Hi Team,


I have been facing an error while updating the package from SVN.

It throws an error stating Schema with Unique identifier is not found.


Kindly guide me to resolve this issue.

Best regards,

Bhoobalan P.

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Hi Bhoobalan,


Please check the application logs at the moment of the issue reproduce for additional details on the error message. Additionally try generating the source code for all schemas and compiling the app in configurations before updating the package from SVN. Also this error message can state that there is a process or some logic in the package that uses the column that was deleted from some object. Try searching anything in the system using the query:


set nocount on
declare @name varchar(128), @substr nvarchar(4000), @column varchar(128)
declare @sql nvarchar(max),
  @newval nvarchar(max)
set @substr = N'BC2E7A0A-2B9E-4A10-BE73-B2FF59752ABF' --INPUT THE ID HERE
set @sql =  N''
set @newval = @substr
create table #rslt 
(table_name varchar(128), field_name varchar(128), value nvarchar(max))
declare s cursor fast_forward for select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' order by table_name
open s
fetch next from s into @name
while @@fetch_status = 0
 declare c cursor fast_forward for 
 select quotename(column_name) as column_name from information_schema.columns 
   where data_type in ('text', 'ntext', 'varchar', 'char', 'nvarchar', 'char', 'sysname','uniqueidentifier') and table_name  = @name
 set @name = quotename(@name)
 open c
 fetch next from c into @column
 while @@fetch_status = 0
--   print 'Processing table - ' + @name + ', column - ' + @column
   exec('insert into #rslt select ''' + @name + ''' as Table_name, ''' + @column + ''', ' + @column + 
 ' from' + @name + ' where ' + @column + ' like ''' + @substr + '''')
   fetch next from c into @column
 close c
 deallocate c
 fetch next from s into @name
select table_name as [Table Name], field_name as [Field Name], count(*) as [Found Matches] from #rslt
group by table_name, field_name
order by table_name, field_name
select * from #rslt order by table_name, field_name
drop table #rslt
close S
deallocate S


And check what does this query return.


Best regards,


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I added a Check Menu Item on the Actions menu to one of my sections and it works fine, but I have not been able to set the Checked default value base of an attribute set on the init function.


This is what I have:


                    "Type": "Terrasoft.controls.CheckMenuItem",

                    "Caption": { bindTo: "Resources.Strings.OpenImagesAutomaticallyFromInitialEntryCaption" },

                    "Click": { bindTo: "setOpenImagesAutomaticallyFromInitialEntry" },

                    "Checked": { bindTo: "OpenImagesAutomaticallyFromInitialEntrySetting" }


but when I go to the menu item, the menu is always unchecked regardless of the value of the boolean attribute OpenImagesAutomaticallyFromInitialEntrySetting. 


Any help on how to accomplish that would be greatly appreciated.





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Hello Jose, 


Please check my last answer on this post: 




Here I explained how to use attribute "Checked" correctly. Although there is a post regarding radio button, however the required logic for "Checked" attribute will be the same. 


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.

Bogdan Lesyk,

Thanks Bogdan. I will try that.

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Hi Team,

I need to stop the contact creation when a new case is created from the landing page.


The below article helps in creating a case from the landing page.


But at the same time I need to create only case and prevent from creating contact.

Any insight on this would be helpful!


Bhoobalan P.

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It is not possible to disable contact creation. However, you can setup autofill of landing page fields that will help to avoid he duplicate contact records creation 






dean parrett,


Thanks for the response!

When the same case is created through email the following business process is triggered "Incoming email registration processwhere only the case got created (No contact creation).

What runs to create a Case in Creatio CRM site via the Landing page? and What triggers to create a contact when a case is created?


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.


This logic is hardcoded and cannot be disabled without changing the records creation from web forms. It doesn't have anything in common with cases creation from emails. The above article is the solution to any web forms that may create duplicate records.




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I need to add a fax field on contact object but have that synchronized with ContactCommunication detail (Communication Options). Just like, when a mobile number is added to communication options it automatically updates contact.mobile and vice versa. 

Ideas on how to do it? 

