Dear mates,


Is it possible to open the page call after a call ?




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Hello Nicolas,


Yes, this is possible and the sequence is as follows:


1) Execute this SQL query in the database of the app:


update Sysmodule set IsSystem = 0 where Code = 'Call'


2) Once done refresh the page and go to the business process designer and create a business process with the start signal that is triggered upon record modification in the "Call" object and expects changes in the "End date" field (since once the call is completed the "End date" field is filled in). Also there should be a filter that the "End date" is filled in and the "Modified by" field value is set as the "Current contact" (so to avoid collisions in process start for different users)


3) Add an "Open edit page" process element that will open the completed call and fill in the following parameters like on the screenshot (Record id is a unique identifier of the record from the start signal process element).


As a result when the process is saved each time a call is completed you will see the edit page of this call that is opened via a process and the business task is achieved.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Oscar, can I ask what the IsSystem column in SysModule indicates? I assume that objects marked as IsSystem=1 don't emit object add/edit/delete event signals, is this correct? Does changing the value for IsSystem impact anything else?




Ryan Farley,


If this column value is set as 1 then the object of this module cannot be displayed in the "Open edit page" process element and yes, you are correct, system objects cannot trigger signals of the process (like SysAdminUnit object that is also a system object).


It is not recommended to update this column value (IsSystem), but in our particular case everything works correctly after that (tested locally). It is also better to firstly update the column in some dev-app and check if other functionality related to the module we've updated works correctly and only then apply the same changes to prod.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Oscar, thanks for the useful info. Very appreciated.



Hello Oscar I did it, but for some reason the edit page doesn't opens, please see at, and, whats wrong?



Hello Julio,


And can you please send the screenshot of the start signal process element?


Best regards,


Hello Oscar, sure it's on, also I change the value of isSystem, you can check it on



Thank you for the screenshots! Is this a local installation? Do you have a page displayed in the CTI panel in the "Business process tasks" tab


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Yes, we have integrated Webitel Call Manager, if not the process must no start, and the process stays running on the edit page, but on open it



And as for the CTI panel? Do you have the edit page schema displayed there? Can you click on it and open the edit page?


Best regards,


Hello Oscar,

Thank you for answer, unfortunatly, i follow your instructions but the process is not launch

i did the SQL:

Here's my process:

In the process log i have no record:

Any idea ?

Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar, I don't understand you, I don't know how to edit the CTI Panel? I can edit Sections, but don't know how to do what you are asking me, please could you indicate how to did it?

LÉZORAY Nicolas,

please make sure that telephony works, and that after the call end the End date is filled in after call ends.


does the record appear at the CTI panel ( after the Business process start?

Daria Zigulya,

Thanks Nicolas, calls works, and I click on end button at the end. In  fact the process task to must open the edit page stays running, but not open the edit page



Can you please email us at and provide us with the link to the app where the telephony is configured and the link to the process so we could check it on our end. The simple process created on our side works perfectly with Webitel and probably the problem is with the telephony provider, but we need to check it on the environment where the issue occurs.


Thank you in advance!


Best regards,


Daria Zigulya,

Hello Daria, yes it appear, see at, but no open the call edit page, why?

Oscar Dylan,

Oscar we are using Webitel Call Manager, I will sent an email to support later, but it's the same site we have reported another details the last days where we are preparing a Webinar with Kate. Thanks


Hi All, as Oscar ask to me, I create a ticket on support, thanks. As soon as I have solved the problem I could share here what0s wrong and how to solve.

Hello all, my problem, regarding not open the Call Edit page was due I have marked "Run Following elements in the background", due this the Edit page open, but in the background and I don't see it... To enable to see the page, I must uncheck this option, see at

Hello Oscar,


It works ! the call page open after a call !


thank you !!


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Hi Community,

I installed this   on our development system version "". I added the required codes on our page and it's working as expected. There are few problems with this addon on our page.

