I'm using CRM Version cloud login and installed 'Zoom Meeting Connector for Creatio' plugin before meeting schedule as well. (Sales --> Activities -->New Task)
I created the task with 'Create Zoom Meeting' and once it saved this error is popped up 'Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.' as in below screenshot. Could you please help me to fix the issue.
the error has appeared in the 7.15.3 version. Zoom users weren't automatically imported to Creatio and a Zoom meeting can't be exported correctly. Please use the Creatio product of the 7.15.2 version. The responsible team needs time to fix the issue on the 7.15.3 version.
I'm getting problems with the meeting data, because the process to get Activity participants in the Zoom Meeting associates the participants with a wrong contact, as you can see in the image on http://prntscr.com/rij3k8.
Irina, the problem is the activity participants have no email and what the process did is to found the first contact with no email and attach this contact to the participant.
I think the process must see if no mail on particpant, it must no associate no one contact to avoid confusions.
the responsible team requested to add the ZoomUserId column to the detail list on the screenshot. Please, send the screen with the ZoomUserId column on the Zoom Meeting Participant detail.
I have several business processes that my users start from the contact record. Each opens a pre-configured page that allows my users to record information and make connections to other objects.
However, some of them take longer to start that I'd like. Is there any methods that I should investigate to try and improve performance? There aren't any steps before the preconfigured page so I'm not sure what more I could do.
Unfortunately, only from this screenshot, it is hard to tell what could be the issue. Please check that there are no web socket issues in your browser. Also, if your application is deployed on-site, please check that web sockets are set up correctly. If it is not the issue please contact support team at support@creatio.com.
I get this often as well, always with this specific add-on (the Excel reports package). I always play around with it and eventually get it to work where I can add it to a workspace, but never really sure how to get it to work. Hoping to se reply on this.
please specify the Creatio product and version to reproduce the issue. Try to add first any basic section to the workplace and after that the 'Excel reports' section.
The below code is in script task .Using "Terrasoft.OrderDirection.DESC" in the below code i getting errors.Please tell me how to get the order by column desc.
var fileId = Get("FileId");
var toaddress= Get("toAddress");
Stream FileA = null;
string Fname = "";
var entitySchemaManager = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager;
var entitySchemaQuery = new EntitySchemaQuery(entitySchemaManager, "UsrOfferManagerFile");
var fileDataColumnName = entitySchemaQuery.AddColumn("Data").Name;
var fileName = entitySchemaQuery.AddColumn("Name").Name;
Terrasoft.OrderDirection.DESC is used for ordering records only in the client esq. The issue occurs because in script task the server esq is used. Please find the example of ordering records in the server esq in the article by the link below:
The duplication rule is created for a custom section as well. Just make sure that the [Indexing for full-text search] checkbox is selected in sections properties - https://i.imgur.com/9fgFFAQ.png
I want to create duplicate rules for a custom object that is not a section. For example, I have a detail on the project section for participating schools, I want the records there to be unique, meaning, accountID+projectId should be unique.
We have a need to cache some data at the user session level on the server and have identified iCacheStore as the repository choice for this. The following link (https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-15/repositories) only gives examples to store strings as values inside the cache object dictionary.
Could we get a code snippet for how to store C# objects as values inside the cache object dictionary? Thanks in Advance!!
In order to store an object in Application cache you should serialize the object to string and save the string. Please find more information about serialization in the article by the link below:
There are no basic tools and features to realize your business task on a clean install of a standard Creatio product. It can be done only by means of development and customization, but unfortunately, we do not have any examples of its implementation.
If your client uses chrome only (no mobile app), I suggest that you find a voice recorder/transcriber extension that allows you to put the transcripted text in the [Note] text area.