
I've made a page with Creatio Freedom UI and need to be able to have 1 button on the page that both adds a record and then redirects the user to a specific page.  It appears I can only have the button do 1 action or the other (save a record or open a specific page).  To do both actions with one button, I instead tried creating a business process for this.  It's adding the record fine but I am having trouble getting it to open a specific page afterwards.  Opening an edit page and choosing the home page I want the user to be directed to does not work and instead.  I think it's because edit pages on a business process are treated like tasks and are not simply a redirect. 

Should I use a script element instead to redirect the user to a specific page after the record is added in the business process or is there a more simple way to do this?

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Hi all, 


Just something to look out for. I recently upgraded our instance to 8.0.10 and have number of user concerns relating to existing filters now not functioning. 


After investigating, it appears that where I have filters with inactive parameters, the system is treating it as active. 


So for example in the filter below, Creatio is filtering the list by both Balance due date and total outstanding. 


You may want to check your filters. Has anyone else had the same issue? 


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Thanks for pointing this out. I've not noticed this yet, but I'm sure we've just not realized it yet.

Hello Harry,


Would you please submit a case at support@creatio.com and provide all the details regarding this issue, so that we can check it on our end?


Best regards,


Hi Yuliya, 


I have reported this to Creatio Support. 


It's not just an issue with existing filters, all new filters have the same bug. 


I have to say these small things do not give confidence. Many of our business critical lists have these filters in place and not displaying the right data to the user means they could miss something that is critical. 

For example, one of our lists shows airport transfers that are happening on a given day. Luckily we did not have a filter on this list, but if we did, there would be stranded clients waiting to be picked up at the airport! 

Also, I know it has been requested elsewhere, but it would be useful for Creatio to supply bugfixes with their updates. 




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Hi Everyone,

I am having this error when I am trying to create a new folder in my Custom Application on the lists page.


42703: column "UsrNotes" of relation "FolderTree" does not exist

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Could you provide us with a few more details so that we can analyze them? Describe how exactly you are trying to create the folder you need, if you can send us a screenshot of the error itself.


Hi, I am not sure about the details. I don't know why it is giving this error when I am trying to create a folder. As you can see I created a new folder with Test name and it gave me this error.



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Hello, Team.


We have a scenario for performing access rights in the employee section.

Consider the following scenario:

Manager role, This role allows you to view (read and edit) profiles.

Consider the following scenario: we have a Manager user who has access to his own profile.

Now I want to remove his edit rights to his own profile without removing his role access, because the user can see and edit all profiles under this role, but i only want to remove access to his own profile.

Can we get a solution to this? I tried a few scenarios I was familiar with but couldn't find a solution.

Thank you very much.

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You can change access rights for a specific record and user using the [Change access rights] process element and business processes.

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we have a detail (Activity) with three editing pages (investigation, corrective actions, preventive actions) for which we must connect the click event of each detail so that the menu is filtered to obtain a specific page for each,

I implemented the code below but still not getting the result.


define("ClaSchema821f5cb2Detail", [], function() {

    return {

        entitySchemaName: "Activity",

        details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,

        diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


        "operation": "merge",

                    "name": "AddTypedRecordButton",

                    "parentName": "Claims1PageClaSchema821f5cb2Detail2b214db7Container",

                    "propertyName": "items",

                    "values": {

                        "controlConfig": {

                            "menu": {

                                "items": {

                                    "bindTo": "EnabledEditPages",

                                    "bindConfig": {

                                        "converter": function(editPages) {

                                            return editPages;

                                            /*if (editPages.getCount() >= 1) {

                                                return editPages;

                                            } else {

                                                return null;










        "operation": "merge",

                    "name": "AddTypedRecordButton",

                    "parentName": "Claims1PageClaSchema821f5cb2Detail682ca645Container",

                    "propertyName": "items",

                    "values": {

                        "controlConfig": {

                            "menu": {

                                "items": {

                                    "bindTo": "EnabledEditPages2",

                                    "bindConfig": {

                                        "converter": function(editPages) {

                                            return editPages;

