

How can cache the lookups to the device in order to view them in offline mode for mobile app?


Thank you.


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Hello Maher,


Once you sync the mobile app with the main app all lookup values are being saved in the cache of the mobile app and will be available for selection in offline mode. In case you've added new lookup values to the main app and need them to appear in the mobile app please sync the mobile app with the main app and new values will appear as needed.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hello Oscar,


Thank you for the reply.

I am not able to see the list of values in offline mode for some reason, are there any steps to do or configurations?

I did synchronize before disconnecting from the network.



maher daher, maybe our steps to reproduce the behavior are different. Can you please specify the value for the system setting with the "MobileApplicationMode" code (try setting the value as "Offline")? Have I understood you right that you perform synchronization, then disconnect your device from the network and then try to edit the record, select the lookup, but you don't have any values there? Is this a custom lookup or some out-of-the-box lookup?


Please also make sure that your lookup is present in the SyncOptions property -> SysLookupsImportConfig attribute in the mobile application manifest (as described here). Because your lookup may simply not sync with the mobile application.


Best regards,


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Hello Community!

While we are aware that the Creatio web application is primarily an 'online' application and does not support offline usage, Will a loaded page stay as is, if network disconnects for a few minutes? I did a quick check on a pre configured page and it stayed as is. I was able to resume operations once I reconnected. Can this be extended to a pattern for sections and other pages?


On a larger front, (How) Does the platform handle network outages or momentary connectivity issues on the client and on the server? For Eg If a Business process was running on the web server and there is a network outage, What happens? Automatic retry/fail over?


I have seen that the platform uses WebSockets behind the hood for Client Server communication. Wouldn't these be directly affected? Some insight into how the platform looks at all of the above, will help!



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    Yes, the loaded page won't crash until you try to refresh it.

When you have some page or the list of records opened and the network connection goes down - you'll be able to continue working not being interrupted when the network is up. Though, there are some things that require a page refresh e.g. schemas saving, compilation, etc.

    Like every web-platform, Creatio can handle it. If there was a request sent to the server and the server is unavailable (due to the connectivity issues) then the request will be stopped by timeout, but the request will be sent if the internet connection is up before the timeout.

    Business processes operate on the side of the server and it has nothing to do on the client's side. If you're out of internet connection and the process is running but there's no user action on elements required - it will continue running. For example, if the running process should execute the page opening (requires user action) the page won't be opened and you'll see the notification on the CTI Panel on the right (http://prntscr.com/sl8jst) with the message that the user action required in the particular business process.

    In general, business processes should not crash when the network connection on the client is down.

 WebSockets issue (as a consequence of the network issues) affects the fact of page opening only. If WebSockets doesn't work you'll get a notification on the right panel as I've mentioned earlier

Thank you.



    Yes, the loaded page won't crash until you try to refresh it.

When you have some page or the list of records opened and the network connection goes down - you'll be able to continue working not being interrupted when the network is up. Though, there are some things that require a page refresh e.g. schemas saving, compilation, etc.

    Like every web-platform, Creatio can handle it. If there was a request sent to the server and the server is unavailable (due to the connectivity issues) then the request will be stopped by timeout, but the request will be sent if the internet connection is up before the timeout.

    Business processes operate on the side of the server and it has nothing to do on the client's side. If you're out of internet connection and the process is running but there's no user action on elements required - it will continue running. For example, if the running process should execute the page opening (requires user action) the page won't be opened and you'll see the notification on the CTI Panel on the right (http://prntscr.com/sl8jst) with the message that the user action required in the particular business process.

    In general, business processes should not crash when the network connection on the client is down.

 WebSockets issue (as a consequence of the network issues) affects the fact of page opening only. If WebSockets doesn't work you'll get a notification on the right panel as I've mentioned earlier

Thank you.

Bohdan Zdor,

Thank you Bohdan for clarifying!

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