Hi ,


I need help in changing Period Filter in Invoice Section and add Current Quarter ,Current Year in the dropdown.


Thank you.

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Dear Sushma,


In order to implement the required functionality please do the following:

1. Add a module that would be exactly the same as FixedFilterViewV2 (copy all the code except the name in define, localizable strings and images), e.g. UsrFixedFilterViewV2 https://prnt.sc/shwown .


2. In this module, modify the “getPeriodFixedButtonsViewConfig” function by adding the following code https://prnt.sc/shwpwh :


                    // new menu items


                    className: "Terrasoft.MenuItem",

                    caption: usrResources.localizableStrings.CurrentQuarter,

                    click: {bindTo: "setPeriod"},

                    tag: filterName + "_CurrentQuarter"

                },  {

                    className: "Terrasoft.MenuItem",

                    caption: usrResources.localizableStrings.CurrentYear,

                    click: {bindTo: "setPeriod"},

                    tag: filterName + "_CurrentYear"



3. Add a module that would be exactly the same as FixedFilterViewModelV2 (copy all the code except the name in define, localizable strings and images), e.g. UsrFixedFilterViewModelV2 https://prnt.sc/shwtvn .


4. In this module, modify the “setPeriod” function by adding the following code https://prnt.sc/shwumk :


                case "CurrentQuarter":

                    startDate = Terrasoft.startOfQuarter(startDate);

                    dueDate = Terrasoft.endOfQuarter(startDate);


                case "CurrentYear":

                    startDate = Terrasoft.startOfYear(startDate);

                    dueDate = Terrasoft.endOfYear(startDate);



5. Create a new module to override QuickFilterModuleV2 https://prnt.sc/shwwcg


define("UsrQuickFilterModuleV2", ["QuickFilterModuleV2"], function() {

        Ext.define("Terrasoft.UsrQuickFilterModuleV2", {

            override: "Terrasoft.QuickFilterModule",


            getDefaultModuleConfig: function() {

                return {

                    FixedFilters: {

                        viewConfigModuleName: "UsrFixedFilterViewV2",

                        viewModelConfigModuleName: "UsrFixedFilterViewModelV2",

                        configPropertyName: "fixedFilterConfig"


                    CustomFilters: {

                        viewConfigModuleName: "CustomFilterViewV2",

                        viewModelConfigModuleName: "CustomFilterViewModelV2",

                        configPropertyName: "customFilterConfig"


                    FolderFilters: {

                        viewConfigModuleName: "FolderFilterViewV2",

                        viewModelConfigModuleName: "FolderFilterViewModelV2",

                        configPropertyName: "folderFilterConfig"


                    TagFilters: {

                        viewConfigModuleName: "TagFilterViewGeneratorV2",

                        viewModelConfigModuleName: "TagFilterViewModelGeneratorV2",

                        configPropertyName: "tagFilterConfig"








6. Add a dependency in the “InvoiceSectionV2” schema to the overridden “UsrQuickFilterModuleV2” module https://prnt.sc/shwzto :


define("InvoiceSectionV2", ["UsrQuickFilterModuleV2"], function(){

               return {

                              "entitySchemaName": "Invoice"





Best regards,


Dear Sushma,


In order to implement the required functionality please do the following:

1. Add a module that would be exactly the same as FixedFilterViewV2 (copy all the code except the name in define, localizable strings and images), e.g. UsrFixedFilterViewV2 https://prnt.sc/shwown .


2. In this module, modify the “getPeriodFixedButtonsViewConfig” function by adding the following code https://prnt.sc/shwpwh :


                    // new menu items


                    className: "Terrasoft.MenuItem",

                    caption: usrResources.localizableStrings.CurrentQuarter,

                    click: {bindTo: "setPeriod"},

                    tag: filterName + "_CurrentQuarter"

                },  {

                    className: "Terrasoft.MenuItem",

                    caption: usrResources.localizableStrings.CurrentYear,

                    click: {bindTo: "setPeriod"},

                    tag: filterName + "_CurrentYear"



3. Add a module that would be exactly the same as FixedFilterViewModelV2 (copy all the code except the name in define, localizable strings and images), e.g. UsrFixedFilterViewModelV2 https://prnt.sc/shwtvn .