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Hello kumar,

First of all, you'll need to enable the fax communication type for contacts in the Communication option types lookup. See https://share.customerfx.com/GGuWjxy7

Then, once you've added the contact field for Fax on the contact, you can keep it in sync with a process or use an entity event sub-process in the Contact and ContactCommunication objects. The process route is pretty straight forward, however, in order to see it update in the other place right away, you'll want to send a message from the process to the page so you can reload the page and see the change. See https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-refresh-a-page-from-a-process-in-…

Hope this helps


Ryan Farley,

Thank you for your reply. 

In the case of contact's phone or email field change on the contact page, the add/edit in contact communication details happen even before save button is clicked. Can such thing be implemented for Fax field as well? 

On account page, unlike contact object, fax field came with out of the box and behaves intuitively, change in account.fax changes right account communiction option right there even before save button is clicked. 


Do you think that is not possible with Fax field on Contact? 

Hello Kumar, 


The Account object has a base lookup "Fax" field, which can be added to the left panel of the record page and for which the "connection" with the "Communications options"  detail is implemented in a base code, so while changing the value in the column on the left panel the corresponding value will be reflected in the detail (same as for "Email" or "Phone"). However, you can use the "Fax" option for the Contacts record after it's added to the lookup "Communication option types" in the "Communications options"  detail but it won't create "Fax" field for the Contact object. Even after such field is added to the Contact object manually, it still requires the "connection" between field and detail to be implemented by code. As of now, there is no way to implement such functionality only with basic system tools and development is needed.

As a workaround suggestion,  you can proceed with a variant provided by Ryan. 

From our side, we have already registered the corresponding query for our R&D team and will be awaiting for the implementation of the mentioned functionality in the upcoming versions. 


Should you have any questions, please let us know!

Best regards,



Hello kumar. I've not tested this yet, so not 100% sure this will work, but I believe you could do the following and it should work the same as the account page does.

  1. Create a replacing view module for "ContactCommunicationDetail"
  2. Add the following code:
define("ContactCommunicationDetail", ["ConfigurationConstants"], function(ConfigurationConstants) {
	return {
		methods: {
			initMasterDetailColumnMapping: function() {
				var mappings = this.get("MasterDetailColumnMapping");
					"CommunicationType": ConfigurationConstants.CommunicationTypes.Fax,
					"MasterEntityColumn": "UsrFax" // change this to whatever your Fax column is called on Contact
				this.set("MasterDetailColumnMapping", mappings);

That should handle the value getting updated from the communication options detail to the Contact.

Then, on the ContactPageV2 code,

  1. Wire up a change event for the Fax column - see https://customerfx.com/article/triggering-an-event-when-a-field-is-chan…
  2. In the methodName for the change event use the method name "syncEntityWithCommunicationDetail"


Thank you Ryan, I actually did the change very close to what you suggested. It works for the UI part of the logic as expected but the Fax field isn't getting saved in the contact object when 'Save' is clicked. 


Can't figure out why. 


Fax on ContactCommunication is getting updated but fax on contact object is not. The fax field is not passed to the UpdateQuery for contact when Save is clicked. 

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Anyone know why I get this error after I cloned a copy of my prod creatio site and created a test instance. I have Sales on-prem 7.15.2


An error has occurred when working with the repository

Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://xxxx/masked/xxx'


RootCause: Error running context: APR does not understand this error code

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Hello Kumar,


Possible reasons are incorrect proxy settings or other parameters of the SVN server, incorrect URL to which you are trying to connect.


To understand where the error occurred, try connecting to the server not from the application or from the browser to the web interface, but from another program for working with SVN (for example, through the TortoiseSVN Repository Browser). If the error is reproducible, then the problem is in the infrastructure, not in the application.


Best regards,


Thank you for the response. 

It was indeed an infrastructure issue. The IIS server not able to talk with SVN. 

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Hi Team,

We are trying to analyze the opens/clicks dynamics during the day to determine the best time to send emails


But the interval is set to 2 hours [oob feature] and as attached in the screenshot we get to view the analyse only 3 days of data whereas if you look at the email open stats and click stats the count doesn’t match with the open/click chart as it has only 3 days of data to be shown.


Create instance being used is 7.15.0


Question : How do we extend the interval from two hours to a 24 hours or can we expand the existing chart only to the fullest/scrollable from the campaign start to end date/ start to todays's date.