1) When opening the page from the section page, it auto switches to edit mode (instead of the "Close" button, it displays the "Save" button) even though there is nothing changed on the page.

2) When opening any record from the details page, and close it, the main page's multiple-choice field lose all its selected on-screen (blank). If we refresh the page manually, the multiple-choice field displays correctly.

Please help. 

Like 1



Hi JP Ngo,


I have forwarded your problems to the responsible team. I will let you know the results by the end of this week.

Hi JP Ngo,

As a follow-up of the above:

1) The responsible team have reproduced the first problem you described and it is currently being fixed.

2) The second issue is in the process of verification.

We'll get back with an update as soon as we have their feedback.

S.Kobizka, is there any progress in this issue?  We'd like to use this in our pages. Thanks. 


Hello S. Kobizka, we are still having trouble with this question. Have you made any progress on this? If possible, I would like to know how things are going with the development.

Hi S. Kobizka, me again. We are looking to use this feature but cannot since we are running into these issues. Can you provide me with an update and include if this is something your team won't be researching? I'm hoping to have a working solution this week, but it is dependent upon you and your team. We are really impressed with what you have been able to do, it just needs to get a little bit further for it to be a great solution.

Hi JP Ngo, hi Mark,


Thank you very much for your kind feedback and please accept my apologies for the delay.

We've received the following response from the team:

1) When you open a page from a section, it will automatically switch to the edit mode in case you've clicked any other field (even accidentally) on the section page. It doesn't depend on whether you've made any changes or not. It is the default page behavior and the setup of a multiple-choice field does not change it.

2) The issue from the second case has been investigated and the cause of the problem is now identified. The team is planning to fix it before July, 10th.


Hope this helps.

Have a good forthcoming weekend!

Hi S. Kobizka, have you had a chance to fix the 2nd issue? We are very excited to get this working in our environment. 

Hi Mark,


Sorry for the delay.

I have checked the feedback from the responsible team. However, the issue has not yet been fully resolved and I had to return it back to them for further investigation.

I expect to receive the solution within the following week and will let you know when the fix will be available at Creatio Marketplace.


Thank you very much for your patience.

Wish you a good day!

Thanks for the reply. Looking forward to a working solution. Any updates you can provide would be greatly appreciated. 

Just checking in to see if there is something new on this one.

Hi Mark,


Good news! We have published the updated package on Creatio Marketplace. Please re-install the add-on from Creatio Marketplace and check for updates.

 Thank you for fixing the bugs. I put it on the simple page and it works fine. I found another bug. When we navigate the records on the panel on the left, the multi-select field adds up the records from the cache and it has all the duplicates (please see the attached picture). Hope you can fix this bug. Thank you. 

Hi JP Ngo,


We have successfully reproduced the issue that you mentioned above and reported it to the responsible team. We are waiting for the team’s feedback and will notify you of any updates.


Thank you!

Hello Alexander,


Is there an update on this?



Me again... Hoping to hear of any updates you can provide. Please let me know.

Hello Mark,


This is to inform you that the team are going to update the package with the requested fix next week.

We'll let you know when the update becomes available on Creatio Marketplace.


Thank you!

That is fantastic news! Thanks for the update, Svetlana.

Hi Svetlana, can you provide me with an update? 

Hi Mark,

The responsible team will send us the updated package tomorrow. We will keep you informed on the publication of the updated package.

Thank you for your patience.

Hi Mark,


This is to inform you that we have published the updated package on Creatio Marketplace. Please install the add-on and check for the updates.


Have a good forthcoming weekend!

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Is it possible to delete a replacing schema when you have also created inheriting schemas based on that schema? I've tried this, and it seems to turn the inheriting schemas into being read-only, showing the following message when trying to edit them:


Here is an example set up for this issue:

  1. Create a replacing schema of FileDetailV2 (called FileDetailV2, as it as to be)
  2. Create a schema inheriting from FileDetailV2 (any name)
  3. Delete the replacing schema created in step 1

Once these steps have been performed, it appears the inheriting schema created in step 2 is now read-only for some reason. My expectation would be that, because the OOTB FileDetailV2 still exists, there should be no issue. Does anyone know how to resolve this?