4. In this module, modify the “setPeriod” function by adding the following code https://prnt.sc/shwumk :


                case "CurrentQuarter":

                    startDate = Terrasoft.startOfQuarter(startDate);

                    dueDate = Terrasoft.endOfQuarter(startDate);


                case "CurrentYear":

                    startDate = Terrasoft.startOfYear(startDate);

                    dueDate = Terrasoft.endOfYear(startDate);



5. Create a new module to override QuickFilterModuleV2 https://prnt.sc/shwwcg


define("UsrQuickFilterModuleV2", ["QuickFilterModuleV2"], function() {

        Ext.define("Terrasoft.UsrQuickFilterModuleV2", {

            override: "Terrasoft.QuickFilterModule",


            getDefaultModuleConfig: function() {

                return {

                    FixedFilters: {

                        viewConfigModuleName: "UsrFixedFilterViewV2",

                        viewModelConfigModuleName: "UsrFixedFilterViewModelV2",

                        configPropertyName: "fixedFilterConfig"


                    CustomFilters: {

                        viewConfigModuleName: "CustomFilterViewV2",

                        viewModelConfigModuleName: "CustomFilterViewModelV2",

                        configPropertyName: "customFilterConfig"


                    FolderFilters: {

                        viewConfigModuleName: "FolderFilterViewV2",

                        viewModelConfigModuleName: "FolderFilterViewModelV2",

                        configPropertyName: "folderFilterConfig"


                    TagFilters: {

                        viewConfigModuleName: "TagFilterViewGeneratorV2",

                        viewModelConfigModuleName: "TagFilterViewModelGeneratorV2",

                        configPropertyName: "tagFilterConfig"








6. Add a dependency in the “InvoiceSectionV2” schema to the overridden “UsrQuickFilterModuleV2” module https://prnt.sc/shwzto :


define("InvoiceSectionV2", ["UsrQuickFilterModuleV2"], function(){

               return {

                              "entitySchemaName": "Invoice"





Best regards,


Norton Lingard,

Thank you for detail steps along with Screenshots.

Hi guys, would this also work for filtering on dashboards? So would be a solution for custom fiscal year periods? 

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Terrasoft.Common.InvalidObjectStateException: Column FxdChatRefId value cannot be obtained because it has not been loaded.

   at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityColumnValue.get_Value()

   at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Entity.GetTypedColumnValue[TResult](String valueName)

   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FxdChatDepartment.get_FxdChatRefId()

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.FxdChatProcessAutoIntegrationAddOrUpdateChatDepartmentMethodsWrapper.ScriptTask1Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessScriptTask.InternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)


I used to version "", i don't understand the root cause.


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Hello Thanh, 

Please try to use "department.GetColumnValue("FxdChatRefId")" instead of "department.FxdChatRefId"

If it doesn't help, please replace "FetchPrimaryColumnFromDB" with "FetchFromDB".

Kind regards,


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Dear mates,

We have integrate Asterisk with Creatio, it works fine.

However i would like to get the number of outgoing calls with a duration > 15 sec for each Creatio Users and for the current day.

I can not select contact.Current User in the select list. How can i do this metric ?

The contact is the call recipient. How can i only have the stat for the current user ?




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i ve got it. if you take Call.ModifiedById then you can choose current user.

thank you

i ve got it. if you take Call.ModifiedById then you can choose current user.

thank you

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I made a Multi Select lookup as described in this article using ConfigurationEnums:


It can be also done using LookupMultiAddMixin as described on this article:



Theses two articles lead to the same result in different ways.


In both methods, selected records are filtered out from the selection.


My question is how to make the chosen records be shown on the lookup as checked, if they were already chosen.


I can cancel the filter but when doing so, chosen records are displayed as not chosen. The check box remain empty.


Did anybody succeeded in doing so ?

