I need to have the total price with tax (Quebec taxes) but it doesn't work. I can see the tax amount but it's not added to the total amount of the order. 

1. I defined the tax value in "Taxes lookup" (See screenshot)

2. I have Price includes taxes set to have the tax in the total 

3. I defined quebec taxes as default tax in system settings


I'm I missing anything ??

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Sanae ADRAR,




Seems that due to your business task you need to disable the system setting. Please disable the system setting, relogin to the system, create new order, add a product there and check the result.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Wow it's working !! Thank you Oscar !

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Is it possible to have the sort setting and columns for the Lookup pop-up view to be deployed to another environment using Data bind or other method?


An example here is I added a new column in the list and it should be sorted by Full Name. When I deploy my changes to another environment, I want this to be included in the change.

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Hello Rozelle,


Please perform following steps:


1) Open developer console in your web browser (network tab)

2) Change the sorting order in this lookup

3) Catch "UserProfile" request that is sent when sorting is changed and you need to find the "key" value there (in the request payload)


4) Go to the database and execute


select * from SysProfileData where [Key] like '%key_from_step_3%'


double-check query result using ModifiedOn column


You will find a needed record about system user profile settings in such a way (exactly about sorting of the column). And the only thing left is to bind SysProfileData table data to your package.


Best regards,


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I have a custom detail, to edit some record:

  1. I have to click on it,
  2. then click on the ... vertical points icon and
  3. then select edit.


How can I made some field, like "Order number" to when I click on it, the edit record page open? just one step to edit the record.


Thanks in advance


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Dear Julio,


You can add a column that was selected as display value for the object to make it clickable. For example for Case object display value is case number, so if the case number is added to detail it becomes clickable. 

FYI, you could also just double click on the record to open it. 


Best regards,


Dear Angela Reyes,

Could you please explain more on how to make it clickable? Maybe by sharing some piece of code


Thank you in advance.



Mohammad Yahfoufi

Mohammad Yahfoufi,


A field on the detail is clickable by the default if it has the “Lookup” type. Please see the screenshot below:



Therefore, it is difficult to understand what you want to achieve. Please provide us with a more detail description of the required functionality.


Best regards,


Norton Lingard,

Hi Norton what I ask at the beginning of this Article and I think what Mohammad also wants to know is have a field like a Case number or similar, not a lookup, where if you click on this it open the case, in this case if you have a detail with some detail, could have some field to identify each line of this detail, like a correlative, and enable this field to be clickable to could click on it and open the detail line. Is that's correct 

Mohammad ?


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Hi Community,




As per Academy,  "Records are returned by pages, 40 records per page. If a request is supposed to return more than 40 records, the reception of the next page must be ensured to reach the end of the current page.". How can I execute automatically and get the data from next page? Any idea? Thanks.  


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Hello Fulgen,


The $top query parameter can be used to indicate how many records to return. While 40 is the default, if you use a value larger than the total number of records, all records will be returned. For example: 


Will return 100,000 contacts, or if less exist, all will be returned. Meaning if only 9000 contacts exist, all will be returned. 


You can also page the results, which is a better option in many/most cases. You can page the results by using $top along with $skip. For example, to page 100 records at a time, the first request would be:


Then the next request would be:


to get the next 100 records. Then the next would be:


You would keep incrementing the $skip by the number used for $top with each request to get the next page of results.



Ryan Farley,

Neither DataService nor Odata will return over 20,000 records

Ryan Farley,

Hi Ryan,


After exscuting this code below

XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(dataResponse.GetResponseStream());

I noticed there is a descendant "link" which value of attribute "rel" is "next", is that the link for next page?

Kirill Krylov CPA,

Thanks Kirill, I figured there was a hard limit somewhere and 20,000 makes sense as I've seen that limit with reads in processes as well - never tried loading more than 20,000 via OData/DataService, not a good idea - Paging is always the way to go!

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I want to know if somebody knows if there some Marketplace or another way to enable "Copy" when I enable on a Section Multiple Pages, a page for example in contact for type=Customer to a Page to type=Supplier or any. If I create a multiple pages lost some special controls like "PhotoTimeZoneContainer", the Section Action Dashboard (http://prntscr.com/rpqxbi) and so on.


Usually, when one wants a Multiple page could be the most of the times, wants to add info or show less one, I think is easier to duplicate the whole object, in this case Contact and delete what one don't need and add some specific data...


Thanks in advance

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Make following pages to use the main page as the parent.

Kirill Krylov CPA,

Thanks Kirill, on the source code? is there any where to do this, because I did it, but have a lot of problem to recognize the change, like Compile All to work!, could you be more specific, please?

Dear Julio,


In order to implement the required functionality you should do the following:

1. Create a main page schema that should contain a common functionality for all other pages.

2. When creating any other edit page, use the main page schema as a parent https://prnt.sc/s4h2pq


As a result, the functionality of the main page is available for all edit pages that have this page as a parent.


