Hi everyone, I tried to find binaries by this link http://ftp.creatio.com/support/downloads/!Release/binary_files/[version], but there is 404 error. Where can I find binaries?

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Please contact our support team at support@creatio.com specifying which package you need and we will prepare the necessary files for you.


Best regards,


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Hello, I am working on the customer's requirements, in which it is necessary to perform a global search not only by application attributes, but also by the content of a text document (doc, pdf).

Is it possible to implement using elasticsearch?

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Hello Dmitriy,


Unfortunately Global Search functionality cannot be applied to the attachments for now.

We've registered a query for our responsible R&D team to implement such functionality in the upcoming releases but due to complexity of the task there is no specific ETA as of now.

Best regards,


Hi Anastasia,

Our prospect is also demanding this functionality! Can you provide an ETA?



Unfortunately for now we don't have any ETA for when this functionality will be implemented.

There used to be an addon able to handle this (not sure what was the mechanism used though, elasticsearch or something else), so I guess there somehow a possibility. It is an often requested feature indeed.

Is there any news regarding this functionality, maybe an ETA? Or any suggestion or workaround on how to search in documents in Creatio would be much appreciated

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InvalidArgumentException: invalid argument: Unsupported locator strategy: 0

Вот такая ошибка появляется после логина в систему на дальнейшие любые действия с локаторами. Локаторы корректные, действия с ними после их загрузки в DOMе. На всех других версиях отрабатывает корректно (конкретно версия, на других версиях 7.15.3.... - все работает нормально).

Использую Java, Maven, Selenide, TestNG, Chrome.

Подбор больших-меньших версий Selenuim-chrome-driver ничего не дал.

Нашел решение: запуск на версии Chrome и chromedriver меньше 76 (начиная с 75).

Может кто-то сталкивался с данной проблемой и может объяснить в чем проблема?

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Добрый день!

Со стороны системы могу сказать, что нам не приходилось сталкиваться с такой ситуацией. Мы используем Selenuim для проведения тестов, однако, подобную ошибку видим впервые.

Если никто из других пользователей не сможет вам помочь, рекомендую создать обращение в поддержку с точным описанием ваших действий при появлении ошибки, что и как вы настраивали и так далее.

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Good day.

After authorization I get 401 error with loading https://[url]/0/conf/content/_FileContentBootstraps.js

There is file in the same folder _FileContentDescriptors.js which is loading also with problem.

Do you have any ideas what problem it is?

File attachments
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Just a guess, maybe the AppPool identity user does not have permissions for the folder?



Try to remove the static content and generate it again.

To do this, delete the \Terrasoft.WebApp\conf\content folder and start compilation.

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Is there any actual documentation for this application? The Market Place listing says that support is via the Creatio Community; the top hit in search is tagged as "Documentation" but is really just a link right back to the Market Place listing. 


I'm specifically looking for information about creating advanced list templates and the conditional formatting on list results.

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Best reply

Hi Jeffrey,

Thank you for reaching out! You can find setup steps for the app at the 'Installation' tab of the app page on Creatio Marketplace. As this app is quite simple, there is no additional documentation available.

The app does not include features for the creation of advanced list templates and conditional formatting on list results.

Hi Jeffrey,

Thank you for reaching out! You can find setup steps for the app at the 'Installation' tab of the app page on Creatio Marketplace. As this app is quite simple, there is no additional documentation available.

The app does not include features for the creation of advanced list templates and conditional formatting on list results.

Irina Lazorenko,

Hi Irina,

Both I and someone else in my organization saw references to functions for saving the folder headers as a template (to apply to other folders) and conditional formatting. Do you know if this was deprecated functionality, or does it sound familiar from another app, possibly?

Thank you!

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When we try to send an email directly from the contact's 360 view, the default email signature gets removed when a template is selected. Is this an out of the box feature? How to make the signature remain at the bottom even when a template is selected as the body of the email?

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Hello Suman,


We investigated this behaviour and currently, the system behaves correctly since you can add a macro in the signature so it could fit the template or depend on some value.

I informed our R&D department about this case so they could consider enhancing the following functionality in the upcoming releases.

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

Will it be possible to auto link the Contact/Account to Lead uploaded through Data import option. The unique ID of Contact /Account ID shall be used in bulk upload file for linking the contact/account.


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Hello Suman,


Unfortunately, are no such basic tools for imported records/


The only way to achieve your business task is to create a new business process with a start signal with an event that should trigger the signal (Record added / Record modified).

Please note you should enable this business process before the import and disable it after.


Best regards,


Hello Boddan,


Thank you for your response. 

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Hi Team,


We are trying to add a new field and as well as make few fields mandatory in one of the edit page [Specify information that is required for proceeding to handoff] in the Lead section when we move from the handoff to sales to awaiting sales stage. [Specify information that is required for proceeding to handoff.png]


The edit page is added in the OOTB process [Handoff to sales 7.8.0 (Lead Finance)] and when we try to open the page designer “Translation result page” it open the source code page instead of the edit page [designer]. 


IS there way were we can open the “Translation result page” edit page, so that we can make the opportunity owner mandatory and add additional field or can you tell us how we can add a source code for making the field mandatory and add another field in the source code.


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Dear Team,


We have changed/added new stages based on the customer requirement and they don’t want any activities to be created/performed in stage movement. Hence only stages are added but OOTB activates are showing up. Even though no activities are available in the opportunity case stage.


Question : How To disable/remove the OOTB activities from the section .


Thanks in advance! 

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These activities are most likely created by different business processes. I would suggest checking if there are any processes in the process log that are starting immediately after you change the stage. There might be processes that are being triggered by the DCM or the ones that have the starting signal set to a change in the stage of the opportunity. The processes can contain "Perform task" elements which you can remove or disable these processes altogether.


Hope it helps!


Best regards,


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Hi Team,


We are trying to add new detail in a lead and post the lead is converted to opportunity, have written process to copy the values added in the lead detail to the created opportunity detail. The process is completed and there is no error and the value gets inserted into the DB but in the UI [filed] the value is empty/doesn't show up


Steps :

Created a new detail in the lead and have values of data type : date, float, integer.


Similar detail is created in opportunity also


In the lead, have filled the values for all the three data types and after converting the lead to opportunity.

Have written a process to map the detail value from lead to opportunity detail

Verified the DB, post the data insertion part. All the datatype value is correctly inserted.


But in the opportunity section, when we open the detail.  Values for data type float, integer is available but the value for date is missing?


Create instance being used is 7.15.1

Question : What could be the reason that a date value is present in the DB but doesn’t show up in the UI/front end.

Note : In both details, the data type is “Date” only

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Hi Amritha, 

Such scenario works properly on newer OOB version of the application. 

Please check if there are any errors in the developers console when opening the page. 

I'd recommend you to update the application to the newest version. 

If the issue persists or the update is not an option for you please contact us at  support@creatio.com and provide us with access/ copy of the DB. 

Best regards,


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