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Hello Harvey,


We do not recommend to delete schemas that are set as [Parent object] for some other schemas. It could lead to unexpected system behavior and further errors. 

Furthermore, we suggest performing  [Compile all items] and [Compile modified items] actions when deleting schemas and packages from the [Configuration] section. 


Best regards, 


Olga Avis,


Thanks for your reply. I think the same issue could be reached by doing step 2 first, and then creating a replacing schema of the schema that inherits from, and then realising this wasn't what you wanted so you delete the replacing schema. In this case, you could break things without knowing, since on a larger project you may not be aware of every schema which inherits from another schema.


Is there any way to bypass this warning message, since it doesn't describe the situation (the schema isn't 3rd party and wasn't installed from a file archive)?




Harvey Adcock,

It seems that your schema and the package of this schema is locked and as a result you are not able to modify it. We cannot provide you with the script that unlocks the package and the schema, but you can email us at and provide us with the link to the app, the name of the package and schema and we will unlock it for you.


Best regards,


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We run the process like that

            ProcessSchema schema = userConnection.ProcessSchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("UsrSendExtraPaymentCancellationToNav");

            bool canUseFlowEngine = ProcessSchemaManager.GetCanUseFlowEngine(userConnection, schema);

            if (canUseFlowEngine)


                var flowEngine = new FlowEngine(userConnection);

                var param = new Dictionary();

                param["Quotation"] = quotationId.ToString();

                flowEngine.RunProcess(schema, param);




                Process process = schema.CreateProcess(userConnection);

                process.SetPropertyValue("Quotation", quotationId);



and from time to time error occurs:

Terrasoft.Common.ItemNotFoundException: Collection item with unique identifier "24240d57-78ed-41ad-8877-22acad56de30" not found.     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.Process.GetFlowElementBySchemaElementUId(Guid schemaElementUId)     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.TaskService.WriteErrorToProcessLog(TaskServiceQueueItem queueItem, ProcessComponentSet process)     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.TaskService.ReceiveMessage(TaskServiceQueueItem taskServiceQueueItem)     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.QueueEmulator.b__8_0(TaskServiceQueueItem message)     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.FlowVisitor.Dequeue()     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.FlowService.StartFlow(Guid processUId, FlowSchema flowSchema)     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.FlowService.StartFlow(TaskServiceQueueItem message)     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.FlowService.ReceiveMessage(TaskServiceQueueItem message)     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.QueueEmulator.b__9_0(TaskServiceQueueItem message)     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.FlowEngine.EnqueueProcess(ProcessComponentSet processComponentSet)     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.FlowEngine.RunProcess(BaseProcessSchema schema, Dictionary`2 nameValueMap)     at Terrasoft.Configuration.ClaimQuotationDAO.CancelExtraPaymentNAV(Guid quotationId)     at Terrasoft.Configuration.ClaimQuotationDAO.ChangeStatusAndStatusReasonForAllClaimQuotation(String claimNumber, Guid statusId, Guid statusReasonId)     at Terrasoft.Configuration.QuotationService.ChangeQuotationStatus(String claimNumber, Guid statusId, Guid statusReasonId)     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.UsrCloseClaimLiquidationAfterReturnBenefitMethodsWrapper.UsrRejectedAllClaimQuotationsExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)     at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)

Where identifier id id of startEvent

any idea?



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Dear Tomasz,


Unfortunately, I could not reproduce the issue. The provided code worked fine on my end. However, I can suggest two ways of how to resolve this issue:

1. If the issue occurs again please contact technical support and provide them with the time stamp when the issue occurred. Support team will check the logs and will find the root cause of the issue.


2. You can try to run business process using another approaches. Please find the examples in the articles by the links below:


Best regards,


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Hello Community!

