Hi Community,

I have almost 10 plus dashboards in web application. Now in mobile I want only to show 3, how can I hide some of it? Is there a way I can filter it in Mobile Application Manifest?


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I think you can try the "Access Rights" option in dashboard and not give access to certain set of users who use the mobile app.

Thanks KrishnaPrasad,

On my scenario, access rights will not do. They should still need to see these dashboards in web application. I only need to limit the dashboards in mobile. Do you know if it can be achieve through filtration?

Dear Fulgen, 


There is no possibility to reach the functionality you have requested by applying changes to manifest only. 

You can do that overriding method onDashboardRecordsLoaded in Terrasoft.configuration.controller.DashboardPage (MobileDashboardPageController). 

An argument called "records" is passed into this method which contains all dashboards uploaded from DB. 

You can filter which of them to display in method onDashboardRecordsLoaded

Here is the short instructions on how to override an existing controller:

1. Create custom module which inherits the existing controller and add your own logic to it. Here is example for activity controller: https://prnt.sc/s8izs3

2. Create a custom module for replacing grid page for the created controller: https://prnt.sc/r0pz21

3. Create a Replacing client module for the existing manifest, copy the code from the base manifest, change the Grid property in the needed object and add the controller in the PageExtentions array: https://prnt.sc/r0q35h

4. Recycle pool and re-synchronize your mobile app.

Kind regards,


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Dear mates,


I have a requirement to insert filed group values as separate records in section. Can anyone provide me a solution to achieve this.



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Hi Nageswra,

Can you bring more information here or an example?

Thank you.

You can add a "copy details" check box in that field group, then call a process to create a new record in section, when ever this check box is ticked. The process creates new record in section only using the values of the fields in this field group. Assuming that there is not mandatory fields which is not in the field group. 


You can call this process from the section record directly.

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Hello Community


I need to know if the image here http://prntscr.com/ruapy1 is the same I need to upload on System Setting to “Logo - Thank you for your feedback / ImageThanksForRaiting”?


If not, which is the system setting I need to change?


Which specifications size must have the image?


Thanks in advance

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Hi Julio,


After a customer evaluates the quality of service, they will be redirected to the special “Thank-you” page where the customers can leave additional comments. Both the customer’s grade and comments will be automatically added to the [Feedback] field block on the [Closure and feedback] tab.


A “Thank-you” page


The page displays a corporate logo according to the value of the [Logo - Thank you for your feedback] system setting. Corporate logo setup is covered in a separate article.

Please let us know if it fits your query.

Thank you!

Bohdan Zdor,

Thanks @Bohdan, I know it, but what I need is to change the background image and I need to know wich is the System setting I will to change to do it, this image 

http://prntscr.com/ruoyul, I did it on "Logo - Thank you for your feedback" System Setting uploading an image of 1280x900px and what I get is a page with the image, but loose the objects over them, like the message "Your feedback has been..", the edition control to introduce comments and also the "POST COMMENT" button http://prntscr.com/rup3xj, this what I get http://prntscr.com/rup581


What I'm doing wrong?


Also, where can I change the text of the tittle and in the edition box "We are always looking at improving...."?


Thanks again


This system setting is currently not in use it will not change the image as you need. The only way to completely change this page is to apply changes to "CaseRatingFeedbackPage" schema (replace it and modify Background resource).


Best regards,


Thanks Angela

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Hi community, 

Is there any way to have lead stages sorted same way as they are in the web page ? I want them to be sorted same way as they show up in lead web page. 

Thank you

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Sanae ADRAR,

You can include the stage number in the displayed columns and click on stage number column to sort it


Okay found it. Thank you !!!

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I have been having issues changing the default behavior when adding a record from a detail with an editable list. After adding the “IsEditable” attribute to my detail schema, whenever I want to add a record from the detail page a new row is added rather than showing the edit page for adding a new record. Is there a way I change this behavior?

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Best reply

Daer Alex, 


You can override the method openCardByMode in the detail schema, forcing the detail to open the card instead of adding a row. You can see the original method in the BaseGridDetailV2 schema in the NUI package. 


Daer Alex, 


You can override the method openCardByMode in the detail schema, forcing the detail to open the card instead of adding a row. You can see the original method in the BaseGridDetailV2 schema in the NUI package. 