                                            /*if (editPages.getCount() >= 1) {

                                                return editPages;

                                            } else {

                                                return null;










        "operation": "merge",

                    "name": "AddTypedRecordButton",

                    "parentName": "Claims1PageClaSchema821f5cb2Detail8ef4781dContainer",

                    "propertyName": "items",

                    "values": {

                        "controlConfig": {

                            "menu": {

                                "items": {

                                    "bindTo": "EnabledEditPages3",

                                    "bindConfig": {

                                        "converter": function(editPages) {

                                            return editPages;

                                            /*if (editPages.getCount() >= 1) {

                                                return editPages;

                                            } else {

                                                return null;











        methods: {


             initEditPages: function() {


                            var enabledEditPages = new this.Terrasoft.Collection();

                            var enabledEditPages2 = new this.Terrasoft.Collection();

                            var enabledEditPages3 = new this.Terrasoft.Collection();




                            var editPages = this.getEditPages();


                            var items = editPages.getItems();


                              var item = items.filter(function(item){return item.get("SchemaName") == 'ClaActivityPageV21';});


                            this.set("EnabledEditPages", enabledEditPages);


                             var item2 = items.filter(function(item){return item.get("SchemaName") == 'ClaActivityPageV23';});


                            this.set("EnabledEditPages2", enabledEditPages2);


                             var item3 = items.filter(function(item){return item.get("SchemaName") == 'ClaActivityPageV24';});


                            this.set("EnabledEditPages3", enabledEditPages3);










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In the Detail schemas for each detail, you should write something like this:

define("UsrSchema26073b05Detail", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "Activity",
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
        "operation": "merge",
                    "name": "AddTypedRecordButton",
                    "values": {
                        "click": {"bindTo": "openSpecificPage"},
		methods: {
			openSpecificPage: function() {
				if (!this.get("EditPages")) {
				var pages = this.get("EditPages");
				var pageId = pages.collection.items.find((x) => x.values.Caption === "Call").values.Id;

Just switch the Caption of the needed page (or use another parameter to distinguish pages) to the correct one in each schema.

Dmytro Vovchenko,

Can we do the same in freedon UI. Thanks in advance

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I am currently involved in an exciting project involving system integration using OAuth2, and I would like to share my concern with all of you. In this case, I'm looking to implement OAuth2 authentication similar to what is achieved with Salesforce, but on the Creatio platform. I want to allow my application to connect to Creatio, access customer data and opportunities, and all this from the cloud, without the need for local deployments (on-site-deployment).

I really appreciate if someone in the community has explored these areas and can help me, I want to know if Oauth2 authentication is viable for this case, or I would simply go for the basic authentication by cookie

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You can set up OAuth 2.0 authentication integration on your Creatio website with the following basic tools


Information on how to do this can be found on the Academy's website here:


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Is there a way to add Password Reset link to the standard login page (non-portal users)? 

Desired behaviour: User would click the link at login page - if active user, would receive an email to their associated email address with a link to a page to set a new password.

This would be more productive than asking the users to contact the System Admin to reset their password, as the Users could do it themselves without any admin intervention.

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Best reply


Unfortunately, at the moment Reset Password link is only available for portal users of the system. We have already started the task of adding such a function for users who log in to the site using the standard login page. A responsible R&D team is working on it.

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.


Unfortunately, at the moment Reset Password link is only available for portal users of the system. We have already started the task of adding such a function for users who log in to the site using the standard login page. A responsible R&D team is working on it.

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.


Great, thank you.

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I want to have 2 approvals with my custom application. If both are accepted then it moves to the next stage and if both are rejected then to the Denied stage but if one of them is rejected and one is approved then we have a separate stage as Re-consideration. How can I include this thrid stage in the business process?

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Could you explain your business process in more detail, and what outcome do you see for the 3 stage option?