While we are aware that the Creatio web application is primarily an 'online' application and does not support offline usage, Will a loaded page stay as is, if network disconnects for a few minutes? I did a quick check on a pre configured page and it stayed as is. I was able to resume operations once I reconnected. Can this be extended to a pattern for sections and other pages?


On a larger front, (How) Does the platform handle network outages or momentary connectivity issues on the client and on the server? For Eg If a Business process was running on the web server and there is a network outage, What happens? Automatic retry/fail over?


I have seen that the platform uses WebSockets behind the hood for Client Server communication. Wouldn't these be directly affected? Some insight into how the platform looks at all of the above, will help!



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Best reply



    Yes, the loaded page won't crash until you try to refresh it.

When you have some page or the list of records opened and the network connection goes down - you'll be able to continue working not being interrupted when the network is up. Though, there are some things that require a page refresh e.g. schemas saving, compilation, etc.

    Like every web-platform, Creatio can handle it. If there was a request sent to the server and the server is unavailable (due to the connectivity issues) then the request will be stopped by timeout, but the request will be sent if the internet connection is up before the timeout.

    Business processes operate on the side of the server and it has nothing to do on the client's side. If you're out of internet connection and the process is running but there's no user action on elements required - it will continue running. For example, if the running process should execute the page opening (requires user action) the page won't be opened and you'll see the notification on the CTI Panel on the right ( with the message that the user action required in the particular business process.

    In general, business processes should not crash when the network connection on the client is down.

 WebSockets issue (as a consequence of the network issues) affects the fact of page opening only. If WebSockets doesn't work you'll get a notification on the right panel as I've mentioned earlier

Thank you.



    Yes, the loaded page won't crash until you try to refresh it.

When you have some page or the list of records opened and the network connection goes down - you'll be able to continue working not being interrupted when the network is up. Though, there are some things that require a page refresh e.g. schemas saving, compilation, etc.

    Like every web-platform, Creatio can handle it. If there was a request sent to the server and the server is unavailable (due to the connectivity issues) then the request will be stopped by timeout, but the request will be sent if the internet connection is up before the timeout.

    Business processes operate on the side of the server and it has nothing to do on the client's side. If you're out of internet connection and the process is running but there's no user action on elements required - it will continue running. For example, if the running process should execute the page opening (requires user action) the page won't be opened and you'll see the notification on the CTI Panel on the right ( with the message that the user action required in the particular business process.

    In general, business processes should not crash when the network connection on the client is down.

 WebSockets issue (as a consequence of the network issues) affects the fact of page opening only. If WebSockets doesn't work you'll get a notification on the right panel as I've mentioned earlier

Thank you.

Bohdan Zdor,

Thank you Bohdan for clarifying!

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I've seen that when a case is automatically created upon receiving an email, the case "Source" field is "email".

I have several mailboxes used to create cases and I'd like to set different "source" values depending on the source mailbox (for example "email mailbox1", "email mailbox 2", ecc) to make statistics and better distinguish cases depending on the source mailbox that originated the case.

How can I configure the "source" field for a case depending on the mailbox that created it?

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Hello Massimiliano, 

As an option, you can use a Category field for this purpose. 

You can specify names of mailboxes in this field by editing "Case categories" lookup. 

Please follow this academy article to find information on how to create a connection between Case Category and Mailbox the case has been registered from. 

Kind regards,



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I am getting this on 7.15.2 when I try to compile after updating the package.

I have .net 4.8 installed on that iis server.


2020-05-15 16:16:08,286 [220] ERROR IIS APPPOOL\ Build BuildInternal - An error occured while running dotnet cli

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified

   at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Compilation.ProjectBuilder.BuildInternal(String projectFilePath, String tempPath, BuildCommandParameters parameters)

Like 1





This issue occurs when .NET Core SDK 2.2.300 is not installed on the server. After it is installed restore the server and try to compile site again. Make sure that all components are installed before installing Creatio:


Best regards,


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I am getting an issue while setup an excel report add on in development instance.

