Hi There, 

I just installed and configured the Twilio connector for Creatio https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/twilio-sms-connector-creatio 


I can now send sms through Creatio, which is great. Unfortunately there are a few things that don't work as per the instructions provided. 

1 the sms sent status stays "Queued" although the sms is delivered


2. I'm unable to receive messages. In Twillio Console, I can see that the sms was sent. However, it doesn't appear in Creatio 


Any feedback or hints would be greatly Appreciated! Thank you!

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Best reply

Julia Molnar,

The guide states that the format for the "Twilio SMS Service URL" system setting is as follows:
For example: https://sitename.creatio.com/0/ServiceModel/DlbSmsService.svc/

The URL https://85-XXXXXXX-164.ngrok.io/ is used in the video tutorial purely as an example and is not relevant for production purposes.

Hi Julia Molnar,

This connector requires a configuring of an anonymous web service to receive SMS status and answers.
Has it been configured?

If not, please make the following:

- On the listing page, go to Installation tab
- In "Guides and manuals" block, follow the steps from paragraph 3.

Hi Oleksandr Bilousko,

thank you for your reply, I indeed hadn't completed this step yet. I have since asked the Creatio Support Team to set it up and I have tried both different settings in DlbUseBackgroundTask sys setting. However, I'm still not seeing any changes in the behaviours described above. (not able to receive sms and not changing the status from queued to delivered). Any further assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Julia Molnar,

Please check that the Webhook URL value on Twilio corresponded according to the instructions

Hi Oleksandr Bilousko, I double-checked all the settings in Twilio and cross-checked them with the System settings "Twilio SMS Service Url," and they seem to match the instructions. Please see screenshots below. 

Twillio Console setting

https://85-XXXXXXXX -164.ngrok.io/0/ServiceModel/DlbSmsService.svc/ReceiveSms


Creatio System setting

https://85- XXXXXXX-164.ngrok.io/0/ServiceModel/DlbSmsService.svc/

Julia Molnar,

The guide states that the format for the "Twilio SMS Service URL" system setting is as follows:
For example: https://sitename.creatio.com/0/ServiceModel/DlbSmsService.svc/

The URL https://85-XXXXXXX-164.ngrok.io/ is used in the video tutorial purely as an example and is not relevant for production purposes.

Thank you Oleksandr Bilousko,

That worked. Thank you very much for your patience in assisting me in getting this issue resolved!  

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Hi DevLabs,

As part of our solution we have configured the mailbox creatio market place addon to be the email medium from which we configure their client side emails, the corresponding tickets and their related communications.

Our product solution for  them on this instance has a business process which creates a ticket upon receiving a certain type of email through the mailbox marketplace addon . We track the email and the corresponding ticket through the columns configured through the mailbox section. However we are currently facing the issue in which the ticket and the mailId column are not getting updated, even though the business process related to the ticket creation is working well.

These issues only exist in the prod instance which has been upgraded to  version

Current condition:
Current Condition
Previous condition (working):
Old condition

Any help or early response will  be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


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We recommend you enabling the business process tracing to be able to check the process' parameters which would help you finding the reason why the needed values are not being updated.

If this isn't sufficient, please describe in more detail how exactly your solution works providing the screenshots of the mentioned business process.

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Clio new release provides improved way to integrate data exchange between third party systems and Creatio. We simplified ATF.Repository usage in external dotnet projects. Details described in this article

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Hello everyone. Starting with the version  Clio team has added support for versioning argument when creating new FreedomUI component

clio ui someApplicationName -v usr --package SomePackageName --empty -version 8.0.4

without --version parameter project will be created with last released Creatio version


* clio ui command requires clio workspaces 


Also you can seen examples on YouTube

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Good day!

Tried to set up your application on our system. But unfortunately, there were errors. Nothing happens when you save the settings for a recurring activity. Activities are not duplicated (although there is no error).

Maybe not all categories can use them?

please contact me and help)

Thank you)

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This package in the marketplace is for MSSQL systems only. If this is a could system it's most likely a Postgresql system, not MSSQL. The package will install on a Postgresql system, but won't work (and I believe doesn't show any errors). Do you know if the system it's installed on is MSSQL database or not? 


Seems bizarre there is no Postgres support given most Creatio cloud environments run on this.

Lewis Pull,

I agree. This would be a very useful add-on. I would love to see this work with new systems (actually should be added as a base part of Creatio)


Hi Yana, Ryan and Lewis,

The developer does not have plans to add PostgreSQL compatibility. Therefore, we decided to remove this add-on from the Marketplace.

Also, we have sent feedback to our R&D team about including such functionality in Creatio out of the box.

Irina Lazorenko,

Hi Irina, do you know if there are any plans for this agreed? This is a feature we would really benefit from.

Very bizarre that this is not a standard feature within any CRM to be honest.

@Irina Lazorenko, any plans to implement this?

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We appear to have issues with creating Recurring Events in Calendar.

I have tried creating a basic (4 occurrences) of an Event yesterday, and while Creatio created all 4 occurrences, the Notification Center reports this:

"Create recurring activities action failed. Contact your system administrator for details"

In addition, when creating recurring events, we often get:

  • Creatio becomes very slow or unresponsive -- sometimes possible to connect with an Incognito window
  • Clicking on Save, the popup screen does not go away (need to X out of it)
  • Browser developer tools shows errors with MakeRecurring (error while sending request application server request time-out, POST, {parentId: xxx, frequency: W, interval: 1, until: 04/15/2023, startDate 02/20/2023, byDay: 2})
  • If Events are created, then Creatio becomes very slow and you need to logout and log back in again
  • Deleting the recurring event causes things to hang

*Sometimes* things work OK and the only issue is the Notification Center report that it failed, but most often it just does not work properly. 