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Dear Oren,


In order to implement the required functionality please debug the “BaseManyToManyGridDetail” and “LookupPage” schemas. Please feel free to use the “IsDebug” mode for it. Please find more information about it in the article by the link below:




Best regards,


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Hello, I've created a custom section and notice when I add a new record and click save, the record automatically closes and takes the user back to the Section to view the list of records. Is there a setting that can be changed so when you save a new record, the page does NOT close and instead the user stays on the page?

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Hi Mitch,

You can find the answer on this thread: https://community.creatio.com/questions/stay-current-edit-page-after-saving-record



Phuong Nguyen

Hello Mitch, 

Please take a look at the comment above from Phuong Akira. 

The answer on how to reach the functionality you have asked about is described there. 

Kind regards,


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Hello all,

After I selected Object to inherit access permissions I clicked publish and I got the error: Internal failure occurred while running MSBuild. Has my change been published or more likely it did not? Will this affect my package?


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Hi Yania,


You are using the trial PostgreSQL build and we need to reproduce the same behavior on our end so to tell you the exact reason. Can you please specify for which object have you enabled access rights inheritance and also which object was chosen to inherit access rights from?


Thank you in advance!


Best regards,


Hello Oscar,

I was using Studio demo site where I created a custom section and a details page that belonged to that section. The detail had to inherit permissions from the section. I tried it again today and I got a different error: Errors occurred while compiling configuration. See logs for more details. Then I removed the "inheritance access permissions from" option and while attempting to publish, then I got same error as before regarding MSBuild. I cant publish now because I keep getting the first error "Errors occurred while compiling configuration. See logs for more details". 


Hello Yania,


Please email us at support@creatio.com and provide us with the link to the app and with access to it and we will take a look at the issue more deeply. We've also enabled logging for PSQL applications and now we should be able to determine the root cause of the problem, but we need to reproduce the error on our end.


Thank you!


Best regards,


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We have Creatio in the cloud, the server has 6 or 7 hours difference from my local time. I don't know if switching to summer/winter time in my country affects the difference. To get the current time, I should calculate it. Or I have to go to Process Log and look upon the latest processes time. Is there a way to easily get the current server time?


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Hello Yuriy, 

The current DB and server time is set to UTC+0 no matter where the website is located. 

Please note, that you can always change a timezone displayed for your system user profile. 

Kind regards,



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I'm trying to deploy one dashboard from my local environment to a cloud one.

I just built a very simple dashboard to test the process and added the following data binding record to the package:


Object: Dashboard (which is over table SysDashboard)

Filters: Section that is equal to Dashboards AND Title starts with 'Something'.

Key: Title and Section

No Forced update, since installatation type is Installation


Checking the bound data, this is only returning one record, which is what I want: the new Dashboard I have created.


I used this composite key since the Section Id is the same in both environments and I can't just use Id, as I plan to update a few existing Dashboards later, and their Id is different on both environments.


When importing the exported Package, it error with the following details:

2020-04-28 17:38:12,098 Installing data
2020-04-28 17:38:13,348 Error occurred while installing data "SysDashboard" in package "Base". UId 37e19c02-7e20-426f-af6b-7d6e84d3dcd4: Column Caption value cannot be obtained because it has not been loaded.
2020-04-28 17:38:13,364 Terrasoft.Common.InvalidObjectStateException: Column Caption value cannot be obtained because it has not been loaded.
   at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityColumnValue.get_Value()
   at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Entity.GetColumnValue(String valueName)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.GetSaveDataConditions(EntitySchema schema, PackageSchemaDataDescriptor dataDescriptor, Entity dataPackageEntity)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.SaveData(PackageSchemaDataDescriptor dataDescriptor, Stream dataStream, Func`5 prepareData, IDictionary`2 schemaLocalizableData, Boolean isAppInstalling)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.InstallSchemaData(PackageSchemaDataDescriptor dataDescriptor, Stream dataStream, Dictionary`2 schemaLocalizableData, Boolean isAppInstalling)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.InstallPackageSchemaData(PackageSchemaDataDescriptor dataDescriptor, Stream dataStream, Dictionary`2 schemaLocalizableData, Boolean isAppInstalling)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.InstallPackageSchemaData(IEnumerable`1 elements, IPackageContentProvider contentProvider, Boolean continueIfError, Boolean isAppInstalling)
2020-04-28 17:38:13,364 Error occured while performing operation on "SysDashboard" item, UId = 37e19c02-7e20-426f-af6b-7d6e84d3dcd4.
2020-04-28 17:38:13,364 Terrasoft.Common.InvalidObjectStateException: Column Caption value cannot be obtained because it has not been loaded.
   at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityColumnValue.get_Value()
   at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Entity.GetColumnValue(String valueName)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.GetSaveDataConditions(EntitySchema schema, PackageSchemaDataDescriptor dataDescriptor, Entity dataPackageEntity)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.SaveData(PackageSchemaDataDescriptor dataDescriptor, Stream dataStream, Func`5 prepareData, IDictionary`2 schemaLocalizableData, Boolean isAppInstalling)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.InstallSchemaData(PackageSchemaDataDescriptor dataDescriptor, Stream dataStream, Dictionary`2 schemaLocalizableData, Boolean isAppInstalling)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.InstallPackageSchemaData(PackageSchemaDataDescriptor dataDescriptor, Stream dataStream, Dictionary`2 schemaLocalizableData, Boolean isAppInstalling)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Packages.PackageInstallUtilities.InstallPackageSchemaData(IEnumerable`1 elements, IPackageContentProvider contentProvider, Boolean continueIfError, Boolean isAppInstalling)
2020-04-28 17:38:13,426 Compiling configuration dll
2020-04-28 17:42:46,874 When application installed, an error(s) occured


Does anyone know how to fix this issue or have an alternative way of deploying dashboards from one environment to another?




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Hi Artur,

    The dashboard's data is stored in the SysDashboards for dashboards on analytics, 

and SysWidgetDashboard for dashboards in the section pages.

    You can transfer this data using data bindings or on the DB level (merge for existing on the target instance and insert for nonexisting).

    Data for folders, filters, and column setup is stored in the SysProfileData. You can transfer it similarly to the dashboard's data. 

    In case if you need more information on adding data bindings for the package, please see the article below: 


Thank you!

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How can I get bigger font for name in custom section.

Here is the pic of Contact section (in-buily) with Name shown in big fonts in tile view.

Now I have built my custom Contact section but with few changes. It is not replaced or inherited with actual Contact section.

Now in the section after removing caption of the field the font size of name is still small.


How can I get bigger font like in in-built/out of the box contact Section.

I want to apply it to other sections also. So there is no point to use out of the box Contact section by replacing object which already has big fonts.

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Hi Ramnath.


You can change the font size by adding a custom css style to the schema you need and in such a way override the system font-size. Please refer to this article on our community: https://community.bpmonline.com/questions/how-add-custom-style-control-page-based-condition

I recommend you change a font-size first for any page in the system to check if it looks fine as we do not guarantee that all objects, labels, and containers will be displayed correctly. 

Thank you.

Bohdan Zdor,


I have tried this before but I could only make it work on the page of arecord. I need to edit the page where all the records are shown. I could not find the module which has the code for the list of records.






Unfortunately, there is no option to change the section list font size in the current version of the system. I have registered your suggestion, though. It was passed to our R&D team to be considered for further releases.


Thank you. 

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Dear mates,

I used to access object source code from advanced settings but since few weeks i can just open a window with readonly feature:


i can still access by the page designer but it is a longuer way to made development.

Does anyone know why i can not reach the source code from the advanced settings ?

thank you,


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Best reply

Hello Nicolas,


There was no possibility to edit the source code of the object ever in the Creatio app using the object "Source code" option. The window with the source code is always opened in the read-only mode. The only thing that you can edit and save is the content of the "Modification package" tab of the object metadata.


Best regards,


Hello Nicolas,


There was no possibility to edit the source code of the object ever in the Creatio app using the object "Source code" option. The window with the source code is always opened in the read-only mode. The only thing that you can edit and save is the content of the "Modification package" tab of the object metadata.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hello Oscar,


I apologize for disturbing you.

I was trying to access the orderpage by the order object... mistake.

Novice i am.



Have a nice day and thank you again

Best regards,






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