I installed the package from the market place. The package URL is as follows:

Package  URL :

I am following all steps mentioned in the reference document as given below.



But the added Section is not displaying in the workstation.

Please help to fix this issue.


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first, logout and login to the application again. If the issue persists, try to add first any basic section to the workplace and after that the 'Excel reports' section. 

Same issue - did you get this resolved?

Hi Julian,


Unfortunately, we couldn't reproduce the issue on the base product to submit it to the responsible team. Please provide any additional details to reproduce this issue.

Note that after successful add-on installation you need to logout and login to the Creatio again. It helps to apply all changes from the package.


Thank you.

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Hello, I am creating a custom section for employees to submit access requests. I created a custom package called ITrequests which I've been building the custom section and all associated objects in. I've somehow run into this error when I try to save the Case, it says "Package sequence contains cycle: "ITrequests-->Custom-->ITrequests". This error is preventing me from saving this case. Can someone point me in the right direction for where to look to resolve this error?


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Check the dependencies for your package. Just guessing, but I assume it has something to do with that. Or a package that has your package as a dependency. Possibly a dependency that has your package as a dependency or something along those lines. (so check both the depends on packages and the dependent packages for your ITrequests package)



Ryan Farley,


I thought that too, but Custom depends on all packages, and ITrequests can't depend on Custom, nothing can depend on the Custom package as far as I understand it. I had looked at them and at first glance it looked fine, but I will go through them again and see if I can find a "loop".

Mitch Kaschub,

Try checking what the dependency tree on the Package Dependencies tab shows for your package, anything weird about how that looks? Custom still shows at the bottom of the tree?

Ryan Farley,


Yes, the tree and the dependencies look as expected to me best I can tell.


The only other thing I can think of is I may have changed the "Current Package" system setting to "Custom" for a brief moment and inadvertently saved a change to one of the objects or pages in my "ITrequests" package before I set the system setting back to ITrequests. I think I'll recompile the system to see if that resolves it.


Ryan Farley,

No luck after recompiling. Same error. Probably have to be a support ticket? Anything else you can think for me to check?

Hello Mitch, 

Can you please check and make sure that package indicated in the system setting with code CustomPackageId is set to "Custom" and not to "ITrequests" or any other? 

Kind regards,

Roman Brown

Roman Brown,

Thank you! That was the issue!

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When installing the marketplace app 'Word-to-Pdf attachment converter for Creatio' I got following error:


Errors and (or) warnings occurred while compiling configuration dll

Autogenerated\Src\GlbAsposePDFHelper.GlbWordToPdfConverter.cs(5,8) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Aspose' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


This was done in a new instance with version 7.15.4.

In another instance, version 7.15.3, the installation was successfull.

Any idea if this is related to the version or is there anything I can do to make this work after all?


Thank you!


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Best reply

Hello Vincent,


Please review this community post where the same problem was successfully resolved: Basically to fix this issue please find the "Aspose " package and generate source code for each schema in this package and then compile modified items. This should fix the issue.


Best regards,


Found the answer in

However, not sure how this can be done. Any help would be appriciated!

 Hi Vincent,

Install this package: first, after that install the add-on.


Phuong Akira

Ok, seems like this Aspose dll is not available anymore in the new instances. This is the reason why the installation fails.


Is there any possibillity to add this dll (legally) to the new instances, or can the customer not use any PDF printable anymore?


Switching to fast reports would mean a lot of rework on the newly created printables...

Phuong Akira,

Thank you for the tip! But are we risking legal licensing issues by doing this?

Vincent Tahon writes

This add on devloped by Devlaps so you can ask them for this package installment's permission.

Hello Vincent,


Please review this community post where the same problem was successfully resolved: Basically to fix this issue please find the "Aspose " package and generate source code for each schema in this package and then compile modified items. This should fix the issue.


Best regards,


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