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Hi Mayan,


You can either change the value for the BulkEmailHourlyStatisticPeriod system setting (this is a system setting code), or you can create a filter in the Contacts section and specify time periods you need. The object to call in the filter is "Response in Email (by column Contact)" and the filter is something like on the screenshot below:

Best regards,


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Hi Team,


We are trying to provide access to newly created activity but instead it provides access by default to all the employees and owner of the activity.


We have written a process, were as soon as the activity is created we modify the access by removing access to all the users and by providing access to certain user.


But, the process gets called but the access doesn’t get assigned or removed as provided in the process design.


It still shows access to all employees and owner of the activity.


Question : How do we provide access to certain user while activity is created.


Attached, screenshot of the activity object permission. 

Process written for the assigning the access to the activity

The access of the activity after the process has been completed.




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Judging by the screenshot of the process you've sent the element "Set up Access rights " is not connected to the process. Please make sure it's connected and try again. 

If the issue persists don't hesitate to reply to this message. 

Best regards, 


Few questions ,


Who creates the activity ? Is it a admin or non Admin user ? 

If its non admin user then the above process will not work since the process owner would be a non admin role and in this case you may need to do some changes in the system settings for the user to give access. 


Let me know if this solves .


Thank you for the answer, it makes perfect sense. This may certainly be the case as well. 

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Hi Team,


  1. Supervisor provides access. To a user to read and edit already exiting dashboard tab
  2. But as soon as the user logs in, he is able to view the dashboard but has no option to edit it as the edit button is disabled?


Question : is there a way for the user to edit the dashboard post the access is provided to edit it ?




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Hello Amritha, 


Such situation can occur if this user does not have access to dashboards editing. To grant him access, double-check the operation permissions for Analytics setup and Dashboard object permissions (both operation & record) as well. It should resolve the issue.  


Best regards, 


Thanks Anastasiia,


But, we don't want to give the complete Dashboard access to the a user/role. If we do add the user/role in operation permissions for Analytics setup and Dashboard object permissions (both operation & record). By default the user/role will have access to all the tabs present in the Dashboard.


We want to restrict a user/role to a certain tab only not to add and then remove access from the remaining tab


Or create a new Dashboard based on the roles/users.


Is there a way in general Dashboard, i create a tab/use the old tab as shown in the above screenshot and give access to a user and when the user logs in can view/edit only that tab not the rest of the tabs?




Amritha Mayan Gorky,



By a default the Dashboard object permissions are set as on the attached screenshot: 


So this way All employees can edit all the dashboards and it will be enough to "Set up the access rights" for a specific dashboard to prevent All employees from editing this dashboard or grand Edit permission for a specific user.  


However, in case the operation permissions will be removed (not granted for a specific user/role) the user will not be able to Edit the dashboard even if he is added to  "Set us access rights" of a specific dashboard. 

I would advise you to set the Dashboard object permissions as mentioned and in case you need to restrict access to the dashboard for a specific role/user simply configure the "Set up the access rights" for a specific dashboard. 

Best regards, 


Thanks Anastasiia. This works perfect !

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  1. We are running a email campaign and in that email we have two buttons added and link is also provided
  2. User are able to receive the email and they are clicking on either one of the button
  3. We are able to view No of click done in each of the button [as attached in the screenshot]

Question : IS there a way we can get the user contact/email recipient/email who has made the click for each title.

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Best reply


As one of the options you can build an advanced filter in Contacts section. You need to set the filter to click through links with email(by column Contact) exists and add Link and choose the Link you need. So ultimately your filter will look like following: 

Best regards, 




As one of the options you can build an advanced filter in Contacts section. You need to set the filter to click through links with email(by column Contact) exists and add Link and choose the Link you need. So ultimately your filter will look like following: 

Best regards, 



Thanks Yurli.

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  1. We are trying to create a campaign and for that campaign when we try to add a flow.
  2. In the flow, we have added “Add Data” for object “activity” as showed in the screenshot
  3. When we click on the column values to set option, a list of fields are displayed but unfortunately “Contact” field is not available.
  4. As activity is OOTB created object, by default it does contain contact and account fields but we are not sure on why it is not being listed in the dialog box


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Amritha ,

Any object created by the campaign (e.g. activity) is automatically connected to the contact entity via business logic of the campaign. There's no need to connect it manually. 

Best regards, 


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