Our company would like to have this Customer field use the Accounts lookup as default instead of the contacts lookup being show first. I would like to 1. remove the contacts lookup, OR 2. simply move the accounts lookup to be first so it is open by default. The problem we are trying to solve is that users are selecting a contact on accident because they don't realize they can toggle over to accounts, and we want them to only use an account for this field.

I found this in the OpportunityPageV2 schema and tried to copy this code and paste it in the copy of the scheme that is in the custom package, then I switched positions between Contact and Account so Account was first. This worked temporarily until the next time the system compiled, and now it is back to how it was. How else could I REMOVE the contact part of this lookup or make accounts appear first?
attributes: {
"Client": {
"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},
"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
"isLookup": true,
"referenceSchemaName": "Contact, Account",
"isRequired": true,