Getting the below error while opening a section wizard.

Uncaught Terrasoft.ItemAlreadyExistsException: Item with key "36a5e596-18b5-49c6-b2f4-04def90b555c" Already exists.


If anywhere you overcome this issue, please let me know how to fix this.


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Best reply

Dear Akshaya, 

This issue can happen when you are trying to save or update something and there are some records in the system that already exists with the same Id, or when you have inserted some duplicated values in the table to which network request is referring, 

We would recommend you to check tables related to the System Wizard (SysModule, SysSchema and SysSchemaEdit) and try to find record with the Id or UId from the error description in order to find what to do next. 

Either you can contact us via so we will check it from our side. 

Kind regards,


Dear Akshaya, 

This issue can happen when you are trying to save or update something and there are some records in the system that already exists with the same Id, or when you have inserted some duplicated values in the table to which network request is referring, 

We would recommend you to check tables related to the System Wizard (SysModule, SysSchema and SysSchemaEdit) and try to find record with the Id or UId from the error description in order to find what to do next. 

Either you can contact us via so we will check it from our side. 

Kind regards,


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In the Ootb Opportunities Section, there are two columns, Sales Cycle Duration and Overall Sales Cycle Duration. They seem like they are populated automatically but I cannot figure out how. Does anybody happen to know how these columns get updated?

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Best reply

You can find updateOpportunityDaysValues method in BaseOpportunityPage

You can find updateOpportunityDaysValues method in BaseOpportunityPage

Vladimir Sokolov,

Thank you.

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Hi! I've developed an application for Creatio, and now I want to publish it on the marketplace. However, it did not pass verification. 

The problem is that it didn't install on a system using MS SQL, although I haven't used anything DB-specific. Maybe you encountered such errors from the logs?

Do you know how to restart the verification process?

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Dear Pavel,

We know that your package has already published. In case you will have questions regarding the publication of packages please feel free to contact our Marketplace team:

Best regards,

Bogdan Sukhovoi

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Object: Response of participant in Bulk email


Is there a good way to limit the options a user see's when applying a filter to a lookup field other than deleting the records you don't want them to see? I imagine it is best to limit the access rights of certain lookup records, but I don't know how to easily do that if the lookup does not have a list page configured.


This is in the Email section of the Marketing module, the audience detail when adding a filter has lots of options, but I only want there to be 8 options.



All of the records that I put "inactive" for the description in the image below, I want to hide from users when they are adding a filter on the response column such as in the image above.



Would a simple business rule in the section wizard work? I am assuming not since this is a detail.


There is no list page, so I don't know how I can get to set up access rights for individual records in the lookup so I can delete all employees access rights. Would I have to manually configure an edit page?



I have the mass access rights update marketplace add-on, however it does not work for lookups I've noticed. There is no option to set up access rights when I select multiple records then open the actions menu.



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Best reply

Roman Rak,

 Nevermind, I believe I figured it out. I updated the object permissions for this object, BulkEmailResponse to allow manage by records access. Then I ran an SQL query in the SQL query concole add-on to pull from the table SysBulkEmailResponseRight and update the RightLevel column from 1 to 0 for the records I want to hide.

Hello Mitch,


Hope you're doing well.


Please check the next Community posts, they should help to perform your business task if I understood it correctly:


  1. — example on how to hide some of the fields in the filter lookup;
  2. — the way to filter the filtration field;
  3. — it explains how to set default filtering conditions in the Account section by the Category field.

Best regards,



Roman Rak,

Thanks Roman, however these articles all have to do with hiding columns of an object. I don't want to hide the name column, I simply want to hide records in this lookup I mentioned above. Do you have any other ideas? If I delete these records, is there any concern about restoring them in the future if we decide we want to use the records I've deleted?

Roman Rak,

 Nevermind, I believe I figured it out. I updated the object permissions for this object, BulkEmailResponse to allow manage by records access. Then I ran an SQL query in the SQL query concole add-on to pull from the table SysBulkEmailResponseRight and update the RightLevel column from 1 to 0 for the records I want to hide.

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I am using the following link to create multi select from a detail using my custom sections.…

whenever i add the following :

    mixins: {

            // Connecting the mixin to the schema.

            LookupMultiAddMixin: "Terrasoft.LookupMultiAddMixin"


the detail does not display, when i remove it, the detail displays but i cannot add anything.

Did anyone face this kind of behavior ?






