We have a default portal in Creatio. But, I want to know is it possible to build a portal using the Laravel Framework. If possible, please guide me on this.
Such integration is possible in theory, but we did not face such integration before. Try to check Laravel Framework documentation, maybe they have some examples of integration with CRM.
Need some help on installation 7.15.3 version. After installed and start compiling got errors. here i am attaching error and build log files of error description.
My end goal is to be able to fill in fields in a detail with dynamic data from within the parent page schema, but not save these values to the database(display only). I am finding it very difficult to target the fields using javascript/JQuery. My thought is that wrapping each of the fields with a custom class would help, but I'm not sure how to go about adding a custom class to the fields as they are on a detail and not on a page. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or is there a better way to go about adding dynamic display only values to fields in a detail?
Edited to add additional information:
The objects already exist, and the data in those objects do need to exist in the database. The data is actually updated on a nightly process, but we want to be able to show real-time values when a user loads the page. Thus the reason for updating certain columns in the details.
In order to implement the required functionality please consider using a virtual detail. Please find the information about how to add the virtual detail on the page in the article by the link below:
I guess I could have added more information, but the objects already exist, and the data in those objects does need to exist in the database. The data is actually updated on a nightly process, but we want to be able to show real-time values when a user loads the page. Thus the reason for updating certain columns in the details. Because of this I do not think the virtual detail will work for our situation.
As far as I understand, you have a detail that is filled in with the values from the edit page. Once a day, the values from the page are updated (on a nightly process). Since you said that the detail values do not need to be stored in a database, but only need to be displayed, I think that the virtual detail is a good approach for this task.
In case, if this approach is not convenient for you, please clarify your business task so we could offer a more suitable solution.
Additionally, please find the information about how to add a custom style on the page in the article by the link below:
I think you read my response incorrectly. The data in the detail DOES need to exist in the database, and it is also updated on the nightly process. So the values from the page AND the detail are updated on a nightly basis, and do also exist in the database.
I have seen the css post you mentioned, but it's in regards too adding attributes to the body. Is there a function to add attributes to fields? That could be helpful.
If something is not clear, please let me know and I can add more detail for that.
I'm trying to introduce a method that when selecting an element from the grid, it saves the id of an attribute in a variable I created and when I delete that same record it has to start a process.
However, when I run all this pops up this error.
This is the code i implemented in order to achieve this.
You're actually getting ConfigurationGrid loaded into the ProcessModuleUtilities param since it's the first AMD module listed, which will go into the first param. You need to change the order to this:
You're actually getting ConfigurationGrid loaded into the ProcessModuleUtilities param since it's the first AMD module listed, which will go into the first param. You need to change the order to this:
Could you please give me instruction to use Automatic creating Zoom meeting via Zapier in Creatio CRM. I have CRM cloud login version is 7.15.3. Can I create Zoom meeting from this.
Thanks for the suggestion, I tried Zoom connector and came up with an issue. Could you please let me know which is the version it works successfully for you. As well as, how revert to that version from 7.15.3. Previously I added question related to same thing in https://community.creatio.com/questions/zoom-meeting-creation-error-crm.
As the subject, I want to process one by one the triggered business processes to prevent data conflicts.
For example: I have a custom field "Current balance" in "contact" section, and new section is "Adjustment balance log". When there is a new log, system will calculate the "Current balance". Problem happens when I import too many logs, the business process can't get the latest of "current balance" sometime.
When you add/modify a big amount of data at once the corresponding processes are created for each record. If you change some value inside of these processes, the value gets locked so you shouldn't have any data losses because of the parallel execution of processes.
If you want to queue several processes that start on the signal of one record, you can start them as sub-processes of one process. However, if you want to prevent the process from starting until the same process for the other record is finished, unfortunately, it is not possible.
Because they will run at the same time when I import many rows from MS Excel, I can't use sub-process. I don't understand what you mean in "If you change some value inside of these processes, the value gets locked so you shouldn't have any data losses because of the parallel execution of processes." The value is locked means it doesn't change until that process finishes or that process keeps current value at that moment, isn't it?
What I meant is that if 2 processes work on 1 value simultaneously, they both will actually change the value. Could you please specify what you mean by "Problem happens when I import too many logs, the business process can't get the latest of "current balance" sometime."? What exact error do you get?
It is checked as default when I add a new start signal into process. So, that process will run in background when it is checked, isn't it?
But when I run that process by clicking button "Run Process" of a selected row, the UI will be locked by loading, and I can't access another section. I want that process will run without locking UI, how can I config?
A simple signal has this checkbox checked off by default so please double-check that the checkbox is checked. However, if it is checked and the screen freezes when the process runs please contact submit a case to support@creatio.com as the issue should be investigated on your site.
I have added a number column to the OpportunityFile object, and I have two separate File details for uploading to the same Opportunity. I would like each detail so set my new column to a different value (numbers 1 or 2). How can this be achieved?
There should be two different schemas for these two details that are using the same object. To achieve your task you need to add this method two both your details schemas:
methods: {
save: function() {
setInteger: function() {
this.set("UsrInteger1", 2);
and replace UsrInteger1 with the name of your integer column from the object and specify the value of 1 or 2 in this part
this.set("UsrInteger1", 2);
for each detail schema separately. As a result, each time you add the file to each detail your integer column will be populated with the correct integer value.
If we change the status of an activity to closed, it still shows up in the related account as not completed (in the DCM part). How do we make the system see these activities as closed?
Right now they only dissapear when they go to the account and click complete.
I tried looking at the complete request in the network console, but all I see is that it sets the activity status to the same status it had before: https://prnt.sc/rj40so
Not really. We have created a second lookup that is more granular and maps to the Activity.Status in client code. When they select a value from this lookup, we set Activity.Status behind the scenes. However, when I check the database after these operations, Activity.Status is set to Closed.
This is the same status that I can see being used by the Dcm module. We want to have the same behaviour as when you would click the complete button in this screen: https://prnt.sc/rj5a24 and then click save.
In order to provide you with a proper solution, please tell us how the “_createLookup” function works. I could not find the source code of the function, so it should be your custom function. Looking forward to your reply.
Right now when I make a rule, my users can click past the screen that tells them they are making a duplicate. I want to make one of the contact rules not overridable. I don't see how to do that on the duplicate rule set up screen.
It is not possible to prevent users from ignoring this message. The only option is to run the duplicate search later to find all duplicates created by users and merge them.
Unfortunately, there is no such feature that would prevent the users from editing some particular duplicates search rule. However, you can restrict your users from accessing the rules section. You need to remove the user from CanManageDuplicatesRules operation permission. After that, when trying to access the duplicate search rules section, the user will not be able to open it and will see this notification:
Note, if your different user is a member of the System Administrators role, he will still be able to access the section since it is not possible to restrict the administrators access level.
I'm not worried about someone editing my rule. I am trying to make users stop making duplicates.
Right now when the system senses a duplicate - it creates a pop-up that says its a duplicate. My users have two options at that point. They can keep going and still create the duplicate or go back to the starting screen. I don't want them to be able to ignore the duplicate warning.
It is not possible to prevent users from ignoring this message. The only option is to run the duplicate search later to find all duplicates created by users and merge them.