inês Margarida Barbosa da Silva,


Yes, they are no longer visible 


Thank you. 

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Greetings Creatio Community,

Quick question regarding the exit from campaign element in Creatio. As diagramed in the academy example below:

Two questions here:

1) For the "Reached the goal" element. Does a specific folder have to be selected even if the "Is this step campaign goal" checkbox is checked?

2) For the Unsubscribed Exit Campaign element: Should there be a conditional flow  with setup responses from transferring participants connecting to the emails in case they unsubscribe from the either of the email messages? 

Thanks in advance for any assistance.


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The exit elements can be a little confusing. A participant doesn't have to necessary arrive at that element for it to apply to them.

Question 1: No folder needs to be selected. The purpose for that element in the context of the image is to indicate that the participant met the goal, or arrived at that element. More on this below.

Question 2: For the unsubscribed, it does not need to be connected. It can be free-standing as shown. At anytime, if any participant meets the conditions of that element (meaning they've unsubscribed and their "do not use email" is now set to true), they will exit out, regardless of where they are in the campaign. This ties back to question #1. That folder that can be selected is a way to define conditions that, when met, will immediately exit the campaign as though they arrived there (and met the goal). An example of this is that maybe the participant now has an order in the system, so regardless of where they are in the campaign, you want to stop marketing to them for this campaign since they've already bought something. 

Hopefully that helps make some sense.


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Hi community, im currently working on creatio 8.09 and not long i go noticed that as a user with the System Administrator Role i could see all of the Business Process Tasks that has my user as owner in my notification feed but as soon as i remove said role the notification feed wont show any of the tasks assigned to the user.

With System Administrator Role:

Without System Adiminstraror Role

Any idea on how to solve  this issue?


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Best reply



The problem is most likely caused by the fact that Operations permissions are enabled in the SysProcessElementToDo object, but there's no specified role that receives access rights.

Try to add the role All employees to resolve the issue.


Check that the operation permissions for the SysProcessElementToDo object are disabled.



The problem is most likely caused by the fact that Operations permissions are enabled in the SysProcessElementToDo object, but there's no specified role that receives access rights.

Try to add the role All employees to resolve the issue.

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How can I route messages coming from whatsapp, when the client selects "contact advisor" in a chatbot?

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Please specify if you are using a marketplace app or the basic Creatio functionality? Also, please provide us with a screenshot and a more detailed explanation of your business goal.

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Hi Community,


I am trying to add a field validation via javascript code using the below article.



While I am trying the validation, I am getting an error in the console as in the screenshot below. It says "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'invalidMessage')." I am initiating a null value in the method as described in the above article. What am I missing here? I cannot add validation to any fields because of this error. I have also added my code snippet below.


onEntityInitialized: function() {
			setValidationConfig: function() {
				//this.addColumnValidator("BEALMDateofBirth", this.dateOfBirthValidator);
				this.addColumnValidator("BEALMAccountHolderType", this.accountHolderValidator);
			accountHolderValidator: function() {
				var invalidMessage = "";
				var lead = this.get("BEALMLead").value;
				var scope = this;
				var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
					rootSchemaName: "Lead"
				var esqFilter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Id", lead);
				esq.filters.add("esqFilter", esqFilter);
				esq.getEntityCollection(function (result) {
					if (result.success) {
						var isPAHExist = result.collection.collection.items[0].values.BEALMIsPAHExist;
						if (isPAHExist == true) {
							invalidMessage = this.get("Resources.Strings.BEALMInvalidAccountHolderMessage");
						else {
							invalidMessage = "";
						return {
							invalidMessage: invalidMessage


Please help to resolve this issue.


Thank you


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Best reply

There are two issues:

1) You're not including the scope in your ESQ so in the callback it no longer knows what "this" is. Change to this: 

esq.getEntityCollection(function (result) {
    // stuff here
}, this);  // <- notice passing this scope 

2) Regardless of the missing "this" scope, this will not work since the ESQ is asynchronous. You'll need to use asyncValidate instead. I have an article on how to do that here: https://customerfx.com/article/asynchonous-validation-on-pages-in-creat…



There are two issues:

1) You're not including the scope in your ESQ so in the callback it no longer knows what "this" is. Change to this: 

esq.getEntityCollection(function (result) {
    // stuff here
}, this);  // <- notice passing this scope 

2) Regardless of the missing "this" scope, this will not work since the ESQ is asynchronous. You'll need to use asyncValidate instead. I have an article on how to do that here: https://customerfx.com/article/asynchonous-validation-on-pages-in-creat…



Hi Ryan,


Thank you very much for the support. That worked like a charm.

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Hi Community,

Creatio makes an automatic actualization of the Age of a Contacts every day.

I want to capture the event when the Age of a Contact changes(is Modified) and utilize it inside a Business Process.

Is this possible ?


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Hi Community,

Any update regarding the topic ?

Hi Sasori , 

Could you please elaborate a bit on your business task? 

The age is updated every day at a certain time, by the OOTB logic. 

It's not entirely clear what logic you'd like to utilize in your business process.

Looking forward to your response. 


Hi Yurii,

This is the scenario.



From the OOTB feataure of age actualization , lets say that the age of a contact on his birthday is updated from 48 to 49 years old.


Can we capture this automatic change of the age and initiate a Bussiness Process out of it. Se we want a business process to be triggered when Age of contact is 49 years old.


Can this be achieved ?


Hi Yurii,

Any Update regarding this topic ?


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