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Hi maher,

What errors do you see in the browser console?


Ryan Farley,

Hello Ryan,


I get the below error:



Ryan thank you for your reply, i fixed it, i forgot to add the LookupMultiAddMixin string at the top of the schema.


In fact your article on customerfx made me realize my mistake. 




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The Cast function in select class is not working, second parameter 'DBDataValueType' gets error as 'Error   CS1503   Argument 2: cannot convert from 'System.Guid' to 'Terrasoft.Core.DBDataValueType'   Terrasoft.Configuration.Dev'.


var SelQuery = new Select(UserConnection)
.Column(Func.Cast("UsrName", DBDataValueType.TextDataValueTypeUId)).As("UsrName")
.From("UsrTableName") as Select;
var SelRecord = SelQuery.ExecuteScalar<string>();


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Hi there, 


It seems that the error may be hidden in this line: 

.Column(Func.Cast("UsrName", DBDataValueType.TextDataValueTypeUId))


Please try to use the code below as an example: 

var textDataValueType = new TextDataValueType(new DataValueTypeManager()) {
   Name = "Text"
var SelQuery = new Select(UserConnection)
   .Column(Func.Cast("Name", textDataValueType)).As("Name")
   .From("Contact") as Select;
var SelRecord = SelQuery.ExecuteScalar&lt;string&gt;();




Anastasiia Markina,


Thanks for code, Now its working.

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Is it possible to create an email template (email templates lookup) that has fixed attachments such as a ms word or ms excel file? For my use case this would be for emails being sent OUT of Creatio from a synced mailbox TO external customers who do not access Creatio, instead they just receive an email to their normal email service such as gmail or outlook. 

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Dear Mitch,


Unfortunately, it cannot be done since email templates do not have required architecture for storing attachments. As a workaround, you can use this application:


Best regards,


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I create a word document base on DataBase data.

I merge multi line field.

it create the document with soft line brakes inside field

do you have any suggestions how to change them to hard line breakes




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Hi Tomacz,

Could you please clarify all the steps to reproduce the same?

Also, please provide us with an example of a printable template.

Thank you.

Bohdan Zdor,


I use multi line text field on page to set value to database field in the table

Then I Use this value in Marge field in word field

i try to change chr(10) to char(13) chr(10)

to char(13) only to <br/> but it still doesn't work

Maybe you know how to change text to has hard not soft linebrakes.

Tkank you

Hi Tomasz, 

You can find the information regarding hard/soft line breaks convertion in the next article:…

Thank you.

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When I want to create a data I got an error

Data is not bound for connected package ...

have you met such problem?

what can cause it?




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Hi Tomek,


Can you please provide us with more details on the data that you are creating? How do you do this, please provide us with steps to reproduce the message? In which package do you try to save the data? Can you please provide us with the screenshot of the error?


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks Oskar 

I think i found the problem.

I use lookup reference in Data and main table was not transfer by data as well.

So thing thats a problem.


I transfer the data by script by codes.

thanks for help




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We have a substitute source code schema which is not getting invoked. The same substitute schema is getting invoked in an older version of Creatio. We have followed the instructions mentioned in the following academy articles yet the substitute schema isn't getting involved. 


Older version: 7.11.0 (substitution works as expected)

New version: 7.15.2 (substitution doesn't work) 


Both the parent schema (ReportHelper) and the substitute schema (SpecialNamingOrderInvoiceReportHelper) are attached.


The code below that is making the call to the ReportHelper in which we are expecting the overriden method in substitute class SpecialNamingOrderInvoiceReportHelper to be called:


public string CreateReport(string entitySchemaUId, string reportSchemaUId, string templateId, string recordId, string reportParameters, bool convertInPDF)


     var reportHelper = ClassFactory.Get<ReportHelper>();

     string key = reportHelper.CreateReport(entitySchemaUId, reportSchemaUId, templateId, recordId, reportParameters, convertInPDF);

     return key;



Any pointers on how to resolve this would be highly appreciated.

File attachments
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Dear Hatim,


I’ve implemented the same functionality on my local instance and it worked properly. Unfortunately, it is hard to determine the root cause of the issue without having an access to the instance.


However, I can recommend you to do the following things in order to resolve the issue:

1. Please check that a package that contains a replacement class has a dependency for the package that contains the replaceable class.

2. Please try to compile the application (the “Compile all” action).


Best regards,


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