You can look at how any section page is implemented as an example. For example, the "AccountSecitonV2" schema has the "BaseSecitonV2" schema as a parent https://prnt.sc/s4h7a1


Best regards,


Norton Lingard,

Hello again


This doesn't works. What's wrong?


I create several pages on accounts, for example, please see at http://prntscr.com/tyf89k


Later go to the source code schema and inherits from the base one, see before at http://prntscr.com/tyfaq8 and after change the parent page at http://prntscr.com/tyfbnh


Clear cache, reloads http://prntscr.com/tyfev7


Open the account page and nothing http://prntscr.com/tyfgd7


Also I logout, clear cache, login and also nothing, even I compile all and nothing.


Go to section wizard opens page config and the parent page it's ok, but doesn't get the page I need, just an empty one http://prntscr.com/tyfhut


But if I click, for example on Source code and again on Page, magically I get what I want, but still doesn't work, because if I go back to Section Wizard and save, the page doesn't save the changes see at the following video in https://share.vidyard.com/watch/bFEFaUVYPMKVBiSVdgjSDJ?








We are glad to inform you that starting from 7.16.2 version you can now copy a section record page and customize it as a separate page. Please find more information about it in the article by the link below (the “USER CUSTOMIZATION TOOLS” chapter):




Best regards,


Norton Lingard,

Hi Norton, doesn't works, if fails. Did you try?, Support inform to me it's will be resolved on 7.16.4. For this reason I need to understand the "old way"



I have just tried to copy one page to another and it worked perfectly on my local instance with 7.16.3 version. Therefore, please consider using this functionality instead of using the old solution.


Best regards,


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Dear mates,

Since the Creatio version update, i've an opportunity process which does not open the order pageanymore.

When an opportunity is closed won, it launch a process which create a new order and must open it.

i can not find why the order is not open by the process. the order is well created with all the informations requested, but the order page is not opened


when i look into the Process log, everything is ok :

Does anybody have a suggestion to resolve this issue ?

Thank you,


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Well the process created me an activity name "Open Order", but it did not open the order.

How can i directly open the order with the process ?

LÉZORAY Nicolas,

Remove checkBox from "Run following elements in the background" on your start 

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Hi Community, 

I have two questions about mobile app usage : 

1. Where can we have access to emails using the mobile app

2. Same question about changing lead or opportunity stages, We don't see them in the mobile app. How can we have the same view of stages in the mobile app as in the web page. 


Thank you 


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1) As far as I know, the mobile app is not the best option for working with emails since email app could handle this task much better. You can create a detail from the activity object to view them. If you want to send emails it will be better to use mailbox application.


2) To see or edit stages you can add "stage" field to the edit page in the mobile app. If you mean DCM panel then, unfortunately, this functionality is not supported, however, this functionality may be added in the upcoming releases


Best regards,



Clear. Thank you !!

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Hi I'd like to create a rule where an email is attached to a custom object. I tried to follow the link below, but I don't see my custom object on the 'Connected object' drop down list. 



Do I need to execute some sql scripts? If so what script do I need to run?




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Best reply

Hi Jose,

You can select * from RuleRelationSections and see how the fields look.

You need the Name (capitalized) of the custom section you want to add and the Uid of this section from SysSchema table.

So the script should look like this:

insert into RuleRelationSections (Name,SectionSchemaUId) values ('name of the object capitalized','UID of the custom object from SysSchema')

Thank you.

Hi Jose,

You can select * from RuleRelationSections and see how the fields look.

You need the Name (capitalized) of the custom section you want to add and the Uid of this section from SysSchema table.

So the script should look like this:

insert into RuleRelationSections (Name,SectionSchemaUId) values ('name of the object capitalized','UID of the custom object from SysSchema')

Thank you.

Thanks Bohdan! I follow your instructions and it worked as I need it.

Hello Bohdan Zdor, 

Where we can get RuleRelationSections? and where to put the query?


Thanks in Advance

Hi Shrey Soni,

You can find RuleRelationSections as the object in advanced settings of your instance.

You can put the query using SQL Executor (https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/sql-executor-creatio)

if your instance is the cloud one.

In case you have an on-site SQL installation of Creatio you can use your SQL Management Studio to put the queries.

Thank you for choosing Creatio!

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Hi Community,

In mobile how can I change the display name of column in Section Page just like in web application we can change the column display name in "Section->Select fields to Display".

The image below show the example that I tried put the title name of the column.


An example already exists but is directed to change the display name of a column in mobile grid/List Page (https://community.creatio.com/questions/column-display-name-mobile-gridlist-page)



Thanks an advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Dear Pedro,


Currently it is not possible to do it in the mobile application. There were multiple similar requests from different customers and our development team accepted this idea. It will be available in the nearest future application versions.




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Hi all,

      I found the "ContactPageV2" use method "syncEntityWithCommunicationDetail" when changing value of any community option. So, how can I override that method in my "ContactPageV2"?


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Hello Mai,


You need to simply override the basic method and put your logic in it. Here is the Creatio Academy article that will be useful.


Best regards,


syncEntityWithCommunicationDetail : function(){




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