This information is necessary to understand your business process and the outcome you want to get from it. 

Malika writes:


Could you explain your business process in more detail, and what outcome do you see for the 3 stage option?


This information is necessary to understand your business process and the outcome you want to get from it. 

Hi Malika, there are 2 approvals in the process and 3 outcomes. If both approvals are accepted. We want it to move to next stage "Approved", If both rejects "Rejected" and if one approves it but one rejects it then "Reconsider" stage. I have done the first two and they are simple. But I am confused with third one. How do i structure it in my business process?





To meet this business task, it will be necessary to layer several gateways. You probably already have the "Approved" conditional flow formula as such: 

[#ApprovalUserTask1.Result parameter#]==[#Positive#]&&[#ApprovalUserTask2.Result parameter#]==[#Positive#]


As for "Rejected", the formula will have identical logic operator "&&" meaning 'and':


 [#ApprovalUserTask1.Result parameter#]==[#Negative#]&&[#ApprovalUserTask2.Result parameter#]==[#Negative#]


The "Reconsider" flow can have the logic so that either ApprovalUserTask1 or ApprovalUserTask1 has a Positive result parameter. It can be accomplished with a use of the "||" operator meaning "or":


[#ApprovalUserTask1.Result parameter#]==[#Positive#]||[#ApprovalUserTask2.Result parameter#]==[#Positive#]


As a result, you have 3 possible outcomes including the one for 1 approval that is positive.


Alla Blinova writes:

Hi Alla,

Is this [#Positive#] a parameter? And I suppose you would take it as a ID Parameter? I am not sure how this parameter would help here.

If you can show me your parameter's that would be great help! I tried this with ID Parameters but that isn't working for me.


This is what I have thought of. Though it's not tested yet. But I have added Read Data to read the status of both approvals and then Condition flow that checks if the both approvals equals to Positive by comparing it with Approval Status Lookup values then it changes stage to Approved and if both are negative then Denied and if anyone of them is negative then it goes into Reconsideration stage. Does this looks fine to you?

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Hello Community,


We have a requirement where we need to show only investigation edit page and hide all the others in the + button of the detail, as displayed in figure below.




How can we achieve this?


Thank you,

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Hello Mariam,


Here is the example with the "Contracts" detail on the contact edit page where I have setup several edit pages:

Here is the list of these edit pages on the contact page:

And my task is to remove the "Specification" option. To do that:


1) Create a replacing view model for the "ContractDetailV2"

2) Add the following code to the methods of this replacing view model:

getEditPages: function() {
				var editPagesCollection = this.get("EditPages");
				var editPagesItems = editPagesCollection.getItems();
				var indexToRemove = editPagesItems.map(e => e.values.Caption).indexOf("Specification");
				return editPagesCollection;

3) Save the schema and refresh the page in the UI


As a result the "Specification" option is gone from the list:

So in this case the main objective is to override the logic of the getEditPages method according to your business needs.

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We have a script task in a BP in an on-prem environment we are trying to save. We encounter the following error message when saving the BP:




Using the following code in the script task:

var payload = "{ \"userId\": \"" + UserConnection.CurrentUser.ContactId + "\" }";

Terrasoft.Configuration.MsgChannelUtilities.PostMessageToAll("LeadPageV2", payload);

return true;


However using the same BP with the same contents in our previous environment it saves just fine, no issue with Terrasoft.Configuration. Worth noting is that the BP was exported to the second environment (where we get the error message

) using the .md-file and imported in Configuration. If that has any bearing on the situation. I checked …. Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\bin-folder in both on prem environments and in both I find Terrasoft.Configuration.dll.

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It seems that you have the following using in the process methods:



Since I receive the same error locally when doing it:

Please change it to Terrasoft.Configuration since this is case sensetive.

Oleg Drobina,

Hello and thank you for the response. It seems to not be the issue as saving it using upper case on Configuration gives me the same error. This is regardless if I apply a Using under Methods-tab or not for Terrasoft.Configuration.

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