I am trying to book meetings that occur on a weekly basis, and have tried both booking them at an interval of 7 days and using the weekly choice and choosing only one (or two) day(s) of the week, as choosing all appropriate days seems to really kill things.

Here is a video with voice over with examples of the problems: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m1tEBG_RXV-ARKWNO71AVaDpzlpeq1-O/view?…


Any suggestions of how we might do things so that the Calendar and recurring events are more responsive?

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Hi Jeffrey,


I reviewed this app and was unable to reproduce the issue on our end. However, this could be a result of conflicts between your custom logic in the Activity section and the add-on logic. This solution works using stored procedure functionality, which can affect Creatio negatively. 


We decided to remove this add-on from the Marketplace to avoid similar problems in the future.

We do not recommend using it.

Also, have sent feedback to our R&D team about including such functionality in Creatio out of the box.


Thank you for your request, we appreciate it!

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Is there a git hub or a page with the source code for the Dev Labs apps on the Marketplace?  Or is there a way to download the file and see the code?  When they do not install I would like to look at the code or Modify them.


Thank you

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Best reply

Hi Keith,


There is no GitHub storage for any Dev labs application.

You can view the source code using either a trial Creatio website or the Clio tool.

You can install the application into the Creatio website, which lets you view the source code schemas in the configuration and overload the application logic using Creatio dev tools.

Alternatively, you can download the package to your machine and manage the source code using Clio Extract.

Hi Keith,


There is no GitHub storage for any Dev labs application.

You can view the source code using either a trial Creatio website or the Clio tool.

You can install the application into the Creatio website, which lets you view the source code schemas in the configuration and overload the application logic using Creatio dev tools.

Alternatively, you can download the package to your machine and manage the source code using Clio Extract.

Yevhen Vorobiov,

CLIO is what I needed. Thank you very much. Forgot you could do that


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Добрый день, 

Подскажите пжл, что делаю не так. 

1. Установила приложение  https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/mailbox-section-creatio.

Все прекрасно, при запуске перехожу в мейл бокс, все ок.

2. Пытаюсь добавить раздел мейл бокс в рабочее место (какое именно значения не имеет, везде одинаковая ситуация). Выбираю его, но по факту раздел не добавляется, хотя на 1 сек происходит как-бы обновление страницы и добавление.    

В итоге попасть в раздел можно только по ссылке, что весьма неудобно.

Заранее благодарю за помощь.

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Добрый день!

Кажется, помогает очистка Redis. Тогда добавляется

Татьяна, добрый день!


Ошибка не воспроизводится на чистой сборке. Попробуйте сначала добавить в рабочее место любой базовый раздел, а после раздел Mailbox.

Добрый день, благодарю за ответы!

Вчера я протестила этот вариант - добавить любой базовый и оказалось, что это тоже не работает. Поэтому написала напрямую в  ТП, т.к. это подтверждает проблему не на стороне mail box, а на стороне creatio. Также написала о предложении Владимира очистить Redis. Когда ситуация разрешится, я отпишусь тут. 

Еще раз благодарю за подсказки.  

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Hi everyone, We have installed the Mailbox section for Creatio (https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/mailbox-section-creatio) for a customer however we have run into an issue. Every time we try to add it, we get a 400 bad request in the browser console, and it does not get added. Clearing the browser cache doesn't seem to do anything as we can still reproduce the issue Has anybody experienced this issue before or knows of a workaround? Any assistance would be appreciated!

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can you please go to the Workplace setup, delete any existing Section, save, then add it again along with the Mailbox section?


Please, let us know whether it helped.


Kind regards,


Hi Gleb,


Thank you for the suggestion, it is appreciated.


We have attempted your solution and unfortunately it doesn't resolve this issue.


Any other potential solutions are appreciated.

Dear Harry,


unfortunately, it is difficult to analyze the problem in such a way.

I would recommend creating a case for the Support team so we can take a closer look at the issue.




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I am trying to install DevLabs Zoom Meeting connector for Creatio.

During the installation, after the step to specify the domain:

I get an error:

I attached the log.

Tell me what could be the problem?


File attachments
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According to the package installation log:

2022-09-15 19:38:49,999 D:\App\1130722-demo\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Pkg\UsrApp_e89ly9h\Autogenerated\Src\UsrIncidentRegistrationFromEmailProcessCustom1.UsrApp_e89ly9h.cs(4,16) ошибка CS0400: The type or namespace name 'Common' could not be found in the global namespace (are you missing an assembly reference?)

2022-09-15 19:38:49,999 D:\App\1130722-demo\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Pkg\UsrApp_e89ly9h\Autogenerated\Src\UsrIncidentRegistrationFromEmailProcessCustom1.UsrApp_e89ly9h.cs(92,28) ошибка CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ILog' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

The package was not installed due to an application compilation error.

The application does not compile due to the "UsrIncidentRegistrationFromEmailProcessCustom1" process in the "UsrApp_e89ly9h" package.

Cherednichenko Nikita,

Thanks. We have already understood, there was a compilation error. 

We need to fix all compilation errors, otherwise we cannot install any package.

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