Dennis Hudson,

 Thank you I was able to override this method and it worked. For anyone  trying to do a similar thing here is the code I added to my detail schema.


openCardByMode: function() {
     const cardState = this.get("CardState");
     const editPageUId = this.get("EditPageUId");
     const primaryValueUId = this.get("PrimaryValueUId");
     this.openCard(cardState, editPageUId, primaryValueUId);    


I just removed the if else statement from the original method:


if (this.getIsEditable() && cardState !== enums.CardStateV2.EDIT) { 
} else {
    this.openCard(cardState, editPageUId, primaryValueUId);


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Hi community,


We implement a user action on "Ocorrências" section that give us our current location and set "imdEndereco" with our coordinates, as you can see on the "Screenshot_1.png".

Also, we created "Serviços" section with detail "Ocorrências" ("Screenshot_3.png") and we successfully establish connection between them. When we tried to create a new record on that detail, our action return our coordinates but cannot successfully set "imdEndereco". ("Screenshot_2.png")


Any sugestions on how can we resolve this problem?


Thanks in advance.


Best regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Dear Pedro, 


As discussed in the support case, the issue occurred because the imdEndereco was not in the QueryConfig columns and there was an issue with variables not explicitly converted into string type. 

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Hi Community,


In mobile application how we can enable the uploading of contact picture in contact, the same functionality in web application.


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In order to implement the required functionality please do the following:


1. Use the attachments detail for uploading the image.


2. Create a business process that should be triggered when a new image was uploaded to the application.


3. In the business process, you should copy data of the created record from the “ContactFile” table to the “SysImage” table. Please note that in order to copy the value from the “Data” column you should use the “Script task” business process element. Please find the example of the code below:


var getAttachmentId = new Guid("78B9876B-61CE-4EAB-9424-E19E2CABD2BE");

            var getImageId = new Guid("4C14605B-4904-43CE-8EC6-CD192222274A");

            byte[] getData = new byte[1000000];


            using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection())



                var select = new Select(UserConnection)



                .Where("Id").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(getAttachmentId)) as Select;


                using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor))



                    if (dataReader.Read())


                        getData = (byte[])dataReader[0];




            var fileContent = new MemoryStream(getData);

            var esqResult = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "SysImage");


            var entity = esqResult.GetEntity(UserConnection, getImageId);

            entity.SetStreamValue("Data", fileContent);


            return true;


Please do not forget to add the following namespaces to the business-process https://prnt.sc/s0ju9o


Additionally, please find more information about the “Entity” class in the article by the link below:




Best regards,


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Dear Mates,


I just wanted to check, How to create HTML pages in Creatio Interface ?





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Hello Nageswara,


Creatio platform doesn't allow to create HTML pages inside of it, however if you want to add the website reference into the Creatio app you can either use the "Website" dashboard (described here) or imbed your website using IFrames (described here).


Best regards,




Thank you.

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Dear mate,

on the accountpage, i want to display an iframe with a 100% tab height but i have the following error:


Refused to apply style from 'https://urltocreatio/0/conf/content/UsrAccountPageCSS.css?hash=bae4bbbf…' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.



So i tryed to publish my UsrAccountPageCSS.css object which is as Ryan Farley shows (https://customerfx.com/article/embedding-a-webpage-on-a-tab-in-bpmonline/):

#ExternalisationTab {

    height: 100%;


and i ve got the following errors:

Code: #ExternalisationTab {

Description: Expected an identifier and instead saw '#'.



I tryed to delete and to recreate the module UsrAccountPageCSS but i've the same issue




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Hello Nicolas,


I did everything straight to Ryan's instruction and everything worked on my side perfectly. Please pay attention to your CSS file - you should put


#ExternalisationTab {

    height: 100%;



not to the source code, but to the "LESS" tab of the .css file. After that everything should work as expected (save the .css file as well as Account Page schema).


Best regards,


Super !! it was the issue, i putted the code in the source code and not in the less tab.

Thank you Oscar !

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Hello, I created a new custom package to build a new custom section and business processes in. What package must mine depend on for emailing from a process to work? Right now my package depends on:

  • Base
  • CloudEmailService
  • DesignerTools
  • Managers
  • MarketingCampaign
  • NUI
  • ProductCore

Right now I've been able to write and save processes, however the process parameters are showing up blank in the email. It works if I write the process in the normal "custom" package, but why might it not work in my new package?


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Hello Mitch,


Please add these packages as dependent packages for your package:








Once done please generate source code for all items, compile all items of the app and everything should work as needed.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks Oscar. I